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Last updated 7 months ago
*⭐️ *Map of The Model Essays
? Essay 1 - 10 ? Essay 11 - 20
? Essay 21 - 30 ? Essay 31 - 40
? Essay 41 - 50 ? Essay 51 - 60
? Essay 61 - 70 ? Essay 71 - 80
? Essay 81 - 90
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✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
*⭐️ *Map of The Model Essays
? Essay 1 - 10 ? Essay 11 - 20
? Essay 21 - 30 ? Essay 31 - 40
? Essay 41 - 50 ? Essay 51 - 60
? Essay 61 - 70 ? Essay 71 - 80
? Essay 88: Table - Poverty proportion in Australia
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✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
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✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
Task 1 question requires you to use several vocabularies to present the data given in a pie/ bar/ line/ mixed graph or to describe a process or a flow chart.
The examiner will use four criteria to score your response: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, & grammatical range and accuracy.
Since lexical resource will determine 25% of your score in Task 1, you have to enrich your vocabulary to hit a high band score. To demonstrate that you have a great lexical resource, you need to:
— Use correct synonyms in your writing;
— Use a range of vocabulary;
— Do not repeat words and phrases from the exam question unless there is no alternative;
— Use less common vocabulary;
— Do not use the same word more than once/twice;
— Use precise and accurate words in a sentence.
It is advisable that you learn synonyms and use them accurately in your writing in order to give an impression that you can use a good range of vocabulary.
#IELTS_Task1 #Writing9 #TopTips
✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
? IELTS Vocabulary: good essay phrases
Let's review the good vocabulary. It is full of 'less common' collocations and phrases.
? with broad implications for
? may have its dangers
? the negative implications
? the cloning of humans
? genetically modified crops
? damage whole ecosystems
? foods become resistant to
? natural predators
? humans could be modified or cloned
? provide body part replacements
? would be unprecedented
? a more optimistic prediction
? mitigate the risks
? genetic technologies
? famine in developing countries
? can be grown in harsh conditions
? from a medical perspective
? produce vaccines
? cure diseases
? to correct a genetic defect
? if properly regulated
? the cloning of individual organs
? for transplant purposes
? have a positive impact on our lives
? people's fears will be unwarranted
#IELTSWriting #Writing9 #Vocabulary
✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
*⭐️ *Map of The Model Essays
? Essay 1 - 10 ? Essay 11 - 20
? Essay 21 - 30 ? Essay 31 - 40
? Essay 41 - 50
⚠️ P.S: 150 *?*reactions to be continued ...
✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
? Why Short Stories Are Best for English Learning?
You get more time to focus on individual words. When a text is short, you can devote more time to learning how every single word is used and what importance it has in the piece.
You can read a whole story in one sitting. Attention spans are very important for learning, and the ability to finish a story gives you more time to digest it. Short stories are designed to give you maximum information with minimal effort.
It is best for consistency. It is far easier to read one story every day than trying to read a big novel that never seems to end.
You can share them easily in a group. Since short stories can be read in a single setting, they are ideal for book clubs and learning circles. Most of the time these groups do not work because members have no time to read. Short stories are the perfect solution.
You can focus more on ideas and concepts. Language is less about words and more about the meaning behind them. If you spend all your time learning vocabulary and grammar, you will never be able to fluently speak a language because you will have little to talk about. These short stories give you the opportunity to understand big ideas in context.
✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
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?Do not rush to finish your essay
After writing your conclusion, you might think that you have completed your essay. Wrong. Before you consider this a finished work, you must pay attention to all the small details.
Check the order of your paragraphs. Your strongest points should be the first and last paragraphs within the body, with the others falling in the middle. Also, make sure that your paragraph order makes sense. If your essay is describing a process, such as how to make a great chocolate cake, make sure that your paragraphs fall in the correct order.
Review the instructions for your essay, and review what you have written. Reread your paper and check to see if it makes sense. Make sure that sentence flow is smooth and add phrases to help connect thoughts or ideas. Check your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes.
✅@Essays_band9 - Road to band 9️⃣
*⭐️ *Map of The Model Essays
? Essay 1 - 10 ? Essay 11 - 20
⚠️ P.S: To be continued ...
✅@Essays_band9-Road to band 9️⃣
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months ago