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6 months, 4 weeks ago
7 months, 1 week ago

O’ZBEQISTON- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC- Ichkidan habarlar, pc: N Santos

7 months, 1 week ago

I have many more questions now

7 months, 1 week ago
***✨*** ***??*****O'zbek bozoridagi afg'on hunarmandlari**

??O'zbek bozoridagi afg'on hunarmandlari

O‘tmish fotosuratchilari mahalliy aholi bilan birgalikda – savdo maqsadlarida kelgan, keyinchalik ba’zan shu yerda uzoq muddat yashab qolgan afg‘onlar, hindlarni ham suratlarga muhrlaganlar.

Afg‘on hunarmandlarining mahsulotlari mahalliy aholi orasida hamisha xaridorgir bo‘lardi. Ayniqsa misdan yasalgan tovoq idishlar, qurollar– xanjar va qilichlarni o‘zbek zodagonlari sotib olardi. Afg‘onlar asosan gavjum bozorlari mo‘l bo‘lgan, butun O‘rta Osiyo hududlaridan xaridorlar yetib keladigan Samarqand va Buxoroda joylashdilar.

?Mavzu doirasida batafsil “O‘zbekiston madaniy merosi jahon to‘plamlarida" turkumidagi "O‘zbekiston Rossiya arxivlari to'plamlarida saqlanayotgan XIX asr va XX asr boshlariga oid tarixiy fotosuratlarda“ (37 jild) kitob-albomida tanishishingiz mumkin.

* ??Афганские ремесленники на узбекском рынке*
Наряду с коренными народами фотографы прошлого запечатлели также афганцев и индусов, которые приезжали по торговым делам и иногда подолгу жили в среднеазиатских городах, дополняя их этническое разнообразие.

Изделия афганских ремесленников всегда пользовались спросом среди местного населения, особенно медночеканная посуда, оружие – кинжалы и сабли, которые охотно приобретала узбекская знать. Афганцы обосновывались преимущественно в Самарканде и Бухаре, где были самые многолюдные базары и куда съезжались покупатели со всей Средней Азии.

?Подробнее ознакомиться с темой можно в книге-альбоме "Узбекистан на исторических фотографиях XIX - начала XX в. в собраниях российских архивов" (XXXVII том) серии "Культурное наследие Узбекистана в собраниях мира"

Afghan Craftsmen in the Uzbek Market

Along with the indigenous peoples, photographers of the past captured Afghans and Indians who came for trade and sometimes lived for long periods in Central Asian cities, adding to their ethnic diversity.

The products of Afghan craftsmen were always in demand among the local population, especially copperware, weapons - daggers and sabers, which were eagerly purchased by the Uzbek nobility. Afghans settled mainly in Samarkand and Bukhara, where the most crowded bazaars were located and buyers from all over Central Asia came.

?You can learn more about the topic in the book-album “Uzbekistan in historic photographs of the 19th - early 20th centuries in the collections of Russian archives” (Volume XXXVII) in the series “Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan”.

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7 months, 1 week ago

G’alabamiz uchun… ???Yulduz Usmanova dans un appartement très ouzbéko-parisien

7 months, 1 week ago

Xorazmlilar da bar pc:N Santos

7 months, 1 week ago

Eng hayajonlilar

7 months, 1 week ago

From a fellow patriot- O’zbeqiston!!!!

9 months, 4 weeks ago

There was a house near my boarding school. One day, when I came back, there just was no house. These were the neighboring houses. [...] So four houses were obliterated. Right? Burned walls, half an apartment left exposed, something hanging, something destroyed. The second thing is the sirens.

We had was a loudspeaker. And it had a metronome on at all time. It had three modes.

A normal mode, and where the metronome picked up pace. That meant an air attack was coming. And the third mode was when the artillery was firing. At Gatchina, the Germans had heavy artillery.

These are not army guns that shoot at tanks, at infantry. These are 400-millimeter guns, trophy guns. The Germans took them from the French and the Czechs.

The guns were all concentrated in Gatchina, about 25-30 kilometers away. And they targeted us from this distance easily. A shell weighs a ton. It destroyed any fortification.

These alarms didn't get on our nerves. When the metronome started speeding up and all. Not only that, the sirens were also blaring. These girls from the Ministry of Defense turned them on, it was their duty,

It was such an unpleasant sound. But we didn't even notice it anymore. Not everywhere in the old town had bomb shelters...

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