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Biz sizga xalqaro universitetlar talabasi bo'lishingizga ko'maklashamiz.

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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For paid promotions and feedback contact us at @CEOofBelarus

Last updated 2 weeks ago

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4 months, 2 weeks ago


Talabamiz Yodgora Nuriddinovani Messina universitetiga qabul qilinganliklari bilan tabriklaymiz va Italiyada kutib qolamiz!!!

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Share UNIME Admission Letter.pdf

4 months, 3 weeks ago


Talabamiz Sitora Isroilovani Messina universitetiga qabul qilinganliklari bilan tabriklaymiz va Italiyada kutib qolamiz!!!

6 months, 2 weeks ago

✔️Polytechnic University of Milan

?Magistratura (2 yil). Davomi.....

  1. Design for the feshion system
  2. Digital and Interaction design
  3. Electrical engineering
  4. Electronics engineering
  5. Energy engineering
  6. Engineering Physics
  7. Food engineering
  8. Geoinformatics engineering
  9. High performance computing engineering
  10. Landscape architecture
  11. Management engineering
  12. Management of built environment
  13. Materials Engineering and nanotechnology
  14. Mathematical Engineering
  15. Mobility engineering
  16. Music and acoustic engineering
  17. Nuclear engineering
  18. Product and service system design
  19. Space engineering
  20. Sustainable architecture and landscape design
  21. Telecommunication engineering
  22. Urban planning and Policy design

?Bepul o'qish
?€7600 yillik stipendiya
⚠️ Application to'lovi 50€
?Deadline: 30-Iyun, 2024

? Aloqa uchun: @goitalia_admin
? +998996680442

6 months, 2 weeks ago

✔️University of Milan

?Magistratura (2 yil). Davomi.....

  1. Environmental and Food Economics
  2. Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS)
  3. Finance and Economics (MEF)
  4. Geophysics
  5. Industrial Chemistry
  6. International Relations (REL)
  7. Law and Sustainable Development
  8. Management of Human Resources (MHR)
  9. Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MIE)
  10. Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine
  11. Molecular Biology of the Cell
  12. Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
  13. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  14. Philosophical Sciences
  15. Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs
  16. Public and Corporate Communication
  17. Quantitative Biology
  18. Safety Assessment of Xenobiotics and Biotechnological Products
  19. Sustainable natural resource management
  20. Valorization and sustainable development of mountain areas 6. Environmental and Food Economics
  21. Environmental Change and Global Sustainability
  22. Finance and Economics
  23. Geophysics
  24. Industrial Chemistry
  25. International Relations
  26. Law and Sustainable Development
  27. Management of Human Resources
  28. Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  29. Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine

?Bepul o'qish
?€7600 yillik stipendiya
⚠️ Application to'lovi 30€
❗️IELTS 6.5
?Deadline: 30-MAY, 2024

? Aloqa uchun: @goitalia_admin
? +998996680442

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Assalamu alaykum do'stlar. Ramazon oyi muborak bo'lsin!

? Ramazon oyi munosabati bilan e'lon qilgan chegirmalarimiz va haqiqatdan ham oilaviy sharoiti og'irroq 5 nafar talabalarni topishimizga bizga ko'maklashingizni iltimos qilamiz.

Yuqoridagi postni chetda o'qishni xohlaydigan, ammo moliyaviy sharoiti yo'l qo'ymaydigan bilimga chanqoq do'stlaringizga ulashing, va bizga haqiqatdan ham bilimga chanqoq va oilaviy sharoiti og'irroq talabalarni topishimizga ko'maklashing.

5 nafar talabani quyidagicha aniqlaymiz:

1) Haqiqatdan ham oilaviy sharoiti og'irroq bo'lishi kerak. Biz hech qanaqa dalil yoki hujjat talab qilmaymiz, shunchaki talabani o'zi bizga oilaviy ahvoli haqida yozsa kifoya. Biz bunda talabaning vijdonan javob berishiga ishonamiz.

