bouflfly, OPEN!

daydream staircase o’layover here. inch the quietest emphatically most comfortable homesever. the o’endeavour, felicity sun—place, beryllium sword lily @bouflflybot.

status: OPEENGGG
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The channel strictly adheres to the requirements of the official Telegram community. All content is for adults (over 18 years old).

My official channel for any news & announcements.

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1 year, 5 months ago

ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ MUSEUM OF ㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤ BOUーARTS. melting carol, thermal pharnyx. plumule adorn th' epoce as ordinary, bear in mind o’ savor malodor. glance tale toward abode—salutary upon madame who ‘tis high-lone th' manor. jubilate esse! gent hast bore further;…

1 year, 5 months ago

NOW WE'RE OPEN! we'll be waiting for your awesome form on @boulfflybot!

ps: for the first 5 buyer will get 1 free moodboard!

1 year, 5 months ago

{what a beautiful day, @bouflfly mutual! could you please spread this information to your channel? we really appreciate for your generosity, much obliged! ❁}

howdy-doo! to everyone who reads this message, we always wish the citizens to have the day they had anticipated previously. where one will feel alone cannot be predicted; at that point, people require entertainment. when awful things happen, it's worthwhile to try the amuse yourself; that's why we established a place that will keep you happy. today on this day, @bouflfly finally opens for the first batch with the specified 14 february at 7 PM! all catalogue will be available, and customers may place an order in a delightful store.

customers are expected to remember read the regulations before filling the format by doing so. let's go send your unique format to @bouflflybot right away! we'll assist you in finding the things that will make you joyful today.

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago

ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ MUSEUM OF
ㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤ BOUーARTS.

melting carol, thermal pharnyx. plumule adorn th' epoce as ordinary, bear in mind o’ savor malodor. glance tale toward abode—salutary upon madame who ‘tis high-lone th' manor. jubilate esse! gent hast bore further; which oft catch-22s actually existeth, but mird dead-ends obliviate thiter tailgateth. satiny lanate moggie backeth, luech crumpl piece o’ paper yond sayeth “catalogue of bouflfly” alloweth's procure an observe equal!

@i478png for more results...

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago


important information: in order to prevent anything negative from happening, individuals must pay great attention to the master police in our store.

cherish your day, listeners. representing the retailer on behalf of @bouflfly, who owns all of the products and catalogs on this channel. if someone attempts to plagiarize, repost, or otherwise falsely claim ownership of material in bouflfly, we will take serious action against them. a fine of IDR. 500.000 will be imposed on anyone who engages in the aforementioned nasty behavior at our store, and a greater fine will be imposed on those who malign our store. anyone who violates the aforementioned rules, will be banned from our store too. be prudent when attempting and avoid doing unpleasant stuff from other shops. utilize your cerebral creativity to create something from your work that grabs a crowd's attention. we appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope that no one else commits crimes similar to the one described above in the future.

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago


{page one, i} the first one important thing to say; any customer who purchase one of our those catalogue, obligatory be subscribe on our channel first before ordering.

{page two, ii} if some of customer have sent the format, it means FIX ORDER. for customer, please literacy so that there is no unintended error.

{page three, iii} we hereby request politely to customers fill out the format cleary and detail so that the seller understands what the customer wants.

{page four, iv} process will take about 1-7 days. if customer want results with a quick moment, please use an inrush option.

{page five, v} strictly prohibited to make a hit and run because it can harm one of the parties and maximum revision is 2x24hours, the major revision will be subject to additional fee. last but not least, we accept payment to customer pay via DANA and QRIS with fee.

1 year, 5 months ago
We recommend to visit

The channel strictly adheres to the requirements of the official Telegram community. All content is for adults (over 18 years old).

My official channel for any news & announcements.

*Important Note* :