Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
#Off_topic Today, I had an IELTS test, I will share share details since it may be useful for those planning to take the test/ learning English. Speaking: - Part 2: Talk about a facility(theatre, cinema, sport crntrr) in your area and how it affected your…
Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire deal🇵🇸
Wrapping up 2024 & plans for 2025
1) Started actively doing sports & gym
2) Read more than 20 books
3) Relocated
4) Started Investing
5) Found a hobby
6) Mentored
7) Made good friends
8) Travelled
9) Enrolled to Uni
Plans for 2025:
1) Read 25 books
2) Spend 3% of income on professional growth
3) Exercise regularly
4) Follow sleep routine
5) Mentor 2 students (positions open, this can be you 🙂)
6) Save 20%
7) Volunteer (Any ideas?)
8) Charity 3%
9) Learn more about finance, savings, and investment
10) Get to the Senior Level
Ancha vaqtdan beri ChatGPT yordamida yeyayotgan ovqatimni kaloriyasini, qilgan ishlarimni kaloriyasini o'lchab yurardim, ammo bu narsa borib-borib qiyinchilik tug'dira boshladi va man dasturini ishlab chiqdim.
U ChatGPT va Claude modellarini ishlatib, 95% aniqlikda ovqatlarni ozuqaviy qiymatini aniqlab beradi.
Eng oxirgi fine-tuned modellar ishlatilinsa ham, dasturning narxi oyiga $4 dan oshiqroq. Albatta hozircha.
Shuningdek, guruh-guruh bo'lib, kaloriya yoqishda foydalanish mumkin.
Ozmoqchi bo'lsangiz ichida eng ishonchli manbalardan darsliklar ham joylangan. 3 kun free trial, dasturni bemalol test qilib ko'rilsa bo'ladi. - deb qidirib ishlatib ko'ring.
Qandaydir bug chiqsa, kommentda yoki dastur orqali yozishingiz mumkin.
Tamara is hiring: - Middle Backend Engineer (4+yrs of exp) - Senior Backend Engineer (6+yrs of exp) Riyadh office, KSA Highly recommended, I very much enjoy working at Tamara so far) If you meet the requirements, send your resumes to me, I can refer. @…
How much did attending GMW Summit in Doha cost me? ?
✈️ Plane Tickets round-trip, Qatar Airways - $483
? Hotel, Ibis Doha - $280
Additional $30 for early check-in
? Taxi, Metro fares - ~$80
?️ GMW ticket - $350
? Dinner, lunch, breakfast that was not covered by GMW (most days were) - $55
? Gifts - $100
? Shopping - $140
⛸️ Ice Skating - $20
? Other - $30
Total: $1,300
I was reading a book from a Turkish author, then I started noticing ideas inside the book that, simply put, do not correspond with my values. Did a couple of minutes research on the author, and, indeed, she was publicly advocating those ideas.
Needless to say, "Threw a book into trash" achievement unlocked.
But then it hit me, "Okay, I got rid of the book, but what about the music I listen to or the movies I watch? Am I being selective in these aspects as well?"
Let’s study ??
Husayn Buxoriy
Onlayn (sirtqi) Islomshunoslik fakultetiga qabul davom etmoqda 1-oktabrdan Moskva Muftiyati huzuridagi oliy ta’lim maskani – Muhammadjon Husaynov nomidagi Islom institutida o’qish boshlanmoqda. Erkaklar uchun imom xatib, Islom fanlari o’qituvchisi, ayollar…
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🤖 Trading Bot: @BlumCryptoTradingBot
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
💬 Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago