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yaadaaf: @MilkiiMilkaainaa_bot

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Last updated 3 months ago

👉👉 Sʜᴀʀᴇ ɪʏᴏ xᴀʏᴇʏsɪɪɴ sᴏᴏ ᴅᴀʟʙᴏ👉👉 @Ibiiye_online
MY ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟs 👇👇🔥💀

0619425303👈👈👈👈 qofkii xareesiiska rabo luuqa iga soo qabo

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

6 months, 3 weeks ago

@Hamilee namootae eegi

Hamilee namootaa eeguun nama kamiifuu barbaachisaadha.
Nama wajjiin jireenya gaarii ta'e dabarsuuf hamilee nama sanii eeguun dirqama kee ta'a.
Namoonni tokko tokko iddoo hojiittis ta'ee iddoo biraattis dogongora namni hojjateef battalumatti itti iyyee sirreessuufii barbaada, gonkumaa kun waan tahuu miti beeki. inumaa ilaalchi inni siif qabu badaa badaa dhufa. kana jachuun jibbaan isin lamaan jiddutti uumamuu jalqabaa dhufti jechu. kanaaf yeroo dogongora namaa agartees haa ta'u yeroo ati itti gaafatamaa hojii wahii taate jirtutti namoonni muuxannoo hojii hin qabne si muudachuu danda'a. garuu nama san yoo suuta jettee itti agarsiifte hojii boonsaa hojachuu danda'a garuu muxannoo waan dhabeef si aarsuu danda'a ati garuu hamilee isaa eeyde akka inni hojii san itti yaadee galmaan gahu gochuun si qabdi, maallaqa sirraa argatu qofa laalte isa hamilee xuquun boodarra sumaafuu rakkoo ta'a jechuudha.Hiriyyaa kees ta'ee namoota biraas yoo ta'e ati akka nama tokkootti nama hamilee namaa eeguu jaalatu tahi jechaan ergaa kooti...


?JOIN: @milkaainajireenyaa
?JOIN: @milkaainajireenyaa
?JOIN: @milkaainajireenyaa
Yaada keessan nu biraan gahuuf@MilkiiMilkaainaa_bot

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Get rid of your pride.

Often in life, in order to get what you want, you need to do what you don't want, for many years.

Life isn't a fairy tale. Learn to be smart and practical.

It's common to waste decades because you were too idealistic, and not ready for any compromise.


6 months, 3 weeks ago

Self-worth = Ability = Performance

In essence, this equation translates into the following statement:
“If I perform well, that means I have a lot of ability, so I like myself.”
Or, “If I don’t perform well, that means I have no ability, and I feel
terrible about myself.” It’s not simply how well you did at a particu lar time on a particular day under particular circumstances. Your
performance is a direct measure of how able and worthwhile you

6 months, 4 weeks ago

At twenty, you don’t get the life you deserve, you are just the product of the environment you were lucky or unlucky to have.

Then, as you get older, and enter your thirties, forties, and beyond, you notice how much agency you actually had on your life.

Maybe you moved abroad, learned another language, another culture, another mindset, and became an entirely different person.

Maybe you decided you had nothing to lose, and invested all your meager savings into the bet of a lifetime, and it worked out.

Maybe you changed all your habits, and realized that you could be much healthier, smarter, stronger than you thought, if you simply maintain a better diet, a better training, a better sleep, a better routine.

Maybe you fell in love, and realized that a great marriage was about so much more than physical attraction and intellectual compatibility: if you find yourself walking alongside with a kind, thoughtful, honest person who loves you back, you actually won the lottery.

Maybe you met some great people during your journey, shared with them parts of your journey, overcame difficult challenges together, finally understood the real meaning of “friendship,” and that some people are worth trusting and making sacrifices for.

Maybe you also had health issues, lost a few precious people that you loved, understood the fragility of life and the pain that comes with truly loving someone else, but also finally gained enough wisdom to appreciate the simple things in life, that are free and in abundance.

It’s a long journey. The best and the worst things will happen to you. You can choose to act like a victim, or you can choose to respect yourself and be more resilient, mentally stronger, overall better. In the end, you will look back, you will connect the dots, and it will all make sense, that you got exactly what you deserved.

? @milkaainajireenyaa

7 months ago

?? **kaleessi darbeera, namni hojii kaleessa irra deebi'ee hojjatu hin jiru, jireenya kaleessaa irra deebi'ee jiraatu hin jiru, kan kaleessaa irra deddeebinee yaaduun kufaatiif of saaxiluudha.

?garuu, garuu kufaatiin hunduma keessaa inni hamaa fi gadheen yeroo baayyee ilaalcha nama gammachiisuu fi nama biratti fudhatamummaa argachuuf qofa fiiguudha. Yoo hojjannu nama gammachiisuuf osoo hin taanee wanti hojjannu waan sirrii ta'eef qofa hojjachuu qabna.

?Eeyyen! Ati nama biratti fudhatama qabaachuuf qofa hin hojjatin, atii kana kan nama biratti fudhatama akka qabaattu kan si godhu hojii kee kan hojjattee malee, as na laalaa na argaan fudhatama siin kennitu. Akkuma Oromoon yoo mammaaku jedhu " kan teessumatti sin argine dhaabbateef sin arganii" akkasan dubbiin...!

