Расмий уй-жой савдо канали.
Эълон жойлаш ПУЛЛИК !
Админ: @Erkin_Jurayev
Тел: +998977247151
Иш вақти 8:00 дан 20:00 гача
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Владелец @ES_SOLIEV
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Чат: @dianabessonchat
Бот: @Thesimshelperbot
TT: www.tiktok.com/@dianabesson
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/DianaBesson
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Oh iya kalau masih ada yang mau sfs pindah ke sini ya @uniteden
Oh iya kalau masih ada yang mau sfs pindah ke sini ya @uniteden
? Kesan pertama ke gua
? KM. Lo asik bro. ?
? #starybb keren, cakep, asik juga
? #Sc you looks so handsome and cool at the same time, you are happy virus and positive vibe too
? #Toki keren! keliatan kalem tapi tipe yang ramah gitu
? #????. looks cool and charming
? #?ordelia seems cool n humble, a nice person
? #?O?W? you're look handsome and cool asf.
? #?????????? you look so cool af.
? #?ivia so charming and handsome! attractive too.
? ?. Keren anjai?
? #???????. looks friendly and cool! and humble ofc!1
? #???. Pria beraura positif yang keren dan tampan
? #MR9. Keren banget bang Rinne
? #?ong lelaki yang terlihat cukup tampan dan sepertinya orang yang ramah juga.
? ?. majestic
? #Hꫀrā seems cool but talkative a bit
? #????. You're looking cool and talkative! Hmm you look energetic as well
? #??????? terlihat sangat keren dan menawan
? #HORI?. HEBAT! kamu terlihat keren sekaligus menggemaskan.
? #大神 tu es très beau et aussi
? #Shelly. soo cool and seems humble! so attractive :o
? #BEAUTYDOLL. Terlