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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Blissful rising discoverers
My little brothers soul returned home and left this mortal world in the early hours of this morning. Following over a decade of being told that he would die at any moment as he had lukemia. I had sat next to his hospital bed on a number of occasions and he defied them all and lived, he walked to the beat of his own drum and taught me much.
As I navigate what is presenting I am a little surprised of how much 'I should' that is passing through my consciousness, what is expected of what I need to do and how I should be. None of this is real, I have no idea where these notions are rooted and have decided to allow myself to be, whatever that looks like or is. No prescriptions of being.
Each member of my family is navigating their own process and yet we are one in our sorrow and joy in his passing.
I do not know why I am sharing this, perhaps to make it real, to see it in a written form that is in some way real.
Always with kindness
Love and gratitude
Helen ?
If this is near you or you fancy a day out
Blissful rising discoverers
I have been pondering being bored.
When my children were little they learned fairly quickly that boredom was not something to admit to, as something to occupy you would be found, with the statement that boredom was a state of mind. I still hold that boredom is a state of mind. In truth I'm not overly clear what boredom means.
I wondered is boredom a prerequisite for creativity? I voiced this and today I was offered a meme on boredom from a child whose mother instructed her to be with her boredom, from this after the initial rebellious stage the child began to create stories and images. This bolstered my ponderings.
These wonderful devices that we carry do not allow us space to become bored, we may become bored of scrolling, this rarely encourages us to put them down and allow ourselves space to be. We even schedule our time to be, to do nothing or to meditate. We have scheduled our boredom! Or have we.
I have also been pondering why I'm not doing the things thay I wish, I seem to be waiting for something, historically in my life when things have become too much or I'm completely flummoxed by them I have acted, now I scroll. I am addicted to my device and scrolling, I am becoming extremely bored with it and yet it remains in my hands. I am curious and excited to see where this awareness leads and have put in boundaries on my use, with the intention to use only when required.
I am no longer entertained!
What are your vibrations on boredom and creativity? How is your relationship with your device?
Always with kindness
Have a most awesome rising and setting of the sun and moon.
Love and gratitude
Helen ?
Happy father's day to the leg-end that raised our children and walks this path called life with me.
You're a dad in a zillion, every day is a day to celebrate you. Thank you for raising four beautiful souls with me, offering balance and love eternally.
Elderflower cordial finished and bottled.
Blissful rising discoverers
Today is St George's Day, the patron saint of the UK. Although it is unlikely that he ever actually visited the UK his acts of virtue etc ended up with him having this day dedicated to him. The main act is slaying the dragon.
Have ye ever wondered what the purpose of a patron saint is? In truth until today I hadn't. I just accepted that there was a 'good' reason for them. I have joined and organised celebrations for a couple of patron saints around the world, without any concept of why.
Where we place our energy is important, have ye added your vibration and energy without any thoughts as to why the encouragement to give your energy exists.
For me today is another opportunity to explore what these patron saints are about and why countries adopt them. Sainthood of itself is something for me to contemplate. Some who were burned at the stake for heresy are now saints! Was/is Sainthood utilised as some form of attracting or controlling population's to certain ideologies? Is it hoped that the countries will embody the positive attributes of these individuals? . . .
I live in a country where various saints are called upon regularly, St. Anthony if you lose something, St Brigid for fertility. Until recently everyone was given a baptismal name which had to be a name of a Saint. They are very active in the psyche of the people. What do the saints offer you, are they in your life without your awareness?
If ye are celebrating enjoy, have a wonderful St George's Day.
Today ye are encouraged to become aware of where and why ye place your energy, vibrations and frequencies.
Always with kind curiosity
Have an awesome day
Today's show encouraged ye to make a date and honour the self.
Two powerful lessons I've learnt
Peeling away the onion layers
1) In the middle of nowhere, I was standing in front of a guy once who suddenly fainted, cracked his head on the floor, and blood started coming out of his ears. Everyone froze.
I got him on the back of a worker's truck and to a hospital. He survived. With the loss of hearing in one ear.
In a city surrounded by hundreds of people, a bus was reversing into a car he couldn't see. Everyone froze. I ran up to the bus, banged on the door and stopped the driver.
Once a girl fell off a scooter and had a bone sticking out of her leg. Everyone froze. I was in a taxi who wanted to keep going. I got her in the taxi and to a hospital.
We are all called to stand up when the moment arises. But in the meantime, don't look for or focus on doom.
It will come to you.
Your job is primarily to take care of you, so that when you can practically take action, you don't freeze.
2) When we feel down, low, anxious or stressed in our ordinary every day life, we often feel we're the only one.
You're not.
I had suicidal thoughts growing up and, as you know, I now serve the famous and nonfamous in the freedom, truth and conscious awakening realms.
I can tell you that those people you follow and look up to - your heroes - are also going through their own ups and downs. Why? Because we all go through ups and downs. It's normal.
Those awake and aware famous individuals in the truth, freedom and spirituality circles are stressed, with family or work issues, and trying to figure themselves out just like you.
I know first hand that even the most enlightened of individuals have their issues, especially those acting like or claiming they don't have any. And why? Because..
We are all evolving. Evolution never stops. Remember that! Because that includes you and everyone else.
So in a nutshell
Be wary of anyone who says they've cracked it. It's very unlikely and very likely they're not being authentic - even to themselves.
Your biggest superpower is to know your issues, and be authentic.
Keep doing your inner work. Be honest about who you are. Get yourself as ready as you can be emotionally, mentally and physically for when you are called to take action and do the right thing the next time the sh*t hits the fan.
Don't actively look for doom. It will knock of your door step.
99% of the time we can be nurturing ourselves and loving those around us. 1% of the time you're going to be asked to do something when others around you freeze.
And most of all remember that no one knows better than you what you need.
Blessings, Robito ?
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Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago