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4 weeks, 1 day ago

with Gramsci, and many figures of his Republic eventually became anti-fascists). It's just that the Duce was smarter and paid tribute to an inconvenient national hero, rather than imprisoning him.

I would like to add: the phrase once uttered to explain the National Bolshevik image of the future, “NB is the Republic of Fiume on an imperial scale ,” is not without meaning and in many ways corresponds to my aspirations.

Who is against us?

Comrade Valdis

4 weeks, 1 day ago

The eternally drunk and eternally young pirate Republic of Fiume is 105 years old

105 years ago, a column of Italian WWI veterans, led by the poet Gabriele D'Annuzio, entered a small town on the Adriatic coast.

Italy was among the winners in the First World War, but it turned out that its "Western partners" had abandoned it and instead of the promised lands in the Adriatic (this is how the Italian Irridenta could have ended) it was given only a small Italian-speaking province of the former Austria-Hungary. To this day, historians call Italy after the First World War a defeated country in the camp of the victors .

The great Italian poet and war hero D'Annuzio gave the patriotic Italian press the term Mutilated Victory , which united the people. The center of the political confrontation between the nationalists and the liberal government was the question of the ownership of Fiume, a small Italian-populated city that was to go to Yugoslavia.

The government was afraid to violate "the norms of international law" (there's nothing new under the sun, right?) and was going to hand over the Italians of Fiume to the Yugoslavs. In response, a conspiracy arose among the nationalists, with D'Annuzio at its center, and the goal of taking Fiume by force. A detachment was assembled, consisting mainly of veteran arditi (assault units, akin to the shock troops of the Russian Army) and volunteer blackshirts. On the morning of September 12, they set out on a campaign led by a Fiat convertible decorated with flowers. The Poet was sitting in it. The city was occupied without a fight, and the troops prepared to resist went over to the side of the rebels, seeing D'Annuzio's military decorations.

The rebel troops initially wanted to give the city to Italy, but instead of accepting such a gift, Italy blockaded the city. At first, Mussolini helped the rebels, but he, too, cut back on aid, seeing the Comandante as a political rival. The food problem in the city was solved exotically - with the help of piracy and distribution of cocaine on the streets.

Adventurers, artists and poets from all over Europe began to flock to the city. The post of Prime Minister in the D'Annunzio Government was taken by the syndicalist De Ambris, and the anarchist Kochnitsky became the Minister of Foreign Affairs. There were futurists, fascists, anarchists and other radicals in the city. The morals were established accordingly. Every day was a holiday, a parade, a theatrical performance. Every night was a feast. The inhabitants admired the Comandante's speeches and were delighted with the new way of life. Men signed up as legionnaires, women gave themselves to the legionnaires.

The Fiumari movement could have expanded further. Kokhnitsky wanted to form a "Fiume League" and established relations with revolutionaries from different countries for this purpose. There were contacts with the Comintern (it was not for nothing that one of D'Annuzio's main supporters, Mario Carli, called the experience of the Fiumari uprising "Italian Bolshevism"). The People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Soviet Russia Chicherin called D'Annuzio "an absolute revolutionary" and, although he said that his revolution was not close to the Soviet one, he even sent his delegation to the rebellious city.

The adventure ended in the most vile way. Shortly after the Italian Regency of Carnaro declared independence (disillusioned with the idea of ​​joining Italy), Italian troops entered the city, having previously bombarded it from the sea. Fiume was betrayed and the Republic had to be dissolved.