???join& share???**@milkaainajireenyaa@milkaainajireenyaa@milkaainajireenyaa

7 months ago

➨Dog's keessan Tonkeeper tonspace fi my ton wallet keessatti irraa baafachuu ni dandeessu baafachuuf torban lama kennamee jira.

➨Hanga torban lamaatti yoo claim hin godhatin Dogs n keessan ni gubata.

➨Kanaafu hanga dandessaniin suuta jedhaa claim godhaa.

Garuu claim gochuuf ton 0.42 wallet irratti claim gochuu barbaaddan irraa qabaachuu qabdu

Namni ton 0.43 tonkeeper irratti akka isiniif ergamu barbaaddan
Qarshii 400 kaffaltanii ni argattu

Ykn ammoo $Dogs keessan wallet irraa qabdan direct gurgurachuu barbaaddanis gatii madaalawaan nutti gurgurachuu dandeessu

(Amanamaadha! Hattoota irraa of eegaa)

@thegreat21 irratti nu gaafadhaa

7 months ago

?????????? ??????? ??????????⁉️
???? ??????? ?? ???? ????⁉️

Chaanaalii Akkamii Barbaaddu⁉️ Chaanaalota Barbaachisoo ta'an hundaayyuu isiniif qabannee dhufneerra join godhaa itti fayyadamaa

ምን ቻናል ይፈልጋሉ⁉️  እንድትቀላቀሉ እና እንድትጠቀሙባቸው ሁሉም አስፈላጊ ቻናሎች አሉን።

???? ?? ???? ?????????
         ??????????? ????????

7 months ago

If you want to change your life, you are going to have to do things differently. And sometimes, you can look to inspirational books to create a positive change in your life.

If you desire change, you are going to have to step out of your comfort zone. As Anthony Robbins points out: “All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs. So how do we change? The most effective way is to get your brain to associate massive pain to the old belief. You must feel deep in your gut that not only has this belief cost you pain in the past, but it’s costing you in the present and, ultimately, can only bring you pain in the future. Then you must associate tremendous pleasure to the idea of adopting an empowering new belief” — Anthony Robbins

In order to transform your life, you will experience discomfort and pain. Change can be a painful process, but the rewards of going through the change are priceless.

Before I focused on running my own Lifehack business, I was a full-time manager in a software company. I was offered another promotion after succeeding in a project. But I wasn’t thrilled about the opportunity. That was when I realized something wasn’t going quite right in my life. Why would I not be excited about such valuable opportunity? Wasn’t that what I wanted?

I felt like all these times my effort in my job was wasted because it didn’t seem to be what I wanted most for my life.

I was lost and didn’t know what to do, so I started to look for ways to get out of the rut. The shrinking free time remaining was spent poring over hundreds of books about motivation, productivity and communication.
?JOIN: @milkaainajireenyaa
?JOIN: @milkaainajireenyaa
?JOIN: @milkaainajireenyaa

7 months ago

?????????? ??????? ??????????⁉️
???? ??????? ?? ???? ????⁉️

Chaanaalii Akkamii Barbaaddu⁉️ Chaanaalota Barbaachisoo ta'an hundaayyuu isiniif qabannee dhufneerra join godhaa itti fayyadamaa

ምን ቻናል ይፈልጋሉ⁉️  እንድትቀላቀሉ እና እንድትጠቀሙባቸው ሁሉም አስፈላጊ ቻናሎች አሉን።

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         ??????????? ????????

9 months, 3 weeks ago

How to Stop Taking Things Personally ?

Ever wondered why some people seem unaffected by criticism while others get deeply hurt?

? What does it mean to take things personally?

When we take things personally, we internalize negative comments or actions, feeling like they attack our identity. For example, if someone says "It's not you, it's me" during a breakup, we might think, "What did I do wrong?" Instead of seeing the real issue, we blame ourselves.

? Why do narcissists take everything personally?

Narcissists can't separate their actions from their identity. If you criticize a narcissist for being drunk, they don't see the problem as their drinking but as a personal attack. They play the victim and never change their behavior.

? How can we stop taking things personally?

  1. See through others' eyes: Practice empathy. Try to understand what specific behavior or words might be bothering the other person.
  2. Separate identity from behavior: If you fail an interview, don't think, "I'm a failure." Instead, consider, "I need to improve my skills."

? What's the actionable step?

Whenever you feel attacked, ask yourself:
- What behavior is being criticized?
- How can I improve that specific action?

? Examples to practice

- Feedback on work: If your boss says your report needs improvement, focus on the report, not on your abilities as a person.
- Relationship issues: If someone says you're not attentive, think about specific ways to show more attention, rather than feeling inadequate.

By focusing on behaviors and not internalizing criticism, you can improve relationships and self-esteem. It’s all about shifting your perspective and taking constructive action.

Remember, the key is to understand that criticism is often about specific actions, not about you as a person. Practice empathy, focus on behaviors, and take actionable steps to improve.

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All-in-One Cross-Chain DeFi Solution with native token $SWITCH

Partnerships: [email protected]

Last updated 7 months ago

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Contact us @Burqasupport


Last updated 3 months ago

👉👉 Sʜᴀʀᴇ ɪʏᴏ xᴀʏᴇʏsɪɪɴ sᴏᴏ ᴅᴀʟʙᴏ👉👉 @Ibiiye_online
MY ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟs 👇👇🔥💀

0619425303👈👈👈👈 qofkii xareesiiska rabo luuqa iga soo qabo

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago