Yan Mac Oireachtaigh

Ceannaire Na hÓige Náisiúnaí
Candidate for Dublin South-West
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2 weeks, 5 days ago
Read my recent interview with V-

Read my recent interview with V-
Nieuws 'here'

3 weeks, 4 days ago
Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
2 months, 3 weeks ago
We welcome the recent decision of …

We welcome the recent decision of the hostile Israeli state in closing down their embassy in Dublin.

The actions of certain elected members of the Israeli Knessett and government in calling for the expulsion from Palestine and the flooding of Ireland with millions of ethnic Palestinians is utterly disgraceful and unacceptable.

This act of closing the Israeli embassy clearly constitutes 'playing the victim' when no Irish political figure has ever called for the ethnic destruction of Israel in the same fashion as certain Israeli government officials have for Ireland.

While this is not our fight, we hope that further pressure can be applied to help halt the rapid territorial expansion of the Israeli state at the expense of its neighbours, which is having a destabilising effect on the Middle East and downstream spurring a further exodus of migrants towards Europe.


3 months ago

Itsenäisyyspäivän 612-soihtukulkueen videokooste löytyy nyt Suomen Sisun YouTube-kanavalta. Videolla nähdään tyylikästä kuvaa kulkueesta ja kuullaan historioitsija ja kansanedustaja Teemu Keskisarjan puhe kokonaisuudessaan.

Pääset videoon tästä: https://youtu.be/_-Faow9PsXY

3 months ago

At last nights meeting of Fingal County Council, I proposed a motion to compel Fingal County Council to release the figures relating to the number of foreign nationals currently on the local authority's social housing waiting list.

A similar question asked by a Cllr from Fine Gael in 2011, when answered, found that 51% of the individuals on the housing list at the time were foreign nationals.
A figure that has likely only risen after 14 more years of sustained mass immigration.

Last nights motion was seconded by Aontú Cllr Gerard Sheehan, who stated that he was against the motion but wanted the issue discussed.

The Labour Party Mayor reprimanded Aontú for "working with the far-right", Cllr Ellen Troy jumped in to throw Cllr Sheehan under the bus and declared that Cllr Sheehan's support of the motion being floored "wasn't Aontú", as you will see in the video that will follow.

After pushing for a vote on my motion, the motion was defeated 28-1, with both Aontú Cllrs joining the government and leftist parties to prevent updated stats on numbers of foreign nationals on the housing list being released.

The actions of Ellen Troy in Fingal County Council last night, as well as her willingness to throw her own party colleague under the bus when he dared to allow open discussion of the effects of mass immigration into Ireland, shows definitively that Troy and Aontú leadership are more than happy to be joined at the hip with the Irish regime.

The 28-1 vote result should tell you all you need to know about who the real opposition in Ireland is.

Join the National Party.

3 months ago
3 months ago
Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

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