Laura Nina

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All-in-One Cross-Chain DeFi Solution with native token $SWITCH

Partnerships: [email protected]

Last updated 7 months ago

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Last updated 3 months ago

👉👉 Sʜᴀʀᴇ ɪʏᴏ xᴀʏᴇʏsɪɪɴ sᴏᴏ ᴅᴀʟʙᴏ👉👉 @Ibiiye_online
MY ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟs 👇👇🔥💀

0619425303👈👈👈👈 qofkii xareesiiska rabo luuqa iga soo qabo

Last updated 4 weeks ago

1 year, 3 months ago

Discussing the original Bitcoin history and how it has now been corrupted.

Youtube link to follow Toshi

1 year, 3 months ago

Jana Lunden, a Maine USA native moved to Ireland 21 year ago for a 6-month career opportunity. She fell in love with Ireland’s land, culture and people and never left. She is a professional qualified business and life coach and NLP practitioner, founder of the Natural Women’s Council and mother of two small children. In her free time, she loves being outside with her children, enjoying the seaside, forest or mountains. Jana’s motivation for running campaigns is to make the world a good place for her children.

1 year, 3 months ago

A Q&A session on Crypto and Bitcoin

1 year, 3 months ago

I aim to give everyone the chance to post and interact with everyone but I ask please for respect to others here too. I don't want to ban people unless I absolutely have to. A few points to follow...

●Keep the Trump and Q stuff to a bare minimum. A couple of posts a day from one is enough. Q and Trump are irrelevant and not for this group.

● No hate speech based on race, colour, sex, sexuality or religion towards any other members in this group

● Be kind and respectful of other people's belief when they don't fit in with yours. Don't belittle someone because you think you know more.

● Keep the bickering and arguing off this channel.

● If bickering and arguing starts you will be asked to take it to this channel where you can argue and bitch all day long

● If you're muted for a day, then please take that as your one & only warning.

● Only share posts that include the source of the information so members can do their own research if they wish.

● Remember that we are not all on the same social media platforms and so may not be able to view what you've taken the time to share. So screenshots are very useful with the link.

● If you still continue to argue or spam this channel after the warning then you will be deleted from the group or blocked

Thank you ?

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago


Changing the system from the bottom up and ending this fraud

Changing the system from the bottom up Today, we are questioning if fraud has taken place within our local governments as it appears they may be governed by a global entity through public/private partnerships. The local representatives may or may not know…

1 year, 3 months ago

Ian Clifford Stamp from the group Matrix Freedom abuses the systems for financial gain and ruins it for others

1 year, 3 months ago

Kerry Lynn Cassidy is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot and Project Camelot TV Network LLC.

For over 15 years, Kerry has been traveling the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, free energy and more. As an intuitive, and remote viewer, Kerry has spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since then.

1 year, 3 months ago
Here is a picture of myself …

Here is a picture of myself with Professor Dolores Cahill. Does this picture mean I'm a shill?

This picture was taken because I was invited to attend, speak and stream their event. Id this prove enough that I'm a shill ?

Whilst there, I spoke to, laughed with and networked alongside some amazing people who I hope to be organising live discussions very soon, so as to share more info with you guys. Does this show I am a shill?

I have been invited to attend more events to film, learn and share the information with you all. If I go, will that be all the proof you need that I am officially a shill?

If trial by jury is based on your interpreted beliefs being your official conclusion that I am a shill, then we are officially all doomed.

1 year, 4 months ago


The end of this world... from an Alchemic view

Discussion with Ola from Self Mastery Quest, on the “end of the world” - which is now - the Apocalypse, various cultures prophecies, Mythologies. What does it truly mean. and how does it come together with current events…

We recommend to visit

All-in-One Cross-Chain DeFi Solution with native token $SWITCH

Partnerships: [email protected]

Last updated 7 months ago

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Contact us @Burqasupport


Last updated 3 months ago

👉👉 Sʜᴀʀᴇ ɪʏᴏ xᴀʏᴇʏsɪɪɴ sᴏᴏ ᴅᴀʟʙᴏ👉👉 @Ibiiye_online
MY ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟs 👇👇🔥💀

0619425303👈👈👈👈 qofkii xareesiiska rabo luuqa iga soo qabo

Last updated 4 weeks ago