Lutheran Science Institute

The mission of the L.S.I is to learn, share, and promote the glory of God as revealed in His Holy Word and demonstrated in His created world.


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2 months, 1 week ago

FREE Genesis/OT commentaries, from shorter to longer and from simpler to more technical

  1. Biblically conservative LUTHERAN  resources you could start with include

• EHV Study Bible notes
• Lutheran Study Bible (ESV), Concordia Self Study Bible (NIV) and People's Bible commentary notes from
• The People's Bible popular commentaries
• Paul Kretzmann's Popular Commentary (KJV)

  1. T.D. Alexander, a PRESBYTERIAN commentator with a good grasp on the Bible's big story:

  1. Matthew Henry, a PURITAN commentator who often organizes applications well:

  1. MARTIN LUTHER on Genesis 1–3 and Genesis 4–9:

  1. The NIV ARCHAEOLOGY STUDY Bible notes on all of Genesis are also free:

  1. A SCHOLARLY STUDY Bible worth consulting on many matters, but not trustworthy on things like the sacraments and premillennialism:

  1. The SEMI-TECHNICAL commentary on Genesis by Lutheran scholar Herbert Leupold is free online:

  1. TECHNICAL OT Lutheran commentators Keil and Delitzsch, in .doc format for downloading or in HTML with ads or

  1. JEWISH commentator Umberto Cassuto, who argued against the documentary hypothesis (Genesis, from Adam to Noah) (Genesis, from Noah to Abraham)


Bible Study Notes

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Based on Lexham Geographic Commentary on The Pentateuch and other few sources. Don't take it too critically, it's a one night assignment. Had a limited time and resource. But I'd love to hear your thoughts via ?

2 months, 3 weeks ago

The Significance of Babel

“As you explore the Creation Museum's walk through history, the fourth of the 7 C's you'll encounter is Confusion. Up to this point in history, all of mankind shared one language, but little more than a hundred years after the global flood, we see the rise of a new rebellion with far-reaching consequences.

“Though God had directed mankind to fill the earth as they multiplied post-flood, they chose to do the opposite. Rather than ‘be dispersed over the face of the whole earth’ (Genesis 11:4), they schemed to build a city with a high tower, intending it as a testament to their own glory and an avenue for remaining together in opposition to God's command.

“Armed with this purpose, the people began construction. But God, in his infinite wisdom, chose to intervene by confusing their language. Without the easy, universal communication they had always known, the people gave up their building plans and began to scatter by groups as they ought to have done from the beginning.

“Babel, as the city became known, marks the historical splitting of languages and explains the language families we see evidence of in the world today.

“‘Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth. And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth’ (Genesis 11:9).’”

–”Confusion at Babel,” Answers Insider [June, 2024] , page 6.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
**How Animals Attract Their Mates - …

How Animals Attract Their Mates - Part 2
“DANCING KING. Around sunset, a group of female mandarin fish gathers on a Pacific reef to watch multicolored males perform a vibrant dance. If a female is attracted, she'll join the male for a dance, resting on his pelvic fin. Cheek to cheek, the two will swim off into the sunset—or something like that.

“DRESSED TO IMPRESS. A male fan-throated lizard is always dressed to impress with his colorful throat flap, called a dewlap. To court a mate, he'll extend his throat fan rapidly in a dramatic dewlap display.

“DATING CALL. A female three-toed sloth doesn't wait around for a male to notice her. When she's ready to mate, she signals to nearby males by screaming. Any interested male will then compete to be her beau by hanging from his feet and pawing at other suitors until one has won.”

–”Made to Multiply,” Answers [April-June, 2024], page 17. (Three-toed sloth shown.)

4 months, 3 weeks ago

The Puzzle of Antimatter Still Exists

“Physicists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have uncovered a huge headache with the secular origins story for the formation of the universe. In their scenario, the big bang created everything from nothing at the beginning, equal quantities of matter and antimatter. If you put matter and antimatter together, they release energy and destroy each other.

“This is a serious problem for the big bang: the equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have annihilated each other, and we would not be here to talk about it. But we are, because there is much, much more matter than antimatter in the universe.

“What is the solution (other than abandoning the big bang)? A 'go to' idea was that antimatter is repelled by gravity, the opposite of normal matter. Thus, gravity forced nearly all the antimatter away from the ordinary matter in the early universe, so they did not cancel each other out.

“Physicists at CERN tested the idea that antimatter is repelled by gravity. They found that antimatter hydrogen atoms behaved exactly as normal hydrogen atoms do. They were not driven away by gravity. And this fulfilled a prediction of Einstein's General Relativity theory.

“This remains a huge problem for the idea that a big bang created—from nothing—all the universe's matter, which then supposedly went on to form stars, planets, and all living things.”

--Focus\-“Antimatter Attraction Shatters Big Bang,” Creation [January\-March, 2024], page 11.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Lutheran Science Institute
4 months, 4 weeks ago
Lutheran Science Institute
4 months, 4 weeks ago

“With the rapidly growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by tech companies around the world comes the increased demand for computational power. In response to this, researchers at IBM have looked to the human brain to help them design a new chip called NorthPole. The human brain is exceptionally energy-efficient and can process data extremely rapidly. One reason for this is that the brain does not need to continually transfer data between chips that perform calculations and chips that record memory (Called RAM). This transfer significantly slows down man-made computers.

“IBM's new NorthPole chip copies the network design of the white matter of the human brain's cortex to eliminate this need for data transfer between chips. As a result, NorthPole uses one-fifth of the energy of current state-of-the-art AI chips and computes much faster. Further improvements are expected to make it up to 25 times more efficient. This will likely lead to significant changes in how future computers are designed.

“The advanced design of this chip points to the brilliance of the IBM researchers. How much more does the far more advanced design of the human brain point to the brilliance of its Designer, Jesus Christ.”

–”Brain\-Inspired Computer Chip Outperforms Current Chips,” ” Creation [April\-June, 2024], page 8.

4 months, 4 weeks ago
**Computer Chips Become More Efficient by …

Computer Chips Become More Efficient by Copying Human Brains

5 months ago

“Given the materialist philosophy dominating our time, researchers have long been keen to find evidence or even a plausible scenario—that the first life spontaneously arose from non-living matter here on Earth. But the biochemical hurdles involved are huge (see articles under And so far the quest has led to nothing but disappointment.

“So, the idea that life instead arose elsewhere in the universe, in some unknown location, by an unknown process, has understandable appeal to secular researchers. It has spawned a new scientific discipline called astrobiology–the study of life beyond the earth (aka exobiology). All without any evidence of the very thing this branch of science is meant to study!

“A corollary of this idea is that this early life was then brought to Earth on meteorites, subsequently giving rise to every living creature on the planet. That is why there was great excitement to find that a sample collected by a NASA mission from the asteroid Bennu contained ‘abundant water and carbon’--two of the ‘raw materials' needed for life.

“The carbon made up 5% of the sample, some in organic form (methane—CH4 would qualify as ‘organic', e.g.), the rest as inorganic carbon, like in the calcium carbonate in limestone. The water was "locked inside the crystal structure of clay minerals' '.
“However, the incredible organized complexity of even the simplest known—or even conceivable life (something that can make copies of itself, for one thing) is staggering. This makes the find, Which is nothing new, almost mind-numbingly trivial. It's somewhat like finding copper and iron, two of the raw materials needed to make cars, in minerals in a rock, then claiming it was important in understanding how cars came about.

“Nevertheless, salivating about the find, scientist Daniel Glavin said, ‘This stuff is an astrobiologist's dream.’”

Excitement About Asteroid ‘Life’ Claim,” ” Creation [April\-June, 2024], page 8.

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