In The Name Of God
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پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
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Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 6 months ago
موقعیت آموزشی-پژوهشی در دانشگاه Warwick انگلستان برای دانشجویان کارشناسی
*✅Summer Research Experience for Bachelor Students*
▫️The URSS and Summer Research Experience are 8 week programmes taking place at Warwick University. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to work on cutting edge research in statistics, probability, or mathematical finance in collaboration with staff and PhD students in the department. You will be expected to produce a poster describing your work on the project. It should include an overview of the relevant academic literature, a reproducible description of your own work and methodology, as well as a report of obtained results.
For external students, accommodation will be arranged and paid for, and you will receive a total stipend of £1500 for the 8 weeks and up to £200 for travel to cover living expenses.
?Deadline: 19th January 2025 (end of the day, UK time)
موقعیت پریداک در مدرسه اقتصاد لندن
*✅Pre-Doc RA at LSE:* Quantitative Models of Cities
▫️The Centre for Economic Performance seeks to appoint one or two full-time research assistants (“pre-docs”) on the ERC funded research project “Quantitative models of cities” under the direction of Professor Daniel Sturm. You will be part of a team including other research assistants and collaborators. The research project explores new aspects of the economics of cities using newly developed quantitative models and data from Denmark and other countries.
Salary from £35,758 to £40,741
?Monday 27th January 2025 (23.59 UK time)
موقعیت دکتری اقتصاد با فاند کامل در دانشگاه بیلفلد آلمان
✅Fully Funded PhD Position in International Economics, Bielefeld University
▫️The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Bielefeld University is offering PhD positions in International Economics.
Position details:
- Research focus: International trade, migration, financial flows, and policy coordination
- Part of Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management (BiGSEM)
- 66% position with salary level 13 TV-L
- 3-year contract
- Tasks include research (65%), teaching tutorials (25%), and organizational duties (10%)
- Master's degree in economics or related fields
- Experience with empirical research
- Excellent English skills
- Programming skills (R, C++, Julia, Python) preferred
- Interest in working with big data
?Deadline: January 31, 2025
موقعیت فول فاند دکتری اقتصاد/روانشناسی در Erfurt آلمان
*✅PhD scholarships in Psych & Econ - CEREB, Erfurt*
◽️The Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences
(CEREB) at the University of Erfurt looks for excellent PhD candidates,
supported by a scholarship awarded by the University of Erfurt.
The CEREB is an interdisciplinary research group with special interest
in different aspects of human decision making. Funding Start Date: January 1, 2025 (at the latest April 1, 2025) and Funding Amount: € 1.400 per month with an extra family-allowance.
? 30 September 2024, 11:59 pm CET
*✅Development Economics Predoctoral Fellow (multiple positions)*
Organizer: CEGA(Center for Effective Global Action)◽Several faculty affiliated with CEGA seek outstanding predocs (Assistant Specialists) to support empirical analysis and administration for rigorous impact evaluations spanning diverse topics and geographies.
? Thursday, Oct 3, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
*✅Lewis Lab Graduate Student Workshop*
Organizer: University of Manchester▫️The workshop will bring together a group of advanced PhD students and scholars working in economic history, (macro or comparative) development, political economy, and related fields. Faculty participants will provide constructive feedback and discussions on student presentations, in a welcoming and inclusive environment. It will be immediately followed by a conference on "Economic Development and Structural Change: A Conference in Honour of W. Arthur Lewis" (November 14-15).
Students will be fully funded (travel and accommodation for 4 nights) by the Arthur Lewis Lab to attend both events, with generous support from the Hallsworth Conference Fund.
? November 14-15, 2024
۲۵-۲۴ آبان ۱۴۰۳
? Application deadline:
17 September 2024, at 5PM GMT
مهلت ثبت نام : ۲۷ شهریور ۱۴۰۳
موقعیت دستیار پژوهشی در دانشگاه بولونیا ایتالیا
*✅Research Fellowship in Experimental Economics, University of Bologna*
▫️Call for applications for a 12-month research fellowship (€19,367) at the Department of Economics at the University of Bologna, as part of the project DYNOSOR (DYnamics of SOcial NOrms under collective Risk). The main topic is Social norms and their dynamics in situations characterized by risk and uncertainty (climate change, pandemics, natural disasters). A Master's Degree or equivalent in Economics or a related social science field is required.
?Deadline: 26 June 2024
مدرسه اقتصاد سیاسی برای دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی و پژوهشگران پست-داک
*✅23rd Summer School in International And Development Economics*: Political Economy and Development
Organizers: Unimi, Unito, Bocconi, CEPR, IGC
Lecturers: Claudio Ferraz (UBC, NBER), Sandra Sequeira (LSE, CEPR)
▫️The school is targeted to graduate students, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers in economics in the field of “Political Economy and Development”, with a focus on governance and accountability in developing countries and the consequences for socio-economic growth, corruption, migration and conflict.
Participants will be charged €650, and a limited number of fee waivers can be assigned to students from Developing Countries.
Location: Castello di Gargonza, South-East of Florence, between Siena and Arezzo, Italy.
?3-6 Sep 2024
Deadline: 3 May, 2024
موقعیت کار پژوهشی در آلمان
✅Research Assistants (Doctoral Researcher/PhD)
▫️The position is offered for a period of 3 years, if no former times of qualification must be considered. The starting date is 1st of August. The position is part-time (75 % of regular working hours) with salary and benefits commensurate with a public service position in the state Hesse, Germany (TV-H E 13, 75 %).
?Deadline: 12 May, 2024
In The Name Of God
تبلیغات? :
Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago
☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies
? تبليغات بنرى
? تبليغات اسپانسری
پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
Last updated 2 months ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 6 months ago