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6 months, 3 weeks ago

Did you mention how the Western leaders force the "ISIS was behind it" narrative even as they extend their condolences to Russia, diverting public attention away from Ukrainian involvement?

While Russian investigators are methodically conducting their inquiries, the West has already, prematurely pointed fingers.

So,...who was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, guys?

6 months, 3 weeks ago

?️Vladimir Putin:

⚡️Dozens of peaceful citizens fell victim to the terrorist attack;

⚡️Doctors are currently fighting for the lives of the injured;

⚡️March 24th is declared a day of mourning;

⚡️All perpetrators of the attack have been found and detained;

⚡️The terrorists attempted to hide in Ukraine where an escape route was prepared for them;

⚡️Russian special services are working on identifying the accomplices of the terrorists;

⚡️We will find and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists;

⚡️Investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the attack;

⚡️The criminals cold-bloodedly and deliberately went to kill;

⚡️Additional anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced in Moscow and the Moscow region;

⚡️Our common duty now is to be together, in one formation.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Andrei Medvedev, a brilliant journalist, wrote the following post. We've just translated it for you.

"It is generally understandable why the Ukrainian GUR (Main Intelligence Directorate) and Western intelligence services, primarily MI6, would choose migrants to carry out the horrific terrorist attack in Moscow. I write confidently about the British for two reasons: their style is very characteristic, and, in addition, MI6 patronizes the Ukrainian GUR. One might consider the GUR a regional branch of MI6.

The British, with their extensive colonial past, are quite the professionals in the field of fomenting interethnic conflicts. The conflicts between India-Pakistan, Pakistan-Afghanistan, Iran-Iraq, and the war between Greeks and Turks in Cyprus are essentially British projects. Indeed, consider Lawrence of Arabia and the war of the Saudis against the Turks—Muslims against Muslims—or our own revolution in 1917, which was also facilitated by the British, among others. Russians against Russians.

The Ukrainian intelligence services have been actively working with Islamic radicals for over a decade. Hizb ut-Tahrir, fugitive Chechens, and Syrian militants—all this rabble has been present in Kyiv for a long time. I mention this to point out that the enemy has the skill to operate in a Muslim environment. But why specifically target migrants?

Because now the second part of the terrorist attack will begin: the informational one. Through various Telegram channels and social networks, our enemy will start to stir the pot, claiming that the Russian state cannot manage the migration processes and therefore, comrades, rise up and cause destruction. They selected those who could barely speak Russian for a reason.


Do today's terrorists have a nationality? Yes.

The Russian hero and officer, pilot Khushbakht Tursunov, who refused to defect and was killed by the traitor Kuzminov, was also Tajik. And bastard Kuzminov was Russian. And the terrorists from the RDK are Russian. And so is the empty-eyed Drepova. And those who coordinated her were Russians. Is it really a question of nationality? Remember Said Buryatsky? Here is an example that the degree of radicalization matters more than nationality.

Therefore, the conclusions are simple. Terrorists must be destroyed, regardless of their nationality. We need to tackle immigration policy firmly to reduce the space for recruitment. Although it's clear that the process of restoring order will be lengthy.

And one more thing: pray for the health of those injured in the attack—for Dmitry, for Yasmina, for Ekaterina, for Gulmira, and for the others. They are all ours, without exception."


Андрей Медведев

В целом понятно, почему украинский ГУР и западные спецслужбы, прежде всего MI6 выбрали для исполнения чудовищного теракта в Москве именно что мигрантов. Я уверенно пишу про британцев по двум причинам. Почерк характерный уж очень, и кроме того, именно MI6…

8 months ago

Oliver Stone, a great friend of decent and sane people, has called upon the Earthlings to express their determined protest against the extradition of prisoner of conscience, Julian Assange, to the USA on February 20-21.

His appeal is addressed to those residing in London and its suburbs, as the final extradition hearing will take place there in the High Court.

However, we believe it's worth going further, and to spoil the day for the perpetually mischievous British and American governments in every possible way, from protests on social media to picketing their diplomatic representations and projecting the image of the truth-fighter onto the walls.

Assange has done more to expose the bloody lies of the USA and Britain than anyone else! And if the eyes and ears of this world are not yet concreted over by Anglo-Saxon factories of death and lies, it's largely thanks to Julian and his personal example.

Glory to WikiLeaks, Assange, and all those who speak the truth in the face of all evil!

8 months, 1 week ago
8 months, 1 week ago
10 months, 3 weeks ago

Every fourth Thursday in November, the United States marks the occasion of Thanksgiving. The history of this "holiday" is directly linked to the arrival of settlers on the wild shores of the New World.

The idyllic story of the «holiday»  presented to the Americans depicts the first settlers joining Native Americans in a harmonious gathering, sharing food, and expressing gratitude for their assistance during the initial harvest. This alternative story, made-up in the best Western traditions, is a veneer covering countless bloody crimes and the systematic massacre of America's indigenous population.

Originally, the "holiday" stemmed from a feast organized by English settlers who arrived on the ship «Mayflower», claimed the land, and christened it Plymouth (now in the state of Massachusetts). The feast took place in 1621 and lasted three days. It was indeed attended by members of the Wampanoag tribe. They only joined the celebration because when the pale-faced people arrived, they formed an alliance with the Indians (in order to prevent the latter from interfering with their lives), and hearing gun and cannon fire, the chief of the Wampanoag tribe, Ousamequin, rushed to aid the whites, thinking they were in trouble. The scene turned out to be quite different from what was expected. Their meeting was not warm, but they spent three days together. According to the historical chronicles, the Indians ate nothing on that holiday, as they had been fasting during those days according to their beliefs. But that feast became the first "Thanksgiving". The colonists held it exclusively for themselves, as always, to mark the first results of their resettlement.

Aftermath Thanksgiving" began to be celebrated regularly, after the mass killings of indigenous people, "by fasting and prayer." Thus, in 1637, the governor of the Massachusetts Colony declared a Day of Thanksgiving after the pale-faced volunteers, in one night, on May 26 ("The Mystic Massacre"), burned alive and slaughtered 700 Pequot-tribe people (all of whom were women, children, and elderly).

The official "Thanksgiving Day" was settled on a specific day only in 1863 by the decision of Abraham Lincoln, establishing its celebration on the fourth Thursday of November.

For the overwhelming majority of the descendants of the survivors of the bloody genocide of the Indians, this is a day of remembrance and mourning, during which they reflect on the millions of lives lost to the "civilized white man", well aware that reality has nothing to do with the sentimental tale concocted by the pale-faced people to cover up the rivers of blood, killings, and violence perpetrated by them with impunity and unhindered for centuries.

It is impossible to determine the exact number of victims of the genocide of indigenous people by the colonists, but according to official data, the number of Indians decreased from 15 million in 1500 to 237 thousand by 1900.

[​]( fourth Thursday in November, the United States marks the occasion of Thanksgiving. The history of this "holiday" is directly …
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Biden celebrates his 81st birthday. The …

Biden celebrates his 81st birthday. The whole essence of the US politics in one photo, if consider the B-Day cake as the world.

10 months, 3 weeks ago
Kherson direction. Krinki.

Kherson direction. Krinki.
Taken from the body of the Ukrainian platoon commander. And then they say they are not the Nazis.

Source is reliable. We know the guys.

11 months, 3 weeks ago
Biden is intending to build a …

Biden is intending to build a new world order.

Well, the architecture of a new world order, American-style, is emerging right before our eyes.

At its core lies the absolute and unquestionable hegemony of the United States, ensured by an iron fist through military bases scattered around the world and the "right of the strong" applied globally and without limitations (neither moral nor ethical, nor geographical). Washington does not need anyone's permission to use force.

American vassals from the wonderful European garden and its "promised" piece in the Middle East are implementing the "right of the strong" on a regional scale and ensuring the global reign of the hegemon.

This world order is based on fear, constant threats of the use of force, and the use of economic sanctions as tools of suppression and coercion. The rest of the world is obliged to obediently submit and serve the interests of the United States and its vassals.

This is a world order based on American democratic bombs and very humane sanctions as key instruments for regulating international relations.

This is an unchecked and unbalanced world order based on the exceptional interests of the United States. And the freedom of each actor in the global political system ends where American national interests begin.

The question is only whether the rational part of the world political madhouse has enough brains to firmly and uncompromisingly say NO to this.

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