• English idioms, phrasal verbs, synonims are posted on this page.

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May it be useful for all of you.

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11 months, 3 weeks ago
● **Like the back of my …

Like the back of my hand
Besh qo'limdek (barmoq) bilaman.

● I know this area like the back of my hand.

● Men bu sohani besh qo'limdek bilman.


11 months, 3 weeks ago


● Indifference can cost lives.
Befarqlik qimmatga tushishi mumkin.

● Level: Pre-Intermediate

● Qisqa ibratli film subtitle bilan


11 months, 4 weeks ago
1 year ago
**● Last but not least

● Last but not least
● Va nihoyat, axiri

Last but not least, Shakhnoza became a student.

Va nihoyat, Shaxnoza talaba bo'ldi.


1 year ago
**● a free bit of advice

● a free bit of advice
tekin maslahat.

● Allow me to give you a free bit of advice, my friend: don't say something you'll end up regretting later.

● Sizga tekin maslahat bersam, do'stim: keyin pushaymon bo'ladigan gaplarni aytmang.


1 year, 1 month ago
● **Barking up the wrong tree

Barking up the wrong tree
Siz kutgan natijani bermaydigan, befoyda ishni qilmoq.

● If you think you can take IELTS 8.0 without hard work, it is barking up the wrong tree!

● Qattiq o'qimasdan IELTS 8.0 olishni o'ylasang bu cho'lga daraxt ekib uni gullashini kutishdek gap!


1 year, 1 month ago
**● Jaw-dropping

● Jaw-dropping
Hayratdan yoqa ushlamoq, ensasi qotmoq.

● Seeing the sun rise from the top of Mount Fuji was one of the most jaw-dropping experiences of my life.

● Fudzi tog‘ining cho‘qqisidan chiqayotgan quyoshni ko‘rish hayotimdagi eng hayratlanarli voqealardan biri bo‘ldi.


1 year, 1 month ago
**● To have second thoughts.

● To have second thoughts.
Qabul qilgan qarordan yoki bajargan ishda ikkilanish.

● Are you having second thoughts about moving to another house?

● Boshqa uyga ko'chishga ikkilanyapsanmi?


1 year, 1 month ago
**● A cold day in July

● A cold day in July
(Amrimaxol) Sodir bo'lmaydigan, ishonib bo'lmas narsa yoki xodisa.

● It is a cold day in July that our national football team will go to the World Cup.

● Bizning milliy futbol jamoamiz jahon chempionatiga borishi amrimaxol (ishonib bo'lmaydigan ish)


1 year, 1 month ago
**● Fifth wheel

● Fifth wheel
Keraksiz, ortiqcha.

● I felt like a fifth wheel when they planned a party without me.

● Ular bazmni mensiz rejalashtirishganida o'zimni keraksizdek his qildim.


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