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Rebecca Rose - Sirius Blue

Rebecca Rose is an Intuitive, Seer & Channel - as well as abductee & SSP survivor - working for the disclosure of our global/galactic/ET reality while assisting others in reclaiming their spiritual consciousness. www.rebeccarosebarfoot.com
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3 days, 17 hours ago
Recently in the City of Angels... …

Recently in the City of Angels... I stumbled upon a most unexpected gift, seemingly related to interplanetary connections, space and quantum travel. -- I was in the airport, scurrying along a dingy underground hallway, poorly lit, and came across a row of several sculptures behind glass casing. It was a deep delight to find some semblance of sanity in my 30+ hour adventure as I stood beholding this dynamic piece which is both ancient and modern. -- Remember that light often hides in the dark and that through long tunnels, we're all to trust the journey into a clear, exuberant and crystalline future. These are the moments we're here for... Much love, RR 💕💕

6 days, 19 hours ago

Hello everyone!! I have missed you all. 🌹 I am currently in the southern hemisphere on a working holiday with a beloved - and have missed some beats here on the channel!! Thank you all for standing by. I also want to welcome quite a few new subscribers. I'm settled in here and hope to be corresponding more soon!! In the meantime, I am happy and honored to have been hosted by Demis Viana and the amazing Secreto Mundo (Brazilian) disclosure channel team. Thank you everyone for watching and listening!! I believe this is subtitled in English. From across great seas and many miles traveled, may you and all of us remember who we are and what we came here for. Much love, Rebecca Rose 🌹💎💙💎🌹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXfUYxVp8Zo


Entrevista com Rebecca Rose: 27/04/24 às 21:00h ( Sobrevivente do projeto Montauk)

Sobrevivente do projeto Montauk. Contatos: Rebecca RoseSite: https://rebeccarosebarfoot.comYoutub: https://www.youtube.com/@rebeccarose-siriusblueTelegrama: ...

2 weeks, 2 days ago

I am super excited to introduce a new interview series to my YouTube channel! — "Introducing Erica Amoreena and her powerful journey to sovereignty after a lifetime of grey ET interference. What role do the heart and triumph over fear have to do with this? Topics also include ET implants, military targeting, inner child aspects, healing, unexpected benevolent guides and more. What is the God Spark and why does it matter?" — If you've had regressive abductions of any kind or unwanted interactions with various groups of greys, this one's for you!! Inspiring ~💎 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sup99swPUQ go


"We are the Divine Spark!" - From Breakdown to Breakthrough with Erica Amoreena

Introducing Erica Amoreena and her powerful journey to sovereignty after a lifetime of grey ET interference. What role do the heart and triumph over fear have to do with this? Topics also include ET implants, military targeting, inner child aspects, deep…

2 months ago
"To Love and Be Loved. This …

"To Love and Be Loved. This is the essential message within the human experience; the highest expression of human embodiment is Love." This weekend's float-pod journey - my second, following on from the first last weekend - continued to deliver in a similar vein. My crown chakra and third eye lit up with an effulgence of natural luminosity as I floated weightless in the magnesium rich water, silky and smooth and warm as the darkness embraced me and my brain wave activity shifted repeatedly, like a crystal prism catching a rainbow of fresh new light.

Again, I felt myself embraced by the womb of space, cosmic and eternal. I found myself grinning there in the stillness with many galactic guides surrounding me - and at the same time, crying profusely. I repeated over and over for many minutes, "I want to go home. I don't know how to live here... I don't know how to do this..." My internal messaging system downloaded many missives from the higher realms this night, but the messages of Love are basic and eternal.

We came here to explore the outer limits of Love. That is all and everything. Be embraced by Love and remember, if you feel bewildered here and long for your home-star, that Love is the frequency connecting us to the divine inside and out. It will be enough to sustain you; enough to help you remember yourself and to find your home within, wherever you are. From the eternal Universe of Love inside my heart to yours, RR 💎🌹💎

2 months, 1 week ago

Floating bliss. Etheric transport. Revelations, silky smooth waters and far expanded states of consciousness. Stars overhead, solo in a soundless world without interruption. Eternal peace. ... Is this space? A higher dimension? — It certainly felt like it. My experience last night of the "sensory deprivation chamber" (aka float tank - in which I felt my senses ironically and extraordinarily heightened) was akin to something from the far reaches of the galaxy and yes, the liminal experience that accompanies OBE/NDE and ET contact. 

I'm still in a state of unconditioned mind as I write. Although I've formally exited the floating cocoon of amniotic grace, something in me remains in deep theta and beyond. I only wished I could have transcribed all the channeled messages I received and all the beings I saw, all the light that visited me in that timeless, non-verbal state. I smiled broadly, aware, repeatedly that there is only love, no fear; that we have no limitations and that there's nothing to control or strive for. My awareness entered a gap in which the essence of non-duality permeated for a time that went on and on. I cried.

All this I experienced with one additional overlay: the pods on the light alliance (galactic confederation) lightship. Sometimes I feel myself there at night, a phenomena that for me has increased over the past year. And in the float tank, separate from my human concerns and rapturously free, the overlay was intense, dramatic and incredibly healing. I shall be returning - and perhaps without the aid of the human-made intervention of the silent water-womb to guide me. 

If you've not immersed in a full-float experience before, you're in for a deeply meditative attunement with your higher self at the very least! I'm reminded again that we are all more than we realize and that by altering our awareness, expanding our consciousness, we become sovereign again - unchained from the shackles of the matrix and its many illusions. I am reminded that we are Love. Its essence permeates. — Please remember this. There is no fear. Nothing to control - and everything to let go of. 💎🌹💙🌹💎

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Late Friday evening for me here in Alaska, where the light of late winter is quickening and the world begins to warm a little. I am up tending my client emails. So much love and gratitude drops into my inbox each day, like white doves and bright angels making offers of peace and freedom. When I read all these many intimate notes and thoughtful shares, I'm reminded that we are all helping each other remember who we are. The following is from my client Amy who has survived intense ritual abuse along with dark force interference - and yet has completely transformed her body, mind and spirit through her indomitable spirit and devotion to the healing path. 🎆 🔥💕

I know her words will inspire!!  {Shared with permission} -->

"Rebecca, I actually had another milestone breakthrough yesterday... the wisdom continually seeps through. I am learning how to be more loving to myself and nourish my spirit instead of feeding the small (ego) self. I see through some attachment or other and let it go in favor of aligning with the Divine and being of benefit. I'm seeing through one of the greatest attachments I've had.. to get well as soon as possible to serve my highest potential. This was putting a lot of pressure on me and causing me to have a lot of struggle around worth and impatience.

Now I see that it is best for me to just relax, trust myself (because I have a really genuinely good heart and a lot of talents/things to offer!).. and not try so hard all of the time. I can stop entertaining the incessant thought-stream about having to make a huge contribution to the Collective some day in favor of just leading a good life... being a kind and loving person and not underestimating a simple and well-lived life. If something larger happens, I'm happy! But I don't have to "earn" my happiness or "deserve" the good things in life. 

I kind of thought having had such a hardcore difficult experience of this first part of my life meant that something "great" needs to come out of it... some huge service... but anyone deserves the blessings and support that I have received so far. It's ok for me to just relax and follow my heart. I'm getting used to the idea of focusing on cultivating a Being-ness of Love... and anything is possible when I follow that as my calling!

The purpose is constantly unfolding and I don't need to know right now what direction to head... I just follow my heart and the path will appear underfoot each step that I take. I was creating a lot of imbalance in my energy flow with that attachment so I'm letting that go so I can be more free to love and enjoy the life that I am having from moment to moment without feeling there's somewhere else I need to be and something else I need to be doing.

Right here, a path with Heart... surrendering the small self and relaxing into a more expanded Consciousness of Love. That is the calling... the rest is the magical adventure. I'm so grateful to my Arcturian family for their guidance, support and wisdom... I felt so homesick and sad before, but these connections with them through the galactic attunements you gave have been super helpful to me. Now I need to find like-minded soul family here, other humans with whom I can feel a sense of belonging and valued appreciation, a shared Consciousness of Love so I can feel more at home here. All this is uplifting me - thank you so much!!"

As Alaska's bright auroras dangle and dance overhead, I smile with a warm heart bow to all. We humans are made of something unique - including soulful, timeless Love and incredibly potent wisdom. Our collective calling is to support one another to step into it, without holding back. Thank you all for your incredible journeys! 💎🌹💎


4 months ago
Rebecca Rose - Sirius Blue
4 months ago
Rebecca Rose - Sirius Blue
4 months, 1 week ago

The Receiving Heart. The topic of Receiving has come up frequently in recent client sessions. It can be a challenge through the turmoil of human life to make ourselves available to Receive the abundance that our world is awash in - and to Receive specifically through the gateway of the Heart itself represents, for many, an especially difficult challenge. It's often the case that empaths and intuitives are habituated to Giving but not Receiving, which can lead to an internal (or external) poverty on both spiritual, emotional and material planes.

The Receiving Heart came up strongly with my client-friend Ricky in her recent session with me. What came through the journey of the reading blew open her world - while also igniting her own powerful intuition and ability to channel. As is often the case in my hours with clients, the gateway provided by the session continues to be open for days following. Such was the case for Ricky, who wrote me later to share her brilliant realizations. Her wisdom follows (shared with permission).

"The issue of “receiving” affects so many people, regardless of their level of consciousness. Many do not connect material Receiving with the flow of the Heart, with the flow of natural Giving and Receiving.  Realizing this and then actively implementing it is such a great liberation on all levels. Since my realization, I have felt an energetic, pulsing cycle of frequencies that leads to my Heart like the figure 8 (the infinity sign). This is the endless highway that leads to my Heart and the energy of Receiving and Giving then vibrates in harmony.

In the “I Am” lies the strength and growth of the other. What I Give to myself, I automatically Give to others. We have been conditioned for so many millennia, to give first to others, then to oneself. That is where our disempowerment and the Darkness began. Thus the Darkness, which acted very cleverly, kept humanity small and powerless by burning this conditioning into us through fear.

If I first give to others without having cultivated Heart Receiving within myself, I may convey to the other person fear, insecurity, smallness and the feeling of being trapped. The “I Am” was heavily condemned by the Darkness, as this is a Yes to our Divinity and the path to our infinite power. If we nourish ourselves with Receiving, then we are able to Give on a completely different level. It becomes Divine Giving.

What an exciting journey through this form of life on this earth, so many hidden and undiscovered gifts lie within us and can be activated at any time! Putting these inspirations into words is so uplifting and energetically charging. I feel a current flowing within me. I would be very happy if other people could also activate their Receiving Heart and consciously connect their higher power and self-love with it.

We are all Avatars, there are no limits to our abilities, when we begin to adjust the frequency of our Hearts to Receive. What I give myself, I give others."

4 months, 2 weeks ago
2024 - or nearly so!! This …

2024 - or nearly so!! This morning I woke from an experience of being on a lightship - so pleasant, in fact, that I didn't want to return to my ordinary body and consciousness. What magical things transpire when we reach certain breakthroughs in our limited, linear thinking and begin to transcend our programming.

We are all here on voyages that beckon discoveries beyond conventional moorings and roadmaps. I have a sense that 2024 is about ripping up the maps and exploring unknown terrain - whatever that may mean for you.  I'm sure of this - that we didn't come here to play small and live sheltered lives void of inner - and outer - exploration.  I am sure that pushing beyond comfort zones, past the borders of the common world and our own boundaries is where life's richness really begins to unfold.

Surface life on this beautiful, abundant and also beleaguered planet now reminds us daily that there can be no turning back from where we've been, individually and collectively. At the same time, the growth we've sustained can't be erased. While we don't exactly know what happens next, it's all an invitation to dive deeper into the fertile unknown, where death and rebirth are always happening.

So it is with the new year, 2024!!  I would love to read your reflections on your own personal landmarks - epiphanies and perhaps pitfalls - of 2023 as well as your aspirations for the year ahead. What do you see for yourself, what does your inner compass direct you to? If you're not sure, take a moment to close your eyes and listen. 

For myself, I'm happy to be where I am on this long, winding and unprecedented life path, with the poetry of a cold, starry Alaskan nights carrying me home again and again. A heart embrace for the New Year - and many sovereign lightships guiding us on. 💎💙💎 Rebecca Rose

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