
PhilosophiCat's astrology channel! For teaching and discussion of Hellenistic astrology.
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1 year, 3 months ago
Some of you may be interested …

Some of you may be interested in this. Robert Hand is the last surviving of the 3 Roberts of Project Hindsight.

1 year, 4 months ago

For those who have not yet heard the sad news, Jeff Winston, founder of White Art Collective, passed away under tragic circumstances, leaving behind his fiancée, Hiraeth, and their 3 month old baby.

She is now facing raising their infant daughter alone, her dreams for the future shattered, and her entire life has upended. Those who know Hiraeth know what an unfailingly kind person she is and she and Jeff deserved a better ending to what was a beautiful love story.

No amount of money can ever bring Jeff back, but it can help her rebuild her life and ease some of her financial stress while she goes through her grieving and rebuilding process.

I ask each of you to donate what you can. The link to the fundraiser is below. Please be as generous as your finances allow, as her need is great. If you are unable to donate, consider sharing this with others?


Support fund for Hiraeth and baby

Our community grieves along with Hiraeth the unfathomable loss of WAC Founder, and Hiraeth's fiance, Jeff Winston who died unexpectedly. Their baby daughter ...

For those who have not yet heard the sad news, Jeff Winston, founder of White Art Collective, passed away under …
1 year, 4 months ago

Those of you who attended our study groups will remember Hiraeth, without whom they would not have been possible. Please consider helping her out if you are able.

1 year, 5 months ago
Did you get to see the …

Did you get to see the solar eclipse today?

1 year, 5 months ago


New Substack article exploring the esoteric significance of the sign of Libra.

If you don't know anything about astrology, that's ok! This isn't a technical article on interpreting it in a natal chart, but rather a more meta discussion of what it has to tell us about the transcendent solar quest of man. Anyone interested in symbolism and myth can enjoy it.

Non-subscribers can still read it for free with a 7 day trial

1 year, 7 months ago

A number of people have inquired about the study groups and I want to let everyone know what’s happened with that.

My workload this year (not just from astrology, but all sources) has dramatically increased and I’ve not been able to make the time for the study groups.

When I began them, I had initially anticipated that it would be simply a study group- a place for astrologers (whether amateur, hobbyist, professional) to come together to discuss the craft or work on charts together. However, it quickly became clear that while there were many people interested in learning astrology, not enough people had a solid enough grasp of the basics to make a study group feasible as I had originally conceived of it. And so it turned into essentially teaching mini courses on the basics.

And don’t get me wrong because I really do love teaching and it was a lot of fun to do those sessions, but the time commitment this required became unsustainable. Rather than 2 hours on a Friday evening, it became a full day of preparing slides and finding suitable example charts.

As other areas of my life demanded more time and attention, it became nearly impossible to find a free day in the month to run the study group.

I’m hoping that this might change a little later in the year or by early next year, so it is still my desire to bring these study groups back, whether in the lecture format or as just a facilitated discussion of all things astrology.

And of course, since those began last year, everybody has been learning a lot and seems to have developed a better grasp of chart mechanics, so we have some flexibility that we didn’t have previously.

I’m curious to hear from you, if you were a study group attendee, if you’d be interested in bringing them back in a more casual format: you bring charts and put them up for discussion and we all pick through them as a group or you can bring questions about something you’re stuck on or whatever? Or do you prefer them to be lecture + chart demonstrations that we had been doing?

1 year, 9 months ago
A friend has set up a …

A friend has set up a TikTok for me where she is clipping things of astrological interest that I’ve said in streams. I have no idea how to use TikTok at this point, but there’s a chance I might eventually make exclusive astrological content there- my friend is making a strong case for it- so give it a follow if you feel so inclined.

1 year, 10 months ago
This was another odd horary I …

This was another odd horary I cast lately. The querent asked if she was pregnant. She is the Sun and the Moon, the baby would be Jupiter.

At first glance, this looked really positive. Jupiter cazimi! You couldn’t get a more perfect picture of the baby inside mom.

But wait… the aspect is still applying. For conception, we need to see a recently separating aspect. If it’s applying, conception hasn’t happened yet. And the perfected aspect is still a few minutes off.

Then you see that the Moon has just entered its exile in Capricorn. Not a great testimony for pregnancy. ?

I told her I didn’t think she was pregnant.

And it turned out that she was not pregnant, BUT…!!!

Later that same day, she received an extremely Jupiterian business proposal that would leverage her creative skills, which she accepted, thus conceiving a different kind of “baby”.

1 year, 10 months ago
I want to give another example …

I want to give another example of a lost object horary. While I don’t share William Lilly’s fondness for them, occasionally you just need to find something! Today was such a day.

I had a choice in this case for the significator of the missing object between Mercury as the lord of the 2nd and the Moon as the natural ruler of lost objects.

Taking Mercury suggests it will be found in a 9th house place- my office, most likely, which also physically lines up with the layout of my house. It also indicates the item is unable to be seen (Mercury is combust). But I knew it was probably not even upstairs. I looked anyway, but it wasn’t there.

So I had to consider the Moon instead. Also “unseen” due to its eclipse. But on the IC and in a water sign, this pointed to downstairs and possibly somewhere comfy. (At least, I hoped it referred to a comfy place and not a wet place like the pool!) My reading sofa perhaps, which also lines up with the layout of my house?

I finally found it on the little table next to the sofa, somehow wedged underneath a stack of very 9th house type of books (mainly astrology and philosophy)!

Generally two significators for a lost object only add confusion and I don’t recommend it as a standard practice, but this was one of those occasions where both significators gave me a clue.

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