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The worst of all people is he who lies and thinks that people believe him only because they do not want to embarrass him by revealing his ugliness. They fear God regarding him and he does not fear God regarding himself.
An old video of Shaykh Ahmed Saad al-Azhari on Seeking Truth: The Life of Salman Al-Farasi
مَن لدى الفقه كمالكْ * إنه نجمُ الممالك
وطّأَ العلم وأحيا * نوره بين المسالك
جار طه في بقيعٍ * هل له في ذا مشارِك
مذهبٌ فخم عظيم * فُتّحت فيه المدارِك
فيه نور، فيه سر * تنجلي منه الحوالك
رب فاختم لي بحسنى * في بقيع عند مالك
رب واجمعنا جميعا * في جنان بعد ذلك
وكتب/ د. أحمد سعد الأزهري المالكي
"إباحة تعاطي الجدال للعامة الذين لم يتدربوا في تحصيل القوانين ولم يتهذبوا في سبيل البراهين يجرى مجرى حل قيد الشياطين ورفع سد يأجوج ومأجوج فإنه يثير سلطان قوتهم السبعية منخلعةً من يد قائد العقل وقيد الشرع"
الراغب الأصفهاني
Allowing argumentation to the masses who have not been trained in the arts of the laws of dialectics and proper use of proofs is tantamount to unleashing chained demons or removing the dam of Gog and Magog. It triggers their desire to prey on others, unbridled by the sound of reason or the authority of Sharī’ah”
Al-Raghib al-Isfahani
طه الذي فوق الربيع تربعا *
ولكل ألوان الجمال استجمعا
لما رأيت القلب فيه تولعا
صغت المديح مخمسا و مسبعا
صلى عليه الله ما داع دعا
وشفى بترياق اليقين سقيما
*صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
وكتب:. أحمد سعد الأزهري Taha is he who settled on full Spring,
All beauty but gathered under his wing,
When the heart became ablaze with longing,
In fives and sevens poetry started pouring,
May God bless him whenever a caller starts calling,
And with certitude he treats a sick one from whim ,
Send abundant peace and blessings on him
Ahmed Saad al-Azhari*
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi rāji’ūn.
With complete sadness and heavy heart we offer condolence to all students and lovers of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham al-Kabbani who returned to his Lord earlier. I had the pleasure and honour of meeting Mawlana Shaykh Hisham on many occasions and locations between London, Singapore and Madinah. I have always found him a great man of Allah, full of love and service, generosity and patience. He had a great sense of humour and love for everyone regardless of their background. His work across the world and his Da’wa are witness to his love for Allah and His Messenger ﷺ.
May Allah elevate him to the highest stations of Paradise and grant him immense reward for his da’wah and service. Al-Fatiha.
When God’s Light Shines:
When God’s light shines upon the heart, it sees things differently. It sees people as the creation of God and thus deserves mercy and it sees the universe as God’s make and thus full of beauty.
The creation is a depository of God’s signs and a manifestation of His beautiful Names. However, it requires light to see and perceive all of this. This light belongs and comes only from God. As we are told in the Qur’an, “He whom Allah gives no light to, such has no light”.
May Allah manifest light upon us, grant us light in the heart, the mouth, the eyes, the ears, the face, the mind, the limbs and make us complete light.
ألم تر أن دين الله يسرٌ * وتخفيف وتلطيف ورحمه
وأن سناه يحيي القلب حقا * وأن هداه منبعُ كلِّ حكمه
وأن القائمين عليه صدقا * هم الورّاثُ زينةُ كل أمه
Do not you know that Allah’s religion is ease,
Lightness, gentleness and a mercy breeze,
And that its light brings hearts to life,
And its guidance is a fountain of all wisdom,
And that those who serve it with sincerity,
Are the inheritors; the adornment of every community.
[1] Luxury and Modern Societies:
A feature of modern life is wide accessibility to luxury. I understand that some may lift their eyebrows at this statement. “Luxury! How while many in the world are suffering poverty and poor living conditions” some may say.
Yes, the current state of affairs are quite miserable for humanity. Yet, human beings, at least in the northern hemisphere if not elsewhere in the world as well, are quite luxurious. Human, at least these humans have taken certain luxuries unavailable to their predecessors or even available previously to the elite as common place.
Take flying as an example. After remaining a dream for centuries, flying started as a luxurious option available only to limited number of individuals before becoming everyone’s treat in the past years. While this has facilitated many things to people, it has made people accustomed to new levels of luxury and ease that made normal life appear difficult and uninteresting to them. Their concept of place, distance and their connection to earth and traversing has changed for good.
In the end, luxury of sort has invaded wide spectrum of our lives and captured many folks such that it has become the new norm. With that humans have lost independence, natural options ceased to be natural.
[To be continued]
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago