ACAB includes Tankies

marxist leninists are liberals, not communists. here you will learn why.

memes, articles, essays, books that critique marxism and its variants, and marxist leninist states like the ussr, china, cuba etc.
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas

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2 months ago

"The Russians have succeeded in one thing: they have sold the world the idea that they represent socialism and the ideas of Marx, and we have done the greatest service to their propaganda by agreeing that that's what it is."

— Erich Fromm, Interview with Erich Fromm

2 months, 1 week ago
ACAB includes Tankies
2 months, 1 week ago
fixed it

fixed it

2 months, 1 week ago
they did the meme

they did the meme

2 months, 2 weeks ago
ACAB includes Tankies
2 months, 2 weeks ago
ACAB includes Tankies
2 months, 2 weeks ago
in a massive blow to the …

in a massive blow to the immortal science of marxism leninism, counter-revolutionaries in these prisons have been freed after the unfortunate fall of the anti-imperialist assad family

2 months, 3 weeks ago

anti-communists ? tankies

"communism is impossible without a state"

2 months, 3 weeks ago

"The Marxists understand by dictatorship of the proletariat the dictatorship of a Marxist party executive on which they bestow the power of government even over the councils, the right to make law, to levy taxes, and to every form of representation of the revolution, up to declarations of war and treaties with foreign state governments. Supposedly this party clique is to be allowed to ensconce itself as the ruling power only until the complete implementation of socialism.

Since, however, every centralist state power means state, consequently forced advancement of authority, special status for the privileged, assault on equality, thus is such dictatorship nothing other than the clearing of a new path for an oppressing class, for new exploitation and for all the damages removed by revolution.

The implementation of socialism can thus under such an allegedly proletarian dictatorship never be achieved, and the new power will never abdicate until chased off by a new revolution in favor of the councils."

— Eric Mühsam, The Liberation of Society from the State: What is Communist Anarchism?

2 months, 4 weeks ago

"The liberation of the laboring class must be the work of the laborers themselves! In this assertion is contained the profession of faith in individual responsibility, in equality, in mutual aid and in free will, just as international unity likewise proclaims the negation of the state, and thereby of centralization, supremacy and authoritarian power.

Only the infiltration of Marxist doctrine into the class struggle concept brought the dissolution of class unity as well as of the internationalism of the workers.

Under the influence of Marxism the workers created for themselves centralistic party and union organizations, mandated officers for the discernment of the workers’ interests, whereby they placed their struggle for liberation into the hands of superior representatives, took part in the state’s parliamentary elections, so that the state with its national borders again attained for them an objective significance, and let themselves be caught up by state-administered socialism.

Thus has the worker become citizen, and his struggle against exploitation is wrecked on the contradiction that he supports and strengthens the public apparatus determining the exploitation."

— Eric Mühsam, The Liberation of Society from the State: What is Communist Anarchism?

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Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas