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1 year, 7 months ago
After quite some time we took …

After quite some time we took a risk a traded on our AMS today!
Seems like we did the right gamble!
A massive 11.6% ROI today! More than 2x of our regular target of 5%

1 year, 7 months ago

We are still in a ranging market. This range was created right after the Budget and Adani buzz. Now that it has died down, Market is just waiting for fresh triggers to decide the direction.
Unless this range is broken you can expect market to be volatile, Erosions to be high and writers enjoying the market.
As buyers it will be quite hard to take good trades as market isn't going to give you easy opportunities.
Due to this reason we are also not taking any AMS trades as its going to be pointless to try and trade when market is this unstable!

1 year, 7 months ago
Good Morning!

Good Morning!

1 year, 7 months ago

We are still in a news driven market!
Adani issue is still not out of the water. We will soon hear from SEBI/NSE/RBI about adani and what they are planning to do so it could get wild!
We had taken a long break from AMS and we are planning to start today!
If there is a slightest of doubts we will not trade today

1 year, 7 months ago
Good Morning!

Good Morning!
Have a profitable day!

1 year, 7 months ago

Income tax rebate increased to 7L on the new tax Regime!

1 year, 7 months ago

Today is the biggest day for India and the Indian government, The last budget of the present Government will start at 11AM today!
We should expect the budget to please the middle class or in other words the retailers!
Would we see some changes to our taxation policies or a lot of allocations towards retail spending?
Either way this one will be rocking the market and there will be wild moves on every word our FM says.
She usually carries a red file that contains everything about the budget. If anyone is watching you will see her carrying it around. It is the most important document that will make or break the market too.
There will be no trades today but I am inclined to go long for today!
Market is expected to open gap up but do not expect it to be easy. Its going to be very volatile at opening and then market will be extremely flat and will wait for the FM to start announcing policies. As she announces, market will digest every work and based on that it will swing. Not a place for people who are new.
Today is a day to watch and enjoy the market!
Do note that tonight is the FED meeting and tomorrow is the RBI meeting all of which are new driven events which are going to drive the market wild!
So unless you have a pretty deep pocket, Would suggest staying out for the next 2 days.
If NF breaks the 17500 mark and the BNF breaks the 39700 mark (Mondays low), We will see a blood bath! On the upside there is no limit but we would need something concrete for the FII's who are strong sellers for the past week to cover their positions.
If nothing major is announced expect the market to erode premiums quickly!

1 year, 7 months ago
Good Morning All

Good Morning All
Have a profitable day!

1 year, 7 months ago

Just a reminder -
We are not taking any AMS trades till the end of this weekend!
There are a lot of things going on in this market and we are waiting for it to settle down!
On one side Adani volatility is running. On the other side -
Union Budget 2023 Feb 1
US Fed rate hike Dec. Feb 1
RBI Meeting rate hike Feb 2
This week there are a lot of news driven events time to stay wait and watch so we don't burn our hands!

1 year, 7 months ago
Good Morning!

Good Morning!
Have a profitable Day!

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