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Last updated 2 months ago

?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
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By Chandan Kr Sah
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Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

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Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago

2 months, 1 week ago

What does this number mean?

2 months, 1 week ago

He is champion for us not that nigga??

2 months, 1 week ago


Assalomu alaykum guys!

Erta(Avgust 1)dan boshlab har kunlik Morning sessions boshlanadi nasib va 2 hafta mobaynida davom etamiz
Agar kimdir darajasi oshmay qiynalib yurgan bo'lsa, yoki tezroq L&R ni ko'tarib olmoqchi bo'lsa - ayni muddao.
Bilaman, uyqudan kechish qiyin, lekin aynan shu ishingiz ertaga sizni kuchli qiladi.
Xullas, kelinglar - men sizga o'zimdagi bor bilimni o'rgataman.

*?*Topic: Full Listening + analysis( qanday qilib audioni eshitishdan oldin javobni deyarli topib bo'lish va javoblar tahlili)

*?*Time: 7AM - 9AM

*?*Location: Everest Parkentskiy

P.S. Ushbu qo'shimcha darslarning hammasi menda o'qigan/o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun bepul!
Kelib ilm olsangiz bo'ldi.

2 months, 1 week ago

Bilim + Insoniylik

P.S. Shunday o'quvchilar borki ham darsini kamchiliksiz qiladi, ham hurmat-izzatni o'rniga qo'yib qo'yadi.
Shunday o'quvchilar bilan siylagani uchun O'zi ga shukurlar bo'lsin.
Yaxshilab damni olib, Sentyabrdan kuchga to'lib qaytinglar sizlarni kutaman✊?
Boshlagan sayohatimizni oxiriga yetkazishimiz kerak axir ;)

2 months, 1 week ago

Assalomu alaykum hammaga.

Bir iltimos bilan yozyappan sizlarga.
Garchi o'zim ingliz tilidan dars bersamda kitob o'qishga uncha qiziqmayman,shu sababli ingliz tilida yaxshi kitoblarni bilmayman.
O'qish uchun yaxshi kitoblarni tavsiya qilinglar ingliz tilida??

P.S. Iloji boricha detektiv janrda(o'ldim-kuydimlarga chiday olmayman;)

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Interstellar ?

2 months, 2 weeks ago
**WHY does the voice change with …

WHY does the voice change with helium?
When you inhale ambient air, your vocal cords vibrate in "normal" mode.

However, helium has a lower density, around 7 times lower than air. As a result, the vocal cords are less strained and vibrate at a higher frequency. The voice becomes higher and more squeaky.

And if you inhale a heavy gas, such as sulfur fluoride, which is five times heavier than air, even a 7-year-old girl will start to speak in a bass.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Kung-Fu Panda 4 ni english versioni kimdadir bormi guys?

Share qilinglar, please??

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Last updated 2 months ago

?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
Contact @GKGSAdminBot
Channel Link-

By Chandan Kr Sah
Email- [email protected]

Must Subscribe Us On YouTube -

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

? YouTube channel link :-

? telegram channel - @rojgaarwithankit

? telegram channel - @RojgarwithankitRailway

? RWA helpline number - 9818489147

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago