FurCPhoto Art Library

I'm fursuit photographer and this is a telegram mirror of my work I post on social networks.

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3 months ago
Not sure how good goat hooves …

Not sure how good goat hooves are at tickling, but this kid looks like it's happy to try.

I'm always excited to see any hoofers (and honestly, as much as I love canines, it's great to see ANYTHING else :P) and I loved the performance. Super lively, super active. I hope to get to photograph it again :)

3 months ago
Looks like the kitty is after …

Looks like the kitty is after you. Run, else you're in danger of being hugged!

One of the sweetest feline fursuits I know :) I've probably shared the story before, but just in case I didn't - I happened on him randomly on NFC. I was internally like "OMG, what do I need to do to get a photoshoot with him" and then we've been introduced as "This is Vlk, he's a photographer." "What a coincidence, I have a new fursuit and am looking for a photoshoot".

So of course I found some time in my busy schedule (actually it really was busy) and I'm a keen fan of this lynx since then. And then someone would greet me on GLC and I'm like "who the fuck are you?" Only later I've realized I've never seen him -without- suit before :)

3 months, 1 week ago
I've sent out a new set …

I've sent out a new set of wallpapers for my patrons.

If you'd like to get some background info about the photos, decorate your desktop with them, or just support my work, please consider joining my patrons, I'm always happy when new people join in :)


3 months, 1 week ago
Um... bull didn't do it, he …

Um... bull didn't do it, he was framed >.> I know it's a lame joke, but when you gotta, you gotta...

Those who've been following my work for a while would know that while it was heavily raining all over Czechia, my photosession which was supposed to be entirely about rain, produced raniless weather :P On the other hand, I was extremely lucky with these frames. I was wondering what the hell they are, was guessing some art installation, so why the hell not...

Turns out they are actual frames for photos, but the photos were installed a day after the frames were set up. They are already lit though. So I've literally hit the only night when I could get this photo :P

Also yes, you will be seeing Muu a lot, because I'm often lacking models lately, so it's his time to shine :P

3 months, 2 weeks ago
The pier ends here, but not …

The pier ends here, but not your path. Stay close to my lantern; its light will keep the shadows at bay. Step forward when you’re ready, and don’t look back—only the brave cross these waters, only the worthy enter the Luminous Depths.

I went through the photoshoot and half of the photos are the same pose with the lantern providing ilumination, I realy need to work on this aspect :) But I love it, even though it's slightly out of place in the modern harbor. And let's admit it - magical dragon with electric torch just doesn't have the proper ring. Also there's totally a candle inside and not a led light. Definitely.

3 months, 2 weeks ago
Nice memories of my subway photoshoot. …

Nice memories of my subway photoshoot. Love working with multiple people, love working in environments with artificial lights. Next time gotta lecture models about the universal "if you can't see the lens, the camera can't see you" - courtesy of the extra pair of ears sticking out behind the husky :P

3 months, 2 weeks ago
I never miss a chance to …

I never miss a chance to put a dog behind the bars :P It gives the photo at least a very basic story. What do you think he's been locked up for? :)

One of my garage photoshoot pieces. Not sure if I want to try exactly garage again, but it was definitely an interesting experience after all my park and forest photos.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Ssssh, no dragons here.

Ssssh, no dragons here.

A wonderful spontaneous pose and gesture during the outing. Which I've missed of course, because someone stepped in front my lens and I had to ask the dragon to repeat me.

And that's how it goes when I try to work without arranging the subject :P

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Usually when you see me photographing …

Usually when you see me photographing a fursuiter at a piano, he has no idea how to play it. This one is an exception, since he not only knows how to play, but makes and edits music on regular basis.

The photo is from an interior lighting test. I need to make more indoor shoots like this, it was both a fun experience and a nice photo.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Moo hidin' cuz moo shy.

Moo hidin' cuz moo shy.

Part of my autumn photoshoot with Muu. I have a ton of photos with him now - and am really happy about that, since I really love the suit.

The wall he's hiding behind is "the smallest lookout tower". It's about two meters above the surrounding terrain. Typical Czech humor. I wonder if it's been build from EU development funds...

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