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2 months ago

I’m always asked to respond to these posts of people trying to speak “authoritatively” on Celtic myth, who clearly have never read a single one of the primary texts.

In all honesty, I get second hand embarrassment. But I’m not here to bully. Celtic myth is confusing.

For those who want to say Lugh is = to Odin: Name a single narrative myth that they share. Not a vague family relation or association.

I’ll show you what I mean.

Who is the lord of the Gaelic “mannerbund” (the Fiana) who receives knowledge from a magic well?


Who is the leader of the Wild Hunt?

Gwyn, Welsh linguistic cognate of Finn.

Who loses an eye and transforms into a fish, as Odin also does?

Fintan, divine ancestor of the sovereign god Nuada.

Who fasts under a magical tree to gain the power of prophecy, next to waters that turn all things white, after drinking from a magical cup?


Who is considered the storehouse of all knowledge?


Who divides Sky from Earth along with his two brothers, as Odin does with Ymir’s body?

Eber Finn.

Who steals back the wondrous liquid from the giant in the tower and sleeps with his daughter while there?

Finn Mac Kinealy.

Finn. None of these myths belong to Lugh. Lugh does not lose an eye, or turn into a fish, or gain wisdom from a well, or lead the wild hunt or lead the Fiana.


Almost all of Odin’s myths are reflected in the myths of Finn/Fintan, none in Lugh.

Name me a single narrative, full mythic story, that Odin shares with Lugh/Lugaid.

As long as you remain silent in response to this question your claim stands refuted.

Come back to the subject when you’ve studied more. Until then, stop spreading misinformation to those who won’t know better.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders

2 months ago

We have discussed above that Weden [Óðinn] is the supreme God of the Germanic people in the Eddic sources, and that all the Gods are Gods by virtue of sharing His divine essence. What many people do not know, however, is that this idea is attested in our earliest literary sources, namely Tacitus' Germania. In c. 9:

"Among the gods Mercury is the one they principally worship. They regard it as a religious duty to offer to him, on fixed days, human as well as other sacrificial victims."

There's little doubt about the identity of Mercury being in reality the same God as Weden. This identification of foreign Gods using the lens of Roman religion is called Interpretatio Romana, and we have discussed the Interpretatio methods at length in our previous posts. Nevertheless, we can be sure that Tacitus here uses this method because he tells us about it elsewhere, in c. 43:

"Among the Naharvali [...] they say that their deities, according to the Roman interpretation, are Castor and Pollux: that is the character of their godhead, of which the name is ‘the Alci’."

We get more interesting information about the ancient Germanic understanding of Weden, however, when Tacitus discusses the Suebi, and in particular the Suebian Semnones, who are said to be the most ancient and the noblest of the Suebian tribes. He says, that they performed human sacrifices to a God, who can be identified with Weden based on the fact that earlier Tacitus confirms that it is to Him that the Germanic people give human sacrifices. And he gives the following description:

"This whole superstition is based on the belief that from this wood the people derives its origin and that the god who reigns over all dwells there, the rest of the world being his obedient subjects."

The Latin expression that is used is 'regnator omnium deus', the God who Rules All, and thus, Tacitus couldn't be more clear in confirming that the ancient Germanic view of Weden was that of a Most High God.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

- Yeats

4 months, 1 week ago

Celtic Parallels to Odin’s Myths 👁️****

Celtic myth has parallels for essentially all of the famous events of the Odin mythos.

If there is any central Odin myth that I am missing here, please comment below.

The primary Celtic Odin is the Gaelic Fionn (aka Eber Finn) whose Welsh linguistic and mythic cognate is Gwyn/Gwion.

No other god in Celtic myth has anywhere close to the enormous set of precise parallels to Odin that we see circling Fionn/Gwyn.

In the Gaelic case Fionn, leader of the Fianna “mannerbund” is juxtaposed to a rival/friend Fianna leader named Goll, “the one-eyed”.

Based on mythic parallels we can see that the two rival-friend Fianna leaders, Fionn and Goll, are two sides of one and the same deity: the one-eyed mannerbund god. Fionn further has a primordial double, named Fintan, who continues the same Fionn/Odin type mythos and who is also esoterically identified with the one-eyed Salmon of Knowledge, Goll Essa Ruaid. Once again we see “Finn” vs “Goll” names as two epithets of the same being. Note: this is not the Rudra vs Siva duality, but closer to the Rudra-Siva vs Mahakala Bhairava duality. Instead, the seer and peace-weaving brother of Eber Finn, named Amergin, is the Siva parallel.

Lastly, based on clear parallels to Odin and to Eber Finn, we can deduce that the Welsh Efnysien, the hostile one who is juxtaposed to his peace making brother Nisien, is another form of the Welsh Odin who is aka Gwyn.

If we then take this grouping of mannerbund gods, centering around the name Fionn/Gwyn and one-eyedness, we can see that parallels to essentially the entire Odin mythos are preserved in Celtic myth, and more beyond what we have of Odin as well.

