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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
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Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas
Do you know that Allah has given you two types of provision?
Temporary provision, which is what you own now, but it can disappear in a moment. Your health, wealth, success, and job can all be taken away.
Everlasting provision, which is what remains with you forever. The night prayer while others sleep is provision. Your tears in sujood are provision. Your parents du’a for you is provision. Your love for the Quran is provision. Your good manners, remembrance of Allah, and tawheed are provisions that will last beyond this world.
Do not let temporary provision distract you from the everlasting provision. True provision is the ability to worship Allah.
Chase what lasts, not what fades.
وَالآخِرَةُ خَيرٌ وَأَبقى
While the Hereafter is better and more enduring. (Surah Al-Aala:17).
Малик бин Динара (АллахӀа къинхетам бойла цунах) аьлла:
«Дегӏ цомгуш хилча, цо тӏе ца лоцу йаар а, малаар а, наб а, садаӏар а. Иштта ду дог а, дуьне дезаделча, хьехам дӏа ца лоцу цо».
Аз-Зухӏд аль-Кабир, агӀо 25
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (رضي الله عنه) used to say in his sermons:
"Where is the beauty and the handsome? Where are those who were delighted by their youth and good looks? Where are the kings who built cities and fenced them with walls? Where are the victorious in wars? They all perished and ended in the depths of dark graves! Hasten and hurry up [to do good deeds]; but death is faster.”
[Al-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad (2/18), Hilyah al-Awliya’ (1/34) and Sifat al-Safwah (1/261)]
There was a time when in Chechnya (during the war) soldiers stopped the buses to check documents. And so one day a soldier stopped another bus. He entered it and slapped each passenger in the face while demanding them to show their passport. In the back rows sat a 15-year-old boy with his grandfather. The grandfather told his grandson: “Now he will hit us too.” As soon as the soldier approached them and began to raise his hand to strike, the boy stood up and stuck a knife into him. Another soldier standing behind him shot the boy on the spot.
They said that, dying, the boy said to his grandfather:
“Дад, вайшинна-м ца туьйхи хьуна цо»
Look into the faces of your parents.
A day will come when you have to close your eyes in order to remember their facial features.
Hearing the voices of your parents in the house is the most beautiful and greatest blessing.
Пайхамара ﷺ аьлла:
«Аллах1ана лиъча цхьана стагана дика дан, Аллах1а зуь и баланаш туьйсуш, халонаш йохкуьйтуш»
Бухари (5645), Ахьмад (7235)
They want to bury Islam, not knowing it's a seed..
قال الإمام الشافعي
رحمه الله :
أرفع الناس قدراً من لا يرى قدره،
وأكثرهم فضلاً من لا يرى فضله .
Imām ash-Shafi'ī رحمه الله said: "The people with the highest statuses are those who don't see their own status, and the ones who have the most virtue are those who don't see their own virtue."
● {السير ١٠/٩٩}
Community chat:
Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas