The Pious Muslimah

Establishing the Muslim Household upon the Quran and Sunnah with understanding of the righteous predecessors.(SISTERS ONLY).The aim is to direct sisters to the sources. The eminent Scholars of the Sunnah & the Students of Knowledge ONLY!
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2 months, 2 weeks ago
‎***🔖***Thābit Al-Bunānī (rahimahullah) on the pleasure …

🔖Thābit Al-Bunānī (rahimahullah) on the pleasure the night prayer would bring him.

‎Thābit was a Tābi’ī, an Imām, an ‘Ābid. He was born during the caliphate of Muā’wiyah, from those he narrated from are Abdullāh Ibn Umar, Abdullāh Ibn Zubayr, Anas ibn Mālik (رضي الله عنهم). His narrations are found in the Kutub as-Sitta (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dāwūd,, Tirmidhi, Nisā’ī, ibn Mājah). It is reported that he accompanied Anas ibn Mālik (رضي الله عنه) for 40 years. Abu Hātim counts Thābit as the second most of those who accompanied Anas Ibn Malik, after Zuhrī and before Qatādah.

📚See Tahdib al-Kamāl Al-Mizzī and Siyar A’lām An-Nubalā



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•The Pious Muslimah

2 months, 2 weeks ago
‎***📄*** Why were we given this …

📄 Why were we given this dunya?

‎'Uthmān bin 'Affān رضي الله عنه said:

‎"Verily, Allāh only gave you the dunya so that you use it to seek the hereafter, and He did not give it to you so that you would incline towards it."

📓 Al-Bidāyah wa-Nihāyah (241/7)

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•The Pious Muslimah •Al Manhaj AnNabawi

2 months, 2 weeks ago

*🔖*The Explanation of The Three Fundamental Principles – (Sharh Usool Al Thalāthah)

📓Lesson 4️⃣0️⃣
🎙Abu Talhah Dawood Burbank Rahimahullāh**

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•The Pious Muslimah•**

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***🔖***Divine Punishment: What Causes it and …

🔖Divine Punishment: What Causes it and how to remove it from Your Lives ― The Evil Effects of Sins and Disobedience in Society and upon the Individual (PDF eBook)

📖Read below or download the eBook PDF from here.

🖌️Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid



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•The Pious Muslimah

2 months, 3 weeks ago
The Pious Muslimah
2 months, 3 weeks ago
*****🔖***Mother asks: I have young children, …

*🔖*Mother asks: I have young children, and they misbehave all the time. What can I do? (Imām Ibn Bāz)

▪️Question to Imām Ibn Bāz (rahimahullāh):
I have a few young children, and they are often playing around and misbehaving. Is it allowed for me to make duʿā against them?
If some of your children misbehave such as cursing each other, insulting and arguing between themselves―then you should strive with them to teach them, guide them, advise them and discipline them―and make duʿā to Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) that He guides them. And do not despair nor lose hope, rather ask Allah to guide them and teach them―and also their father, their older brother and their grandparents―they should advise them and discipline them until they become upright, but don’t ever despair!



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•The Pious Muslimah •Al Manhaj AnNabawi

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***🌷***A hidden trait which the righteous …

🌷A hidden trait which the righteous fear...

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•The Pious Muslimah•**

2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
*****🌷***The Correct Intentions to Have When …

*🌷The Correct Intentions to Have When Getting Married — Shaykh Ibn ‘UthayminShaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-‘Uthaymīn (raḥimahullāh) said:
[Marriage Takes Precedence Over Other Non-Obligatory Acts of Worship]*Getting married, for one who has libido, is superior to supererogatory acts of worship. If a person finds themselves capable of arousal, and they have sufficient wealth to support the basic needs of a marriage, then doing so is actually better and of greater reward than carrying out non-obligatory acts of worship.

As for obligatory acts of worship, they take precedence over marriage, because Allāh says in the Hadīth qudsī:
وما تقرَّب إليَّ عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضته عليه
“These is no action my slave does, seeking nearness to me, that is more beloved to me than the acts of worship I have made obligatory upon him”. (al-Bukhārī)

So if a person were to ask: what’s better? For me to stay in the mosque worshipping Allāh, praying, doing tasbīḥ, and reciting Qurān; or for me to get married?

We say to him: if you are a person who gets aroused, and you possess that which is sufficient to fulfil your obligations in a marriage, then it’s better for you to get married than to stay in the masjid worshipping Allāh. This is because there are, in marriage, tremendous benefits to be reaped, and these benefits outweigh supererogatory acts.

If a person fears for themselves zinā (fornication), due to the intensity of their sexual desire and the open avenues to fornication in their country, then it is not just better, but obligatory upon them to get married.

This is unlike a person who lives in a country where the avenues to zinā are closed off, and it’s difficult to fornicate. Even if their sexual appetite were to become intense, there’s no outlet for them to fornicate. As for a person who lives in a place where fornication is easy, if his sexual desire overpowers him there’s nothing to prevent him from falling into zinā.

So if one fears zinā due to its preponderous causes and scant preventative measures, then marriage in his case becomes wājib (obligatory), as it safeguards him from falling into such calamity. This is because avoiding zinā is an obligation (wājib), and that which is required in order to uphold an obligation, becomes in of itself an obligation.
[What Should my Intention be in Seeking to Marry?]When getting married, one shouldn’t only intend to expend their sexual desire, as is the case with the majority of people these days. Instead, they should intend the following:

Firstly: to obey the command of the Prophet ﷺ when he said:
يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج
“Oh youth, whomsoever of you is capable of supporting a wife then get married…”. (al-Bukhārī & Muslim)
🔗Read More⤵️

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