I think the reader was inspired by the historical analogies with the history of Novorossiya, its Gulyai-Polye years of rebellion and abandonment for many years by Greater Russia. The only difference is that the Italians did not have to fight for Fiume, Mussolini was able to negotiate with Yugoslavia and take the city without a fight in 1924, and D'Annuzio did not sit in prison, unlike Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, although he also was in opposition to Mussolini's regime (the poet was close to an alliance

1 month ago
3 months, 4 weeks ago

The philosophical sobor «The great Russian rectification of names» The conference for online participation was held on May 24. The collection of articles in English is attached to this post. On February 24, 2022, Russia was forced to launch a special military…

4 months ago

Reposting this again to keep a reminder in face of current "happenings"

4 months ago

Reflexiones post electorales La noche de ayer Claudia Scheibaum se convirtió en presidente de México, teniendo una victoria arrasadora sobre sus rivales con mas del sesenta por ciento del voto electoral. Desde el principio de la elección estaba más que…

4 months ago

Reflexiones post electorales

La noche de ayer Claudia Scheibaum se convirtió en presidente de México, teniendo una victoria arrasadora sobre sus rivales con mas del sesenta por ciento del voto electoral.

Desde el principio de la elección estaba más que claro que Scheibaum iba a ganar, no había duda de ello, los representantes de la oposición política eran de dar pena.

¿Que reflexiones podemos sacar?

Morena se posiciona como la fuerza política más poderosa del país, han ganado la mayoría en el congreso y en los estados.

A pesar de sus fallos, la posición soberanista de Morena, su cauteloso distanciamiento de las políticas de USA, su apoyo a la causa palestina y sus tendencias navionalistas han sido de sus principales logros. Toca ver si esa tendencia continuará creciendo o disminuirá este sexenio.

Xochilt Galvez y el prianismo, tienen su merecido lugar donde deben de estar: El basurero de la historia. Esperemos no volver a saber de la botarga.

La alianza PRI-PAN ha quedado totalmente derrotada, estos partidos representan los intereses de las elites neoliberales, con marcadas tendencias pro-occidentales. A pesar de los fallos que pueda tener Morena, la derrota de estos partidos es una victoria para el pueblo mexicano.

Recordemos que las elites mexicanas han apoyado a Zelenski, Israel y al partido democrata.

¿Qué podemos esperar de Scheibaum?

Hay muchas expectativas y temores, la ahora presidente ha prometido continuar la 4T trazada por AMLO, veremos como va avanzando conforme pase el tiempo, de su sexenio depende la continuidad de Morena en el poder.

Espero que ahora si se autorice la jornada laboral de 40 horas y por fin México se una al BRICS pero esto último lo veo muy complicado.

Esperemos que en materia de seguridad se mejore de lo que fue el sexenio pasado.

¿Habrá una política sionista en México?

Es difícil decir esto, hasta el momento Scheibaum se ha mostrado moderada y no debemos olvidar que fueron los judíos ricos de Polanco quienes más atacaron a la ahora presidente y apoyaron la candidatura de Xochilt.

Siguiendo el apoyo a la causa palestina de Morena, esperamos que continue o se incremente con el nuevo gobierno.

Debemos de estar atentos a las revoluciones de colores que surjan por parte del PRIAN a partir de ahora.

En cuanto a la oposición en un futuro, los viejos partidos están muertos, por ahora Samuel Garcia con Movimiento Ciudadano puede ser una fuerza puede ser quien le quite la presidencia a Morena en 2030 pero depende de como avance su gobierno. Si no hubiera sido quitado por las trampas de los prianistas, Samuel pudo haber dado batalla a Scheibaum aunque hubiera perdido en esta elección.

Por ahora un nuevo gobierno empieza en México y sólo queda ver si el soberanismo continuará creciendo frente al globalismo, el futuro de la 4T si se vuelve una fuerza multipolar o se estanca, depende de este sexenio.

Fernando Trujillo

4 months ago

Okay now need to find eu election map and news about mejicos finest newest ~~governor for goyim~~ presidenta or presidentessa

4 months ago
4 months, 1 week ago

В приведённой публикации отражены темпы естественной убыли населения, которые наша Родина претерпела в последние годы, а также прогнозы по этому процессу на ближайший исторический период. Глядя на эти цифры, наполняешься горечью и негодованием, ведь за сухой…

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