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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Xaloyiq 8-mart munosabati bilan faqatgina female memberlar uchun VIP writing kursimga skidkani jinnisini qilaylikmi? Faqat 8-mart kunni o'zi uchun xolos ?♂!
600,000 so'm ❌
190,000 so'm ✅
?Yuqoridagi to'lov 3 oylik access uchun!
You can also gift my course to your precious female relative or friend!
FYI: Shaxsiy rekordlarimdan parcha ?
Overall 8.5 - ??
Overall 8.0 - ???????
Writing 8.0 - ??
Writing 7.5 - ?????
Got anything to ask? ? @simplebaha ??
*?People often move to a new country without acquiring the language spoken there. As a result, they face different social and practical challenges, necessitating the learning of the local language.
If a person who does not speak, say, English language moves to the UK or the USA, they will have to wrestle with various social problems. For example, it will be very challenging for them to talk to locals, let alone form friendships with them. However, the opposite is true for others who have a good command over English language. While learning this language, they, along the way, also gain many insights into the culture around it, allowing them to approach locals easily and find common ground. This helps them widen their network of people and the circle of friends, only bettering the experience of living in a new country.
People who do not speak the local language are often exposed to practical problems, too. As simple as using public transport or opening a bank account in a foreign country can be a huge burden. However, carrying out such and other similar practical tasks can be easy for people who have acquired the language that is spoken where they live. A good example is my polyglot friend who can speak several languages, one of which is Arabic. He has been working and living in Dubai for the last two years, and not once has he complained about the practical aspect of his city in this city.
In conclusion, not knowing the language where you live can be socially and practically challenging. However, people who are able to speak the language necessary can bypass these challenges. This shows that a person who is planning to move to a new country should need to learn the language spoken in the host country before moving there.*
Band 8.0 (303 words)
?The bar chart compares male and female teachers across various educational settings in the UK in the year 2010.
Overall, the higher the education level became, the more male teachers dominated the teaching jobs in the UK in the given year.
In 2010, there were significantly more female teachers than male ones in nursey and primary schools. The percentage of women working as nursery teachers was just below 100% in the UK as opposed to around 5% of their male colleagues. There was also such a great gap in the percentage of male and female teachers working in primary schools, around 90 and 10% respectively. However, this gap was rather negligible for secondary-school teachers.
By contrast, around 70% of university teaching jobs were occupied by male teachers, more than twice that of female ones (30%). Male teachers also outnumbered their female counterparts in private training institutes with an around 5% difference.
However, the proportion of both male and female teachers working at collages was the same in the UK in 2010, each of them accounting for 50%.
Written by Baha
?Overall bechorani faqaaat bitta paragrfga qiynab joylamasdan body paragrflargayam chiroyli qilib tarqatib yuborsa ham zo'r bo'ladi lekin! Writingdan boshqacha ball olish uchun ozgina boshqacha ish ham qilib turish kerak (odatiylikdan qochish kerak deyman)@writewizbaha
Line Graph va Bar Chart bitta task 1da??
Qanday qilib 20 minutda yozamaaan??
Task 2ni yozsam bo'ldiye?
Videodi ko'rganizdan keyin task 1ga 20ta bar chart va 20ta line graph beradimi farqi yo'q 20 minutda 7+ga yozishdi o'rganib olasiz?!
Faqat videodi ko'rgandan keyin comment qoldirish esdan chiqmasin???!
720HD ? video size katta chunki sifat bombastic
Should you study at university or no? Watch the above video to get the answer!
If I Were 18 Again, Here's What I Would Do
Business owners: I buy and scale companies. I make more free stuff to help you scale here:
A super interesting article...
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago