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1 week ago

See you all in Johnstown, PA, for the Trump rally on Friday, August 30th.

13% of Trump rallygoers are NOT registered to vote, so we’ll be there.

1 week ago

‼️I Need Help Registering Voters‼️

In order to win this November, we MUST register new voters. When someone registers to vote, they are highly likely to vote in the next election.

Pennsylvania wins the White House. Even if you live in MD, NJ, NY, or WV, you CAN register voters in PA.

1) Materials
▪️Black pens
▪️Voter registration forms
▪️Republican/Trump apparel
▪️”Register To Vote Here” sign

You can pick up Pennsylvania voter registration forms from your local Board of Elections. For example, type into the Internet, “Butler County PA Elections.” When you register someone to vote, you return their form to the respective PA county office. You may also mail the form, too. It’s imperative you stay in touch with these new voters to ensure they actually vote this November. I keep an Excel spreadsheet to keep myself organized.

2) Locations
▪️Gun shows
▪️Truck stops
▪️Gas stations
▪️Super markets
▪️Farmers markets

The most important thing you need to know is public sidewalk is public property. So, find a gas station that has public sidewalk adjacent to the gas pumps. You may set up a voter registration table; make sure not to block the sidewalk. In general, the goal is to be overtly Republican. By being visibly Trump, you will attract like-minded supporters to either register them to vote or sign them up as volunteers. For churches & gun shows — where you have permission to register voters — it’s mostly non-partisan (these groups overwhelmingly vote Republican).

3) Outreach

▪️“Are you registered to vote at your current address?”

When you are registering voters, while wearing Republican apparel, you do not have to ask for a vote for Trump — it is implicit. So, you ask every person if they are registered to vote. This works especially well in red counties. In places where Trump won 60%+ of the vote, the majority of people you meet will be Republicans. While persuasion and conversion are important, voter registration is about bumping up our numbers. If we turn out the rural vote, Pennsylvania is ours.

4) Data

Joe Biden “won” Pennsylvania in 2020 by 80,000 votes.

▪️80,000 Amish in PA
▪️80,000 truckers in PA
▪️800,000 veterans in PA
▪️930,000 hunters in PA

If the Amish vote, we will win. So, register voters at your local farmers market. If truckers vote, we will win. So, register voters at your rest & truck stops. Of the 930,000 hunters in PA, 30% of them are not registered to vote. If every hunter votes, we will win. So, register voters at gun shops, shows, & ranges.

This is the blueprint. This is the model to flip Pennsylvania from 🔵🔜🔴. Now, go get your materials & get started.

1 week, 1 day ago

If you worked for the RFK Jr. campaign in Pennsylvania,

send me your resume.

I want to include your voices on our team.

There is a place for you.

Direct message me.

1 week, 6 days ago

Good morning!

Doing laundry & getting ready to fly to Los Angeles for a fundraiser.

I mean this w/ love & respect, but my goal is to raise as much as I can in California & use it to hire staff in Pennsylvania.

This is my last trip to the West before Election Day.

2 weeks ago

Trump said, “If you win Pennsylvania, you win the whole thing.”

Now, you see why I am moving to Pennsylvania & spending every second here.

PA = White House

2 weeks ago

President Trump just said that Kamala didn’t pick Josh Shapiro because the PA governor is Jewish.

It’s true: Shapiro was the natural pick, but Kamala couldn’t pick him b/c it would upset the Hamas caucus.

Trump is making a real play for the Jewish vote.

3 weeks ago

On the way to the Philly Expo Center for the gun show to register voters b/c

30% of Pennsylvania hunters are NOT registered to vote.

3 weeks, 1 day ago

I Want To Apologize

In the last decade of doing this work, I can count on one hand the amount of events I’ve missed. Even in 2020, when my car spun out of control on ice outside of Pittsburgh, I still made it to California the very next day for an event. I pride myself on my work ethic & dedication to the cause. After doing an event in Pinellas County, FL, w/ 2 congressmen — celebrating voter registration efforts as a blueprint for the nation — I could not fly out b/c of Hurricane Debby. To everyone expecting me in Sturgis, I hope you will accept my humble apology. To the bikers that welcomed me into your brotherhood & even created a vest for me, I look forward to making up a trip. We are less than 3 months away from the most decisive election of our lives. If we do not win with Trump this November — giving him both a Republican House & Republican Senate — there’s no turning back. While I was slated to go to Alaska, to help stop ranked choice voting, I must make the hard decision to forgo that trip, too. I know this will disappoint some folks, but please recognize that this choice comes from a place of love & desire to help the country. With the exception of one fundraiser for Early Vote Action in Beverly Hills & one trip to Minnesota, I will not be leaving Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania wins the White House. So, I am embarking on a 67 county tour of the Commonwealth. During that time, I’m also visiting each county Board of Elections to deliver a letter requesting written communication on whether illegal aliens and/or non-citizens are on the voter rolls. All of my time & energy are going to Pennsylvania. We have hired a state director & have 12 additional field staff across the state. I am so invested in the cause that I purchased property in Pennsylvania in order to cast my vote for Trump. To anyone I have let down, I hope sincerely you will forgive me & extend me some grace. My promise to you is to do everything w/in my power to win Pennsylvania for President Trump & I hope you will join me in this quest. 🙏

3 weeks, 2 days ago

Just got off the phone w/ Chairwoman Juanita of the Mifflin County GOP.

She said there’s been an explosion of Amish voter registration in PA.

The fair is going on through Saturday & Republicans have a voter registration table.

Seeds we planted since March are sprouting. 🌱

4 weeks, 1 day ago

I Have An Ambitious Goal

After this month, I will be doing no traveling outside Pennsylvania w/ the exception of one stop to Minnesota.

During the next 95 days, I’m embarking on a 67 county tour of Pennsylvania.

In addition to each stop, I’ll also be hand-delivering a formal written letter to each Board of Elections requesting information on whether or not a single illegal alien is registered to vote w/in each county.

Look forward to providing swift accountability, transparency, as well as registering thousands of new voters across Pennsylvania.

67 in 95

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