🤩 Big Offer 📣 Buy Gagan Sir Books : https://linktr.ee/gaganpratapbook ✅
Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.
Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams
200 Crore Cash Prize Winner : Fantasy Cricket Expert : Cricket Trader : 32 Wheels : YouTuber / Content Creator : On a Mission
Instagram Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbbbdNImVuSuiesY/
Last updated 2 months ago
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Last updated 1 month ago
Buenos días lindos, estaré fuera unos días con mi novio así que continuaré con las comisiones la próxima semana, que tengan un feliz fin de semana ?✨
Good morning guys, I'm going to be away for a few days with my bf so I'll continue the commissions next week, have a happy weekend ?✨
Estoy un poco baja de fuerzas así que me gustaria saber que es lo que mas os gusta de mi arte en comentarios para animarme ? I'm without strength so I'd like to know what you like most about my art in comments to cheer me up ?
Pequeña actualización: Estoy trabajando mucho en comisiones pendientes pero, como algunos ya sabéis, tengo una nueva pareja y estaré con el casi todos los fines de semana y así descansar. El mes que viene no dibujare apenas ya que debo presentarme a un examen importante, así que si deseáis pedirme algun dibujo, tened en cuenta que puede tardar un poco mas de lo previsto. Muchas gracias por vuestro tiempo y feliz fin de semana ✨
Small update: I am working a lot on pending commissions but, as some of you already know, I have a new partner and I will be with him almost every weekend and thus rest. Next month I won't be drawing much since I have to take an important exam, so if you want to ask me for a drawing, keep in mind that it may take a little longer than expected. Thank you so much ✨
Vault YCH para @NightmareLol09 y @WagonThingz bienvenidos nuevos moradores al refugio 33 ?
Vault YCH for @NightmareLol09 and @WagonThingz welcome new residents to Vault 33 #nirndraw
🤩 Big Offer 📣 Buy Gagan Sir Books : https://linktr.ee/gaganpratapbook ✅
Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.
Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams
200 Crore Cash Prize Winner : Fantasy Cricket Expert : Cricket Trader : 32 Wheels : YouTuber / Content Creator : On a Mission
Instagram Channel: https://ig.me/j/AbbbdNImVuSuiesY/
Last updated 2 months ago
Sports Analyst | Entrepreneur
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Last updated 1 month ago