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Last updated 2 months ago
The Mysteries of Adolf Hitler - Part Four. The Last Battle
The Secret of the Führer Part Three: Return to Heavenly Berlin
Umdichtung für die SA von Adolf Wagner um 1930
Auf, auf zum Kampf, zum Kampf!
Zum Kampf sind wir geboren!
Auf, auf zum Kampf, zum Kampf,
zum Kampf fürs Vaterland.
|: Dem Adolf Hitler haben wir's geschworen,
Dem Adolf Hitler reichen wir die Hand. :|
Es steht ein Mann, ein Mann,
so fest wie eine Eiche!
Er hat gewiß, gewiß,
schon manchen Sturm erlebt!
|: Vielleicht ist er schon morgen eine Leiche,
Wie es so vielen Hitlerleuten geht. :|
Drum auf zum Kampf, zum Kampf,
mit braunen Bataillonen!
Das Dritte Reich, ja Reich,
ist unser hohes Ziel.
|: Des Weltkriegs Tote, diese zwei Millionen,
verpflichten uns, ja, uns zu Kampf und Sieg! :|
My English translation, songtext:
1 Up, on to the fight, to the fight! We're born to fight!
Up, on to the fight, to the fight, to the fight for our fatherland.
We've sworn to Adolf Hitler,
We'll raise our hand for Adolf Hitler.
2 A man, a man stands, as firmly as an oak!
It has certainly, certainly, already experiences
some battle!
Perhaps someone will fall tomorrow,
As so many Hitler people will.
3 But still on to the fight, to the fight,
with our brown battalions!
The third Reich, yes Reich, is our ambitious goal.
The fallen in the world war, these two million,
Obligate us, yes us, to fight and claim victory!
Auf Englisch :
We are the army of the swastika,
Raise up the red flags high !
For German labour, we want
To pave the way to freedom !
For German labour, we want
To pave the way to freedom !
Out to fight, you slaves of machinery,
Stand in front against the slave colony.
Do you not hear the voice of conscience,
The storm that cried to your ears ?
Yes, upwards towards the sun,
The new time moves with us.
If everybody give up hope, the fists clenched,
We are willing to give the ultimate !
And higher and higher and higher,
We rise despite hatred and prohibition.
And every SA man boldly calls : Hail Hitler !
We overthrow the Jewish throne !
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago