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7 months ago

Libsyn Old Episodes

Hello Everybody, I'm wondering if there is a way to automate listening to some old podcast episodes. I started listening about halfway through a longstanding and ongoing podcast that has 700+ episodes. I have always listened on Apple Podcasts, but you can only download 100 episodes. This show is longstanding but not a commercial effort with lots of resources behind it.

The episodes are available all the way back to number 1 in a web browser on the show page at libsyn.com. (I am not sure if it is permitted to post the link or if that would be promoting.) However, it is cumbersome to either (1) listen in the web browser because it is difficult to keep track of where I am both between and in episodes, and difficult to listen "on the go"; or (2) download every single episode individually (at least if I download I can delete as I go, making it easier to track where I am listening, but it is still not as easy as a podcast app).

Is there any way to make this easier?




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Libsyn Old Episodes
7 months ago

Paranormal / mystery podcasts similar in tone to Unexplained?

I know that some people dislike Unexplained due to the guy’s voice inflections which I can understand but I love the atmosphere in the episodes. In a way I kinda like how monotone and stripped back his show is. I’ve tried getting into other paranormal podcasts but they’re either too animated with the storytelling where it makes it feel like it’s made for children, or the hosts ruin the vibe by making silly jokes or side comments which frankly isn’t what I’m looking for. (At least for a paranormal podcast that is)
Any recommendations are appreciated, thanks!



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Paranormal / mystery podcasts similar in tone to Unexplained?
7 months ago

What's similar to Fall of Civilizations?

Hello all, I've got the itch for a new podcast and I'm really leaning towards history/culture content right now. I've gone through the usual recommendations (Mike Duncan, Dan Carlin etc) and really enjoyed them. I loved Fall of Civilizations by Paul Cooper because of the mix of educational, narrative and speculative tones. Also, I liked that the podcast stepped outside Europe/America pretty frequently.

What can I listen to that's similar to these? The general criteria are: long-ish episodes, calm narration without being boring, good contextualization, and if possible, a bit removed from the standard subjects of Rome/Greece/England.

Thanks in advance!



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What's similar to Fall of Civilizations?
7 months, 1 week ago

Looking for podcasts that release Friday mornings

Most of my favorite podcasts right now drop Sunday or midweek so I’m looking for podcasts that drop Friday morning. Not looking for true crime, celebrity interview, or politics/news podcasts.

My favorites right now include If Books Could Kill, Maintenance Phase, Free with Ads, Beach Too Sandy, Normal Gossip, Passages, Petty Crimes, Shameless, and Sixteenth Minute.

Let me know if you have any recommendations, thank you!



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Looking for podcasts that release Friday mornings
7 months, 1 week ago

Does anyone even listen to educational podcasts anymore?

I’ve been running a podcast for a couple years and my listeners have gone down — I can’t tell if that’s just because the market is oversaturated… no one wants educational podcasts anymore… or I just suck as a podcast host lol



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Does anyone even listen to educational podcasts anymore?
7 months, 1 week ago

Anthropocene Reviewed

I'm struggling to find a tag for John Green's podcast, the Anthropocene Reviewed. I'm always years behind the cool stuff, but in case anyone might enjoy it, it is interesting, informative, introspective and thoughtful. He's the Searching for Alaska author and I've read a couple of his books, enjoyed them well enough, but not found them quite my genre, but I'm loving his thoughts and his style in this podcast.



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Anthropocene Reviewed
7 months, 2 weeks ago

What is the best podcast which is funny, talks about the news and also personal stories?




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What is the best podcast which is funny, talks about the news and also personal stories?
7 months, 2 weeks ago

Any podcasts that go into detail of the Korean War or Gulf War?

Looking for a podcast that covers those conflicts.



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Any podcasts that go into detail of the Korean War or Gulf War?
7 months, 2 weeks ago

History podcasts that AREN'T about ancient Greece/Rome or the 20th century

Anything else is fine - any region, any time period. Non-western history is a bonus but not a requirement. It's fine if they have episodes on, say, ancient Greece or WW2, as long as it's not the whole or primary focus of the podcast.



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History podcasts that AREN'T about ancient Greece/Rome or the 20th century
7 months, 3 weeks ago

Radio Rental or Spooked but in book form

I have a big flight coming up, and for some reason when I fly and I listen to podcasts, I fall asleep. Except within 20 minutes or so, something wakes me, and I’m trapped in a viscous cycle. If I just straight up read an old fashioned actual book, I stay awake and I’m entertained. If it’s the right book of course. So I’d love to know if there are any books, with a similar format of creepy true stories told by the real people who it actually happened to.



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Radio Rental or Spooked but in book form
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Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.

Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams

200 Crore Cash Prize Winner : Fantasy Cricket Expert : Cricket Trader : 32 Wheels : YouTuber / Content Creator : On a Mission

Instagram Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbbbdNImVuSuiesY/

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