Bring Them Home Now - Israel Hamas War Massacre Disaster

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5 days, 3 hours ago
הערב, א' באלול, ראש חודש הרחמים …

הערב, א' באלול, ראש חודש הרחמים והסליחות, התקיים ערב ״שרים סליחות לשובם״ בכיכר החטופים 🎗️

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

5 days, 4 hours ago
הערב, מול ביתו של שר המשפטים …

הערב, מול ביתו של שר המשפטים יריב לוין במודיעין


Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

5 days, 4 hours ago
נכדיו של ליאור רודאיף עמדו הלילה …

נכדיו של ליאור רודאיף עמדו הלילה אל מול ביתו של השר ישראל כץ.

במשך 40 שנה ליאור התנדב כנהג אמבולנס באשכול והושיט יד לכל. לפני 333 ימים ליאור נחטף מביתו בקיבוץ ניר יצחק לעזה.

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

1 week, 5 days ago
Bring Them Home Now - Israel …
1 week, 5 days ago
Qaid Farhan Alkadi who returned to …

Qaid Farhan Alkadi who returned to Israel today, after 326 days in Hamas’ captivity, is a Beduin, Muslim and an Israeli citizen.

On October 7th Hamas terrorists abducted Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Atheists.
As of now, hostages with various religions, ethnicities and nationalities are still being held hostage in Gaza.

We must bring all 108 hostages back home, NOW!

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

1 week, 5 days ago
Bring Them Home Now - Israel …
2 weeks, 5 days ago

RT @Isaac_Herzog: With great sorrow and immense pain, we send our heartfelt condolences and a warm embrace to the families, loved ones, and friends of the six hostages whose bodies were returned last night from Khan Yunis in a military operation — Yagev Buchshtab, Alex Dancyg, Yoram Metzger, Avraham Munder, Chaim Peri, and Nadav Popplewell. May their memories be blessed.

We must not stop for a moment from working in every way possible to bring back all the hostages — the living to the embrace of their families, and the dead to be laid to rest. This is Israel's highest moral duty.

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

2 weeks, 5 days ago

RT @Isaac_Herzog: בצער רב ובכאב עצום אנו מאמצים אל ליבנו את משפחותיהם, אוהביהם וחבריהם של ששת החטופים שגופותיהם הושבו הלילה מחאן-יונס במבצע צבאי - יגב בוכשטב, אלכסנדר דנציג, אברהם מונדר, יורם מצגר, נדב פופלוול וחיים פרי. תנחומינו הכנים. יהי זכרם ברוך.

אסור לנו לחדול לרגע מלפעול בכל דרך ובכל צורה להשבת כל החטופים לנוף מולדתם - החיים לחיק משפחותיהם והחללים לקבר ישראל. זו חובה מוסרית עליונה של מדינת ישראל.

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

2 weeks, 5 days ago

The Hostages Families Forum mourns the murder of Abraham Munder in Hamas captivity.

We extend our deepest condolences to the Munder family

Abraham, 79 years old, had lived in Kibbutz Nir Oz for over 50 years. He fought and was wounded in the Six-Day War. Known as the legendary warehouse manager at the Nirlat factory in the kibbutz, Abraham was a beloved kibbutz member, hardworking, loyal, and a talented singer in the Eshkol choir.

Abraham was kidnapped along with his wife Ruth, their daughter Karen, and his grandson Ohad. The three family members were released in a hostage deal after 50 days in captivity. Abraham and Ruth's son Roy was murdered on October 7th.

"This morning's devastating news about Abraham Munder's murder is further proof of the urgency to finalize and implement the deal to bring back all the hostages.

Abraham was captured alive and endured agonizing captivity alongside his loved ones. He should have returned home alive to his family. His murder in captivity underscores the delay in implementing the deal that could have saved his life and the lives of other hostages.

The Israeli government, with the help of mediators, must approve today the deal currently on the negotiating table. This will allow for the rehabilitation of living hostages, dignified burial for all deceased and murdered hostages, and restore hope to the people of Israel."

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

3 weeks, 6 days ago

TISHA B'AV, the 9th of Av. The most solemn day in the Jewish calendar.

This year TISHA B'AV has a special feeling and meaning to us, as we are still in the midst of war, our soldiers are fighting for our freedom, thousands of citizens are evacuated from their homes and 115 of our brothers and sisters are being held hostage in Gaza for 311 days.

TISHA B'AV, time to turn this horror into hope.
It’s time to bring them home.

Bring Them Home Now by @BringThemHomeNow
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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