Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Raf da ko'p marta tik turib kelganman-u lekin birinchi marta engashib ( ya'ni egilib ) kelishim. Bazi Raf mashinalarini tom qismi ancha past bo'larkan.
P.s City public transport driverlari juda mehribonda shu odam ham manziliga yetvosin deb, boshi sig'sa bo'ldi nechta odam bo'lsa ham olib ketaverishadi😁
Institut darslariga bormaslik dars qilish va soqol o'stirish uchun eng yaxshi davr.
P.s Bugundan amaliyot tugab, medinstituteda darslar boshlandi.
ℹ️ Bizda yangi 0(offline) dan INGLIZ tili til kurslari tashkillanmoqda👇 🔺 manzil: Andijon davlat tibbiyot insituti asosiy binosi.(offline) - Umumiy davomiyligi 1 yil. - Haftada 3 kun (Du, Chor, Juma); - Vaqti: soat 15:00 va 19:00 orasida;(kelishilgan…
The greatest feeling is being able to pay the bill at the table where your parents are seated, no matter what they’ve ordered.
This is why you must work hard, build a successful career, and aim for financial freedom.
Push yourself harder to achieve your goals.
— no one is saying it is impossible!
Urolog bo'lorexmikin??
Ta'talni maroqli va foydali o'tkazish uchun judayam munosib video content?
Do'stim Mahmudjon Meliqo'ziyev tomonidan tayyorlangan ushbu video darsni shaxsan ishtirokchisi bo'lganimdan va qancha dedication, effort sarflangani guvohi bo'lganimdan bag'oyatda xursandman.
Thanks a lot?
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago