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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Secretos empresariales para futuros empresarios 💸

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👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

No hay amor más grande que el que uno siente aquí en el pecho por una causa, por una patria, por una gente, por un pueblo, por la causa humana. CHÁVEZ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

4 months ago

📚just shy of

You can say something is just shy of an amount if it's just short of that amount.

❗️For example

🔸Luckily our boxer's weight is just shy of 60 kilos. If he was over 60 kilos, he couldn't fight.

🔸We've counted the bricks and there are just shy of a thousand.

4 months ago

💠 acid 🇺🇸

the potent hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD

For example

🔺The first time Virginia took a tab of acid, she went a bit crazy and thought she could fly. She was in hospital for three months after jumping off a building.

🔺Acid is a very powerful drug, and it can be very dangerous.

4 months ago

The difference between everyday and every day.
Everyday is an adjective so it goes before the noun it describes.
Everyday = ordinary, regular, normal or commonplace. It can refer to something done or used daily or routinely.

🔹You should wear an elegant dress for the wedding, not just an everyday one.
🔹Even though he has won some money, it hasn't changed his everyday life.
🔹Some everyday activities damage the environment.
🔹Why do you always use those big words that are not common in everyday language?

Every day is a phrase that usually acts as an adverb.
Every day = all of the days or each day over a period of time. It can also mean very regularly.

🔸You've been wearing that same shirt every day this week. You need to change it!
🔸You should take a shower every day.
🔸Low prices, every day! (A sign in a shop)
🔸Woodward English publishes new material on Twitter every day.

4 months ago
4 months ago
4 months ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago


🔘Sell somebody down the river.

🍃to do something that harms a group of people who trusted you, in order to gain money or power for yourself.

🍃He didn't expect to be sold down the river by someone he had known for so long

5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 4 weeks ago


▪️A bag of sugar

▫️A bar of chocolate

▪️A bottle of water

▫️A bowl of ice cream

▪️A box of cereal

▫️A bunch of bananas

▪️A can of soda

▫️A carton of milk

▪️A cup of coffee

▫️A glass of wine

▪️A jar of honey

▫️A jug of lemonade

▪️A loaf of bread

▫️A packet of gum

▪️A piece of cheese

▫️A slice of bread

▪️A tin of sardines

🦋 @speakenglishvip

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Canal Informativo de noticias nacionales e internacionales, programas y misiones sociales, contenidos publicitarios, Información veraz, responsable y al momento.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Secretos empresariales para futuros empresarios 💸

🔝 Contenido exclusivo: https://ibillonario.gumroad.com/

🗂 Nuestros canales: https://t.me/addlist/I7ZfedW8EpgwYmU6

👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

No hay amor más grande que el que uno siente aquí en el pecho por una causa, por una patria, por una gente, por un pueblo, por la causa humana. CHÁVEZ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago