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The shift in the UN power model from politics to ideology, over the past 30 years, is changing the organization’s reputation. Endowed with explanatory and motivational power and leading the way towards sustainable global development, the UN appears to be an institutional bearer of the global conscience.
In this article, Denis Borisov and Yanina Burkina explore the strengthening of the UN’s institutional forms of ideological power, which is realized through discourse on humankind’s future development, norm-setting, and Global Performance Indicators (GPIs).
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Russia in Global Affairs
Transformation of the UN’s Power in International Governance—from Political to Ideological
The shift in the UN power model from politics to ideology, over the past 30 years, is changing the organization’s reputation. Endowed with explanatory and…
On 24 February 2022, the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out. The war has caused numerous casualties and colossal economic losses and left a far-reaching impact on the geopolitical environment of Europe.
One should look at what lessons we can learn from the perspective of forms of warfare, the international order, and wartime narratives, write Wang Yiwei and Duan Minnong.
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Russia in Global Affairs
Two Years of Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Ten Lessons to Learn
On 24 February 2022, the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out. Now, two years on, it still rages. On the second anniversary of this geopolitical conflict, one…
Interference is commonplace today and will likely become only more so, especially as it has become possible in “endoscopic” form. Channels and instruments are hidden, and external interests can exert themselves from within the sovereign political space.
The escalation of tensions between Russia and the West, between China and the West, and generally around the world, only adds to the importance of the matter.
Countries find themselves in a new reality of multiplying challenges of foreign influence, write Alexei Chesnakov and Daniil Parenkov.
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Russia in Global Affairs
Bristling States in Search of an Antidote to Foreign Interference
Interference is commonplace today and will likely become only more so, especially as it has become possible in “endoscopic” form. Channels and instruments are hidden,…
It is believed that the Middle East is home to grandmasters in this field, masters of this high stakes game. But global experience shows that the level of geopolitical mastery is generally declining, perhaps because of dramatically changing contingencies.
There is no reason to believe that the various actors are still capable of playing games of real strategic depth, while managing to avoid falling into a shallow tactical pool, writes Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine.
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Russia in Global Affairs
Could Iran and Israel Drift Into a Full-Scale War?
It is believed that the Middle East is home to grandmasters in this field, masters of this high stakes game. But global experience shows that…
The West, led by the US, has been the main global rule-maker for decades. However, the “Rest” have not been satisfied with the global rules made by the West.
Geographically, BRICS+ is more global and more inclusive than G7. Aside from Japan, the G7 members are all Western countries, while BRICS range from China in the Far East to Brazil in South America and from Russia in the north to South Africa; recently, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt in the centre joined the group. BRICS+ has the capacity to create a global network that is very important in making global rules.
The alternative order needs to be globally acceptable and respectable. Such an order should be based more on the UN and global values and interests, including non-intervention, respect for international and humanitarian law and human rights; multi-polarity; indivisible security; peaceful development; peaceful coexistence; opposition to unilateral coercive measures; cultural diversity, etc.
These values, supported by BRICS member states, are more global and inclusive. However, having common values is not enough. Words should have weight.
Are the BRICS member states strong enough to push forward an alternative order based on the UN and global values? Yes, writes Nabi Sonboli.
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Russia in Global Affairs
BRICS as an Alternative Rule Maker in Global Governance
By connecting different developing regions around the world, BRICS can really present itself as an alternative rule-maker in global governance, based on UN rules.
This year marks two important anniversaries: 160 years of the first Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field and 75 years since the adoption of the four 1949 Geneva Conventions, the only treaties universally ratified.
Together with other treaties and norms, they are the bedrock of international humanitarian law (IHL), a branch of public international law regulating the conduct of hostilities and protecting those who do not or no longer participate in hostilities.
Pierre Kraehenbuehl, Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross, in his article addresses the challenges that IHL faces in contemporary armed conflicts.
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Russia in Global Affairs
Contemporary Challenges to International Humanitarian Law: The ICRC Perspective
There is an urgent need to build a culture of compliance and to emphasize the way in which applying IHL sets the foundation for a…
After the end of the Cold War, NATO claimed to be a global, not regional, player capable of carrying out security tasks in the interests of all. Now, NATO is extending its activities beyond its original area of responsibility, not as a universal guarantor, but as an instrument of a standoff. NATO’s value-based rationale automatically encourages conflict with countries of a different political and strategic culture inspired by other sets of values.
Accordingly, NATO reproduces the original structure of the Cold War — the bloc confrontation based on ideological opposition, Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine, writes for the Global Memo project by Council of Councils.
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Russia in Global Affairs
Trump and NATO: Global Perspectives on the 2024 NATO Summit and America
Leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) gathered in Washington, DC, on July 9–11 to mark the alliance’s seventy-fifth anniversary and discuss security assistance…
The U.S.’s pursuit of Ukraine’s membership in NATO began almost as soon as Ukraine became independent.
It was not a response to objectively- or subjectively-threatening Russian actions, but instead began during the U.S.-Russian honeymoon, at a time when Russia was seeking entry into the West, largely subservient to the U.S., and struggling to merely survive as a state.
In fact — alongside NATO allies’ cautiousness, and occasional disagreement within Ukraine itself — Russian military operations have been the only factors preventing Ukrainian accession from being fully achieved, while Russian diplomacy and offers of compromise have been consistently rejected by the U.S., and entirely unsuccessful, writes Dylan Royce.
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Russia in Global Affairs
The U.S.’s Pursuit of NATO Expansion into Ukraine Since 1994
It is ironic that NATO, an alliance ostensibly committed to preserving peace in Europe, has once again made war the ultima ratio, the only effective…
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