Please read for yourself in each of these tales to find the Celtic versions of these Odin-type myths (details change!):

1 Odin loses an eye (see: Fintan loses an eye in “The Hawk of Achill”, also see the one eyed Goll/Goll Essa Ruaid)
2 Odin gaining wisdom at Mimir’s well (see: Fionn in “The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn”)
3 Odin on the Windy Tree acquiring the runes (see: Fionn in “The Hunt of Slieve Cuilinn”)
4 Odin’s death being tied to the rampaging beast Fenrir (see: Fionn in “The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn”)
5 Odin’s parentage from Borr, son of Buri (See: Eber Finn, son of Galam son of Bile, in “The Milesians,” from Lebor Gabala Erenn)
6 Odin dividing Earth and Sky (see Eber Finn in “The Milesians,” Lebor Gabala Erenn)
7 Odin stealing the mead (See: Fin Mac Kinealy in “Balor on Tory Island”)
8 Odin finding Askr and Embla (See: Efnysien greeting Gwern in “Branwen daughter of Llyr”)
9 Odin leading the mannerbund (see: Fionn leading the Fianna in misc. tales)
10 Odin and the Wild Hunt (see: misc. Gwyn folklore)
11 Odin shamanically turning into a fish (See: Fintan in “Cessairians” from LGE, see also Goll Essa Ruaid and Gwion-Taliesin in “Hanes Taliesin”)
12 Odin killing the servant who sleeps with Frigg in Gesta Danorum (See: Fionn in “Fionn and the Man in the Tree”)
13 Odin fathering Vidarr, killer of Fenrir (see: Fionn as father and grandfather of Oscar, killer of the Boar of Formael in “The Chase of Síd na mBan Finn and the Death of Finn”)
14 Odin being “Jalk”, gelded (see: Efnysien bursting his own heart in “Branwen ferch Llyr”)
15 Odin fathering Valli, avenger of the death of Baldr (see: Amergin fathering Conall Cernach, avenger of the death of Fergus, who was killed like Baldr)

Parallels to Rudra that Norse myth doesn’t necessarily have
1 The Vratya (Rudra-Agni) of the Atharvaveda gives rise to Mahadeva by catalyzing the feminine gold within Prajapati (see: Cumhaill (Vratya/Rudra-Agni) fathering Fionn (Mahadeva) via the daughter of Tadhgh (=Prajapati) in “The Cause of the Battle of Cnucha”)
2 Rudra shoots Prajapati as uniting with his “daughter” (see: Goll killing Cumhaill in “The Cause of the Battle of Cnucha”)
3 Siva drinks poison and turns blue (see Fionn in “The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn”/Gaedhil Glas in LGE “The Gaedhil”)
4 Mahakala overcomes Kali (see: Goll in “The Cave of Ceis Corann”)

- O’Gravy

5 months ago
5 months ago

**HYMN To Finn

THERE** beno grief here for the grieving ones:
We dip our cups in perpetual suns.
We do not waver in our cadenced speed,
But use both silent hands to take Life’s meed.
Our muscles are the steady butter churn
To make the sacrificial grease we burn,
And without pause our tireless feet ascend
Alacritous to Finn’s cloud-throned command.
What cannot be replaced we cannot need,
Grief is forgot and shamed beyond all heed.

O Finn come to our cause and bless its ends,
Your mind devised a course your will unbends.
We honor you with shining cups and tongue;
Drink and be judge of ancient glories sung.
You brought down Aillen with the venom-spear
Pressed to your face to vanquish mortal fear.
And when the Formael Boar had burst its pen
Thy grandson spread its jaws and left his men
The bowels of the beast to be unspooled.
In streams of blood they worked and never cooled.

Grant us, like feuding tribes you brought at last
Under one union at the mead hall massed
By clasping firm the hand of Goll thy foe,
In view of all, for all to see and know,
Grant us that friendship and long-lasting grace
To all our kin and our extended race.
We are thy sons and all our might is yours;
If you will bless them these will be thy wars.
Drink, noble Finn, the brightest drop we own,
And give us sons and allies firm as stone.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders

6 months, 1 week ago

At the end of a map is a treasure, and sometimes along the way as well.

Here are my most recent discoveries, which will be further explained in forthcoming articles and videos.

Watch: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fxcDjAZQBng


Taliesin's Treasures: 2024 Preview of Recent Discoveries (Comparative Mythology)

Article/Video Transcript: https://telegra.ph/Taliesins-Treasures-Summary-of-Current-Research-02-06 An anxiety occasionally seizes me that I could die at any time, before publishing all of the solutions I’ve found to the puzzles of Celtic and Indo-European…

6 months, 1 week ago

Zeus vs Dyáuṣ Pitṛ́ | Zeus' Tripartite Mithraic Nature

If Zeus and Dyaus share a name, then why is Dyaus merely the Embodied Sky while Zeus is a different god in the myths, namely the Mitra-type Sovereign?

How did their nearly identical names come to be attached to these two different gods in their respective traditions?

And how is the parallel between Mithra and Zeus established?

Josephus, Arno and Collin join me to discuss.

- O’Gravy, The Sun Riders


Zeus vs Dyáuṣ Pitṛ́ | Zeus' Tripartite Mithraic Nature

If Zeus and Dyaus share a name, then why is Dyaus merely the Embodied Sky while Zeus is a different god in the myths, the Mitra-type Sovereign? How did their nearly identical names come to be attached to these two different gods in their respective traditions?…

7 months, 2 weeks ago
8 months, 1 week ago

If we look at the evidence itself and not at earlier philologists’ hypotheses, it’s clear that there are different rôles in each mythology for: {a} the Sky personified, exemplified by Dyu Pitr̥, Ouranós, Cælus, the upper half of Ymir, and Matholwch, {b} the God of Intellect who separates Sky from Earth, exemplified by Rudra, Krónos, Saturn, Óðinn and Efnisien; {c} the Lawful Sovereign, God of oaths and justice, one of the many thunder-wielders, whose PIE name might have been *Deywós, exemplified by Mitra, Zeús, Jūpiter (especially in his Dīus aspect), Týr and Lleu Llaw Gyffes.
- Jōsēphus Græcus, The Sun Riders

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