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Proof of angels??! -- I've been camping for a week in Alaska's endlessly remote interior, happily disconnected from the usual rhythms of my busy life. On day 5, I haplessly dropped my phone in the lake while bending over to haul water. -- I retrieved the tech from the cold dark murk as fast as I could... dried it off...cursed myself briefly and prayed for help... And it works. The phone is functional again. -- Maybe it's something to do with being in the Alaska Triangle. -- In any case, I'm sure angels and outside help are always at our aid. May all your mishaps be attended by miracles this week! The swans and loons and moose at the lake are smiling at us. :) Much gratitude and warmth, RR ???
Brand NEW episode in the Bringing Light to the Darkness series!! I'm so happy to bring this through today!! — — "Rebecca explores a recent, relevant interpersonal relationship through the lens of the Secret Space Program - and speaks to how we reclaim the future using the boundless inner resources we all contain. Poetic justice? -- The legacy of the Super-Soldier - including the weaponization of humanity and transhumanism - leads beautifully back to love's recovery and full sentience. -- Inner growth vs inner slavery? We are our own masters and in tenderness, vulnerability and self-kindness lie the transformation of our planet.
Topics also include working with the subconscious mind, DNA theft, the greys, genetics labs, twinning in the SSP, heart healing, the importance of counterparts, float tanks, Nazca beings, Xenon 129 on Mars as well as its indigenous reptilians. Was there a nuclear war on Mars 180 million years ago? Sovereignty leads us into Unity - and beyond polarity. -- BONUS!! A guided channeled experience to bring you back into the heart of self-relationship and divine union.
The Bringing Light to the Darkness video series is intended to expose and heal our collective shadow material while contributing to the liberation of our planet."
From Super Soldier to Super Human - What's the Secret Weapon?
Rebecca explores a recent, relevant interpersonal relationship through the lens of the Secret Space Program - and speaks to how we reclaim the future using the boundless inner resources we all contain. Poetic justice? -- The legacy of the Super-Soldier -…
New with Alisha Brache!! ? We even had an unexpected light activation that you will feel midway through our extraordinary connection - it very much relates to my last post about the ship. ✨
SSP Part 2 with Alisha Brache - Mars, Soul Journey 2.0 & More Undisclosed Content!!
Join us for an in-depth and nuanced conversation which takes us through more of Alisha's Secret Space Program experiences. Unravel the complex details of consciousness, connect more multi-dimensional dots.. AND experience an unexpected light activation firsthand!!!…
"I Am Free." I woke this morning with a broad grin on my face, beaming. This poignant phrase of liberation resounded through my consciousness repeatedly. I am free. You and I, all of us... we are all, essentially, Free.
I had been on a lightship. I could feel this, the energy of it, a blissful residual energy that's been lingering throughout today. I find myself neither here nor there now, distracted from ordinary tasks and even the linear transmission of this writing.
The light of the ship... perhaps it conveys its vibrational code so that you, too, can feel it. Beyond this dualized plane is Unity and the unified field of consciousness belonging to the elevated heart/mind that transcends 3D. Our world beyond polarity, fear and separation eternally awaits.
May the transmission of these words bring comfort and perhaps even Love as you feel the movement of your awareness transcending space and time. Like my journey to the ship last night, so much possibility awakens within us when we allow ourselves to journey unimpeded.
With Freedom... as well as wonder, pleasure and a quiet kind of hope, Rebecca Rose ?
Most of you know by now that I've been on a working holiday/retreat in sub-tropical Australia. It's been such a potent time with so many gifts, empowerment and loving lessons. The sea continues to deliver numerous blessings daily - the elixir of conscious, living water that I also frequently feel as Lemurian in nature. It holds me in a way that is amniotic, cleansing and also sheltering.
Recently - because I'm still doing client sessions while away these many weeks - I unexpectedly had the experience of channeling some powerful energies that came through from Uluru - which I also see as a profound global portal to higher worlds and expanded consciousness. Through the vehicle of the Grandmothers I work with, what came though in M's session... I don't remember it all but it was all things healing, provocative - and potent beyond words. I'm reminded that we are called, in so many ways, to embody the higher timeline for this planet and that the wisdom of both individual and collective lifetimes on and off world is available to us when we expand our awareness.
Wrote M of this very special session with the channeled frequencies of Uluru, "As I entered the tunnel / portal to Uluru, the luminescent ceiling was shining with symbols and Light codes. The Grandmothers placed wings on my shoulders and told me to get ready to fly. I walked first through the tunnel and came to a pool of shimmering water. I was told to sit down for healing, cleansing and releasing low energies from my body. I will go to this pool every day to receive much needed nourishment. Today as I sat in the pool, a portal opened above into what looked like the Galaxy.
Such an exciting journey, Rebecca! I feel so comfortable and safe at Uluru. Whether I'm experiencing a Galactic Attunement or Astral Journey, I always receive what is best to feed my Heart and Soul. The Grandmothers are much loved as well as are the Dolphins of Sirius in the April session, February with the White Dragons of Lyra and two months before that with the White Sisterhood. I know now that I am truly blessed and loved."... ✨?✨[Shared with permission.]
Thank you all for the many brave journeys you are all making in your own lives! We are internally resourced more than we could ever imagine on this planet right now. As my teacher says, develop your inner awareness as if your lives depended on it, because it does." There is nothing more powerful that we could be doing at this singular moment in human history than expanding our consciousness. Many blessings from me and the Grandmothers who, like so many of us, have been embodied on Earth in various times and places, yet trace their ancestry to the stars. May the waters of the divine feminine, in cosmic union with the divine masculine, boldly guide us on. ???~RR
A sparkling clean, clear message came through as a soothing yet potent finale to my latest float tank / pod experience over the weekend. There in the dark watery space-womb of ethereal silence and deep inner light - floating bliss! - these words came to bring us all home: "I am Love, You are Love, We are Love... And there is no time to waste."
Something to consider in this world of separation and fear; something to contemplate. Sit with this age-old energy. How might the invitation - to Love - be applied to your own relative life and the myriad situations you find yourself awake to in the world? How might we all face what we'd rather turn away from and instead, choose to be willing supplicants to the journey of heart? Over and over, I find this human experience so humbling. I am reminded that we are forever fragile and tender as well as powerful beyond measure.
As for the float, there is a constant corollary I find between the stasis/rejuvenation/journeying pods I experience myself in on the light alliance (galactic confederation) ship in a constant tandem reality that parallels my earth experience. More ordinarily, the dim-lit float experience is called at many wellness centers around the world, a 'sensory deprivation tank'. I'd have to argue that nothing could be further from the truth. Senses are heightened and, naked and weightless in soothing saline waters, brain wave states deepen to allow profound healing and insight to occur.
The messages I receive in my countless hours in these seemingly earth-bound water pods are consistently about Love and the Ascension of humanity.
Sending many thoughtful blessings and heart-inspirations from the gently flowing southern seas. With many bright stars overhead and the Southern Cross - as well as Sirius! - guiding me on, I'm reminded tonight that always, over and over, we are called home to an eternal place inside.
In Love may we bravely abide, Rebecca Rose ???
"You are a walking piece of art. An original. Like. No. Other. If all the masters of all the ages came together in an attempt to re-create your You, they’d spend their lives trying but bow down in surrender at the end of every single day. You have a treasure chest of perfect imperfections that make your perfect You. Each gently whispering the story of every single moment that has breathed through you. The slightly bent arm from that time you fell off the swing certain you could fly. The splatter of kisses from your time as a water baby and child of the sun. The friendly creases around your eyes from freely giving out smiles to strangers. The scar above your lip from believing you could, and still deep down you know you can. And then there’s the part of you that has been sculpted for lifetimes. A billion times more unique than a fingerprint and the ability to share it all with just a glance. If you’re looking you’ll see it. If you give someone else a minute you will not be able to miss it. If you give yourself a minute in the mirror, you won’t be able to miss it. You are one of a kind. An original. A limited edition. Open the curtains. Let us bask in your beauty. You are a walking piece of art."
Sent to me recently by my friend, fan and star-sister, R. How could I not pass on the poignant reminder to all of you? -- This recent photo is from a one-of-a-kind moment on a far away tropical coast, capturing the unique remains of a unique day... unrepeatable like all of us!! ? ??Much love, strength and deep inspiration, RR
I am so honored and moved to have had the opportunity to be the first to speak with Alisha Brache regarding her SSP experiences. This was a potent, intimate, and candid conversation with my star sister friend and colleague, an unforgettable woman with a strong mission and clear sight. ? "In this one-of-a-kind, candid conversation, Alisha at last reveals her long journey to understand her space program memories and its legacy. Topics include the soul's journey, twinning and a real-time SSP relationship, family ties to the programs, guardians, galactic children, Mars, time travel and more."
Never Before - First Time SSP Disclosure with Alisha Brache!!
In this one-of-a-kind, candid conversation, Alisha at last reveals her long journey to understand her space program memories and its legacy. Topics include the soul's journey, twinning and a real-time SSP relationship, family ties to the programs, guardians…
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