English Christian Songs

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Официальный новостной канал криптобиржи OKX | www.okx.com на русском языке.

💬 Комьюнити: t.me/okx_russian

👨‍💻 Поддержка: [email protected]

Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends

Last updated 3 days, 21 hours ago

Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.

Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

#1 канал о блокчейне, криптовалютах и децентрализованных финансах.

🔥 Реклама — @DCTeam

Last updated 7 hours ago

10 months, 2 weeks ago
10 months, 2 weeks ago

??…You Were Asleep…??
(Ты крепко спал)

You were asleep, oh town of Bethlehem,
Your lights were lost amid the fog surrounding.
You didn’t see how someone entered in,
And came up to your door with urgent knocking.
You slept so deep, and you were so content,
You bed was warm and you were full and happy.
But there, right on your door, Joseph had knocked,
And couldn’t find a place for tired Mary.

You slept, and did not hear the wondrous choir,
You didn’t see the angels that were singing.
You didn’t even see the shepherds run,
You didn’t see the wise men that were trav’ling

  1. You were asleep, and all was very dark,
    When Mary laid her Child in the manger.
    She gazed at Him with tears upon her eyes,
    For this was Jesus Christ, the promised Savior,
    You slept through all that happened on that night,
    You didn’t see the miracles and wonders.
    You slept, but maybe still you are asleep, Approaching quickly to the final hours.

Arise, and wake the town of Bethlehem,
Awake: come to the manger with the shepherds!
Awake, for God has come so near to you,
Arise, and meet the Savior of all nations.

Дословный перевод в комментариях!??


10 months, 2 weeks ago
10 months, 3 weeks ago
1. O, the wonder that has …
  1. O, the wonder that has risen
    In the hearts of shepherd men!
    They can scare believe the promise
    As they run to Bethlehem.

Jesus Christ has come from heaven
On this precious Christmas night
Won’t you come before the Manger,
See the lovely Child of light?

  1. Shepherds come into the Doorway
    Of the barn where oxen dwell,
    And they see divine compassion
    In the Child Emmanuel.

  2. What a precious of glory!
    To the fields the men depart,
    This will always be remembered
    In each Shepherd’s blissful heart.

?️Аналог песни на русском языке: «О, какое упоенье»

Дословный перевод в комментариях!??


10 months, 3 weeks ago
11 months ago
English Christian Songs
11 months ago
11 months, 1 week ago
11 months, 3 weeks ago
1 year ago
***?******?***…Galatians 6:7:

??…Galatians 6:7:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows”.

??…Гал 6:7:
"Не обманывайтесь: Бог поругаем не бывает. Что посеет человек, то и пожнет:"


We recommend to visit

Официальный новостной канал криптобиржи OKX | www.okx.com на русском языке.

💬 Комьюнити: t.me/okx_russian

👨‍💻 Поддержка: [email protected]

Маркетинг: @CoffeeTrends

Last updated 3 days, 21 hours ago

Здесь простым языком про TON, DFC и крипту.

Принимаем автоматически.
Ссылка для друзей: https://t.me/+-EOfWx2pRKhmNGE6
Связь: @deftalk_bot

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

#1 канал о блокчейне, криптовалютах и децентрализованных финансах.

🔥 Реклама — @DCTeam

Last updated 7 hours ago