Russian Mission Geneva

Official Telegram channel of the Permanent Russian Mission to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva

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2 years, 3 months ago

On June 15, 2022, the Permanent Russian Mission to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva hosted a reception on the occasion of the Russia Day

We were glad to welcome colleagues and friends from the diplomatic community, Permanent Representatives of other countries, public officials from international organizations, fellow compatriots and guests.

In his welcome speech, Ambassador Gennady Gatilov noted i.a. that:

? Russia’s millennial history has always had global importance. We take pride in our culture and traditions.

?? Russia’s strength comes from the unity of our people. It is the greatest virtue that helped our country overcome the perils of the past.

? Our country always had and continues to bear a unique historic mission – to defend other nations from tyranny and oppression.

❗️ Russia will not and cannot be isolated. It is impossible to “cancel” the centuries-old Russian culture. There is no way our voice can be muted at the international institutions.

2 years, 3 months ago
**Right of reply by a Russian …

Right of reply by a Russian representative at the UNHCR 50th Session:

? The current discussion once again confirms a complete absence of intent among the "collective West" countries to conduct a mutually respectful dialogue with other states.

? In order to achieve their geopolitical goals, they do not shun anything – they engage in mass disinformation without a twinge of conscience, exert undisguised pressure on sovereign states, clamp down on rights and freedoms, trample on the principles they declare. When it comes to their own actions, they remain blind and deaf.

? Apparently, the Americans and Europeans manipulating the information space believe that it is possible to forget the atrocities committed by the West over recent years and decades.

? A lot of data is surfacing nowadays that indicates not just a well-thought-out geopolitical scheme to turn Ukraine into "Anti-Russia".


2 years, 3 months ago
**Statement by a Russian representative at …

Statement by a Russian representative at the UNHRC 50th Session:

? Russia has consistently supported the efforts of the High Commissioner to fulfil her mandate . We positively assess the development of a constructive dialogue between the OHCHR and China.

? At the same time, Ms. Bachelet, we regret to note the unprecedented increase in one-sidedness and politicization of your approaches, above all – to the assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Your Office defiantly ignores the materials we regularly provide on the crimes committed by the Kiev regime in Donbass, about the inhuman torture and murder of Russian soldiers.

? We regret that you do not have the courage to condemn the use of civilians by the Ukrainians as "human shields" and civilian infrastructure – as firing positions. You do not wish to notice the hateful statements made by Ukrainian officials calling to eliminate the Russian-speaking population, hunt down Russian journalists and mistreat Russian soldiers.


2 years, 4 months ago

When it comes to lies - some Western mainstream media know no shame.

A German national TV network Tagesschau reported that Russia was responsible for for yesterday’s massive shelling of Donetsk’s residential area, when, in fact, it was the Ukrainian military behind the heinous crime.

Confirmed i.a by the UN, but would it really matter for those, who “support the current thing”?

2 years, 4 months ago


Myth: Russia is using energy supplies for political purposes.

Faсts: It is the EU which, by imposing or planning to impose further unilateral sanctions against Russian energy supplies, is politicizing the energy sphere, attempting to use interdependences between energy consumers and suppliers as an instrument of political pressure, while damaging its own economy and the well-being of its citizens and aggravating what is already a precarious situation in the global energy markets.

Unfounded allegations that Moscow is using energy supplies for political aims are part and parcel of the fact-twisting information warfare unleashed by the EU and the US, the latter seeking to increase its LNG exports to the EU.


2 years, 4 months ago

President Vladimir Putin on the Russia Day 2022:

?? I congratulate all citizens of our country on the Russia Day – a public holiday dedicated to our Motherland.

✊? Today we are especially aware of how important it is for our home country, for our society, for the people to be united. We inherited our unity, devotion to the Motherland, responsibility for her from our ancestors.

☦️ We understand the immense power of these centuries-old traditions, moral values, and spiritual foundations. They were born and strengthened throughout Russia’s millennial history, and today they unite our multinational people, for whom candid, deep patriotism has always been and remains sacred.

⚔️ We take pride in the achievements and military victories of our forefathers, all those who aspired and knew the ways to move forward, discover new things, achieve progressive development of our Motherland, defend it on the battlefields and assert its worthy role in the world.

2 years, 4 months ago

Выдержки из интервью Г.М.Гатилова телеканалу «Россия 24» 9 июня 2022 г.

✈️ Отказ ряда европейских стран пропустить борт С.В.Лаврова для осуществления официального визита в Сербию – возмутителен. Это – очевидная попытка запрета суверенному государству осуществлять свою внешнеполитическую деятельность.

? Сейчас в Женеве проходят конференции так-называемых «химических» конвенций ЮНЕП. Несмотря на отдельные попытки политизировать и эту сугубо научную площадку, работа проходит в нормальном русле.

?? Международная комиссия по расследованию на Украине - это заведомо политизированный механизм, направленный на «очернение» политики нашей страны. Мы дистанцируемся от сотрудничества с ней.

? С российской стороны никаких препятствий для вывоза зерна с Украины нет. В контактах с представителями ООН, нами были даны конкретные соображения как это можно было бы сделать, а также в каких количествах Россия готова экспортировать зерно и удобрения. Однако тут возникают вопросы к украинской стороне.

2 years, 4 months ago

Key statements made by Director of the Economic Cooperation Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Birichevsky during his briefing on global food security

(June 10, 2022, Geneva)

The unfavourable situation on the global food market began to take shape a while ago, not since the beginning of Russia's special military operation.

It dates back to February 2020 and is linked to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the world economy was "disoriented" and had to be restored.

Three reasons behind the current crisis

1️⃣ US missteps in regulating its economy during the pandemic

2️⃣ EU overestimation of the alternative energy sources resulting in a dramatic price hike

3️⃣ Irrational one-sided sanctions against Russia - one of the world’s leading food and energy producers

?? The current situation in Ukraine was also discussed.


2 years, 4 months ago

Выдержки из выступления Г.М.Гатилова на онлайн-концерте по случаю Дня русского языка в ООН 8 июня 2022 г.

?? 6 июня в ООН отмечается День русского языка, приуроченный к дню рождения великого поэта - А.С.Пушкина. Это в высшей степени символично, потому что именно Пушкин поднял русский язык на недосягаемую высоту, показав всему миру его величие и красоту.

❗️ К большому сожалению, сегодня предпринимаются попытки стереть все русское из каждого сегмента жизни людей – от науки и спорта до истории и искусства. Это – не что иное, как бескультурье, ограниченность в вопросе восприятия прошлого и настоящего нашего народа, а также в целом желание вычеркнуть Россию из международного общения.

? Вычеркнуть имена великих русских писателей и поэтов из всемирного литературного наследия значило бы оставить зияющую брешь в столь прекрасно многообразном лоскутном одеяле прозы и поэзии, которое изо дня в день согревает и обогащает наши души.


2 years, 4 months ago

? As we celebrate the 350th Anniversary of Peter the Great, it’s important to note that a part of his legacy is closely linked to Switzerland.

?? More specifically, to the cities of Geneva and Astano.

⚓️ Geneva became the birthplace of Franz Lefort - a renowned Russian General Admiral, mentor and a very close friend of Peter’s.

? Astano, a small, yet historically rich town in the canton of Tichino, is the home town of Domenico Trezzini. In 1704, he became the first architect of the newly founded Russian capital – Saint Petersburg.

????? And this is just a small fraction of the rich history between Russia and Switzerland!

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