2) Nomzod talaba Italiyada o'qish uchun minimum talablarga javob bera olishi kerak.
Bunda bakalavr bosqichida o'qish uchun kamida GPA 4.5+, IELTS 5.5+ yoki ingliz tilini kamida B2 darajada bilish.
Magistratura bosqichi uchun esa kamida GPA 75+, IELTS esa 6.5+ yoki ingliz tilini kamida B2 darajada bilish.


7 months, 1 week ago
***☑️*** **University of Rome Tor Vergata**

☑️ University of Rome Tor Vergata

▪️Shahri: Rim
?Reyting: #300 (US News 2024)

?Bakalavr (3 yil)
1. Engineering Science
2. Global Governance

?Magistratura (2 yil)
1. European Economy and Business Law
2. Economics
3. Finance and Banking
4. Mechatronics Engineering
5. Biotechnology

?Bepul o'qish
?€7600 yillik stipendiya*❗️Deadline: 24-may, 2024*

? Aloqa uchun: @goitalia_admin

Telegram | Instagram

7 months, 2 weeks ago
***☑️*** **University of Siena**

☑️ University of Siena

▪️Shahri: Siena
?Reyting: #452 (US news 2024)

?Foundation year - kontrakt mavjud, €3500 (1 yil, 11-sinflar uchun)

?Bakalavr (3 yil)
1. Economics and Management

?Magistratura (2 yil)
1. Applied Mathematics
2. Artificial Intelligence and automation engineering
3. Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Quality
4. Biotechnologies of Human Reproduction
5. Chemistry
6. Economics
7. Electronics and Communications Engineering
8. Engineering Management
9. European Studies
10. Finance
11. International Accounting and Management
12. Language and Mind: Linguistics and cognitive studies
13. Medical Biotechnologies
14. Public and Cultural Diplomacy
15. Sustainable Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

?Bepul o'qish
?*€7600 yillik stipendiya

❗️*Deadline: 29-aprel, 2024

? Aloqa uchun: @goitalia_admin

Telegram | Instagram

7 months, 2 weeks ago

☑️ Ca' Foscari University of Venice

▪️Shahri: Venetsiya
?Reyting: #501-600 (THE WUR 2024)

?Magistratura (2 yil)
1. Comparative International Relations
2. Computer Science and Information Technology
3. Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage
4. Data Analysis for Business and Society
5. Digital and Public Humanities
6. Economics and Management of Arts and Cultural Heritage
7. Economics, Finance and Sustainability
8. Engineering Physics
9. Environmental Humanities
10. Environmental Science - Global Change and Sustainability Curriculum
11. European, American and Postcolonial Language and Literature
12. Global Accounting and Finance
13. Global Development and Entrepreneurship
14. Innovation and Marketing
15. International Management
16. Science and Technology of Bio and Nanotechnologies
17. Sustainable Chemistry and Technology
18. Language Sciences

?Bepul o'qish
?€7600 yillik stipendiya

? Aloqa uchun: @goitalia_admin

Telegram | Instagram

7 months, 2 weeks ago
***☑️*** **Ca' Foscari University of Venice**

☑️ Ca' Foscari University of Venice

▪️Shahri: Venetsiya
?Reyting: #501-600 (THE WUR 2024)

?Bakalavr (3 yil)
1. Business Administration
2. Digital Management
3. Economics and Business, Markets and Finance
4. Hospitality Innovation and E-Tourism
5. Philosophy, International and Economics Studies

?Bepul o'qish
?€7600 yillik stipendiya

? Aloqa uchun: @goitalia_admin

Telegram | Instagram

We recommend to visit

News and announcements of the library. No books here.
??Official Chinese channel: t.me/zlib_china_official
? https://singlelogin.re
? https://twitter.com/Z_Lib_official
? https://mastodon.social/@Z_Lib_official

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For paid promotions and feedback contact us at @CEOofBelarus

Last updated 2 weeks ago

?Welcome to the best book channel of Telegram.

✨Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/BooksHub25

✨Contact admin ➠ @Bookshub_contact_bot

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✨ Copyright Disclaimer➠ https://telegra.ph/LEGAL-COPYRIGHT-DISCLAIMER-09-18