香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community


Hong Kong Cultural Community (HKCC) is a registered non-profit organisation in the UK, dedicated to preserving and promoting Hong Kong culture.
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7 months, 3 weeks ago
One of our beloved cultural exchange …

One of our beloved cultural exchange programs is back - now bite-sized!

Join our English-Cantonese Language Exchange Mixer for an afternoon of fun games, conversations, and pub quiz (in a Hong Kong-style restaurant). Come meet and connect with new friends from diverse backgrounds, while practising your language skills!

? 18 Aug 2024 Sunday
? 2:00pm - 5:00pm
? Dragon Oriental (55 Faulkner St, Manchester M1 4FF)
?️ £5 (includes one drink)

Open to all Hongkongers and locals in Manchester.

Seats are limited - sign up now at the link below:

We can’t wait to see you!

Follow us on:

Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社

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8 months ago
香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community
8 months ago
***?***今個星期日就係Beyond in Tribute 演唱會***??***

?今個星期日就係Beyond in Tribute 演唱會??

未買飛嘅你,可以掃QR code或者去以下嘅link用優惠價£10購票(現場購票£12):

時間:下午6:30 入場,7:00 - 9:00 表演
地點:Aatma, 14-16 Faraday St, Manchester M1 1BE (@aatmamcr)


諗緊完場之後去邊睇歐國盃決賽? ⚽️ Aatma 場地同意喺我地表演完畢後 由晚上9點開始直播賽事 歡迎留低一齊見證冠軍誕生?


?Preparations in full swing for our Beyond in Tribute concert this Sunday ??

Grab your £10 ticket now (walk-in: £12) by scanning the QR code or at the link below:

Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024
Time: 6:30pm (door opens), 7:00pm - 9:00pm (main event)
Venue: Aatma, 14-16 Faraday St, Manchester M1 1BE

*Each entry ticket comes with complimentary food coupons from our sponsors.

Hoping to catch the Euro Cup final after the show? ⚽️ Good news - our venue Aatma has agreed to broadcast the match from 9:00pm after the performance ends. You are welcome to join us and cheer for your team! ?

**Please note that Aatma is a 18+ venue.

8 months, 2 weeks ago
***?***Beyond in Tribute 演出樂隊簡介- GEN03 ([@gen03\_mcr]( …

?Beyond in Tribute 演出樂隊簡介- GEN03 (@gen03_mcr) ??
Introducing our performers at the Beyond in Tribute concert - GEN03!

Established in July 2023, GEN03 is a refreshing Manchester-based band founded by passionate Hongkongers.

GEN03 係一種可以令蘋果停止氧化嘅基因 ?。佢哋以此嚟命名樂團,係希望廣東歌可以歷久不衰,憑藉團員對粵語流行音樂嘅熱誠同初心,保育同推廣香港流行文化。
GEN03 is an extraordinary gene that protects apples from oxidisation. GEN03 aspires to embody this spirit in their music, infusing it with passion and everlasting vibrancy.

GEN03 認為音樂無界限,擅長各類型曲風,尤其係Poprock/Cantonpop。近期更有原創歌曲面世,並已登陸各大串流平台。?
GEN03 specializes in Poprock/Cantonpop, but believes that music knows no boundaries. They recently released their debut original single available on streaming platforms.

請即預訂您的早鳥門票!Get your early bird tickets now:

?時間:6:30pm(入場)/ 7:00pm(開始)
?地點:Aatma, 14-16 Faraday St, Manchester M1 1BE (@aatmamcr)

Please note that Aatma is a 18+ venue.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

The 1980s were vibrant and transformative times for Hong Kong music, marked by the rise of Cantopop, a unique genre blending elements of Western pop music and Cantonese lyrics.

Amidst the rising stars, Beyond stood out with their rock-infused sound, versatile style, and socially conscious lyrics.

Join us to celebrate Beyond’s legacy on the evening of 14th July, Sunday. We are excited to have a founding member of the band, Mr William Tang, performing classic hits with locally-based Hongkonger band, GEN03.

You’re invited (but not required) to come in your 80s-inspired outfits; vintage shirts, denim jeans, oversized blazers, polka dot dresses are all welcome to bring back vibes of the remarkable era.???

Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024
Time: 6:30pm (Door opens)/ 7:00pm (event starts)
Venue: Aatma, 14-16 Faraday St, Manchester M1 1BE (@aatmamcr)

Get your early bird tickets now!:

*Please note that Aatma is a 18+ venue.

8 months, 3 weeks ago
(English version below)

(English version below)

在香港樂壇眾多耀眼的新星中,Beyond 憑藉其搖滾,百變的曲風和具有社會意識,人文情懷的歌詞脫穎而出,成為至今仍被傳頌的一代巨星。

誠邀您在7月14日星期日晚上與我們見證Beyond的傳奇之路。我們很榮幸邀請到樂隊創始成員之一的William Tang先生,與本地樂隊GEN03一起演繹Beyond的經典歌曲。



時間:下午6:30(入場)/ 晚上7:00(開始)
地點:Aatma, 14-16 Faraday St, Manchester M1 1BE (@aatmamcr)



8 months, 4 weeks ago

? Beyond In Tribute Tickets On Sale! ?

Come join this live gig in tribute to Beyond, a Cantopop rock band from Hong Kong that became prominent across Asia in the 80s. A founding member of the band, Mr William Tang, will be performing Beyond’s classic hits with locally-based Hongkonger band @Gen03_mcr.

The evening will also include a salon talk where William will share stories of Beyond in the early days, and analyse an unreleased track by the late band leader Wong Ka Kui. Don’t miss this rare opportunity!

? Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024
? Time: Door opens at 6:30pm, event starts at 7:00pm
? Venue: Aatma, 14-16 Faraday St, Manchester M1 1BE

Early bird tickets are available from today at £10 (regular price £12) - reserve your tickets NOW (link in bio):

*Please note that Aatma is a 18+ venue.

9 months, 4 weeks ago

Joint Notice regarding Organisational Abbreviations “HKCC”

Since the establishment of the new organisation "Manchester HongKonger Community Center," “Hong Kong Cultural Community CIC" has received enquiries about the relationship between the two organisations.

In light of our discussions, we would like to clarify the following:
⚠️ "Hong Kong Cultural Community" and "Manchester HongKonger Community Center" are different organisations and are independent of each other.

Such confusion may arise because of the similarity of the English abbreviations which include the letters "HKCC". Therefore, "Manchester HongKonger Community Center" will use its full name in all feasible circumstances to avoid further confusion.

We hope the two organisations will establish good connections and hence continue to strengthen the power of the Hong Kong civil society. Here is an introduction to both organisations:

⭐️ Hong Kong Cultural Community CIC

Hong Kong Cultural Community CIC was established in early 2021 by a group of newly arrived Hongkongers in the UK and has been serving the community in Greater Manchester for several years. As a non-profit organisation, "Hong Kong Cultural Community" is dedicated to promoting Hong Kong culture in Greater Manchester, organising events to connect locals with Hongkongers, and helping Hongkongers integrate into British society.

In the past, Hong Kong Cultural Community CIC has organised various cultural activities, including the Manchester Hong Kong Film Festival, art exhibitions, language exchange programmes, cooking exchange, mahjong competition, a cultural column about Hong Kong and community film screenings. Hong Kong Volunteers of Manchester is the subsidiary organisation of Hong Kong Cultural Community, contributing to the local community through activities such as community art in the park we take care of, urban greening, canal cleaning, street cleaning, and visits to care homes. Through these activities Hong Kong Cultural Community has established strong relationships with government departments, other Hong Kong organisations, and local community groups.

Hong Kong Cultural Community's website and social media:
| Website:
| Linktree:
| Instagram:
| Telegram:
| Facebook:

⭐️ Manchester HongKonger Community Center

Manchester Hongkonger Community Centre is one of the branches in the UK of the international organisation, Hongkonger Community Centre. The Hongkonger Community Centre has established 19 centers in various cities across five countries: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. The Manchester center is the third "Hongkonger Community Centre" in the UK, following Reading and Exeter. By providing a gathering place enriched with cultural, recreational, and interactive events, the center helps Hong Kong immigrants and residents to connect. It also hopes to attract people of different ethnicities to participate and promote integration.

Manchester HongKonger Community Centre's social media:
| Instagram:
| Facebook:
| WhatsApp:
| Telegram:

Thank you for your enquiries and concern. Our organisations will continue to strive to serve the Hong Kong community in Manchester.

9 months, 4 weeks ago


隨著新組織「曼城香港人社區中心 Manchester HongKonger Community Center」成立,「香港文化社 Hong Kong Cultural Community CIC」就兩個組織是否相關收到不少查詢。

⚠️ 「香港文化社」與「曼城香港人社區中心」並非同一組織,亦互不從屬。

大家之所以有這樣的疑問,或因為兩個組織的英文簡稱相似,並包含「HKCC」字樣。因此「曼城香港人社區中心 Manchester HongKonger Community Center」將於所有可行的情況下,使用上述名稱的全寫,避免再引起混淆。

我們期望兩組織建立良好互動,壯大香港人組織力量。以下介紹一下兩個組織 -

⭐️ 香港文化社Hong Kong Cultural Community



香港文化社Hong Kong Cultural Community 的網頁及社交媒體 -
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⭐️ 曼城香港人社區中心 Manchester HongKonger Community Center

曼城香港人社區中心其實係全球組織 @Hongkonger Community Centre 香港人社區中心喺英國嘅其中一個分站。「香港人社區中心」已經喺美國、加拿大、英國、德國同澳洲5個國家多個城市設有 19 個中心,而曼城嘅中心係繼Reading同Exeter之後,英國第3個「香港人社區中心」,除咗希望曼城香港人有個恆常嘅聚腳點,透過康樂、文化及娛樂活動互相認識同交流之外,仲希望吸引唔同種族嘅人一齊參與,促進融合。

曼城香港人社區中心 Manchester HongKonger Community Center的社交媒體 -

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| WhatsApp:
| Telegram:


11 months, 1 week ago
**與Salford市長候選人對談 - 香港人居民大會**

與Salford市長候選人對談 - 香港人居民大會
選舉將至,好好運用手中難得的一票 ?
香港文化社將聯同Salford Hongkongers CIC舉辦香港人居民大會,讓大家與Salford市長候選人面對面溝通,為香港人發聲,並搵出心水候選人! ??

綠黨候選人Mr David Jones,以及現任Salford市長、工黨候選人Mr Paul Dennett已答允出席!正等候其餘候選人回覆。

活動詳情 -
? 日期:2024年4月19日(星期五)
? 時間:下午6:30開始(或根據候選人需要稍作調整,會透過電郵通知參加者)
? 地點:Eccles Town Hall, Church Street, Eccles M30 0LH



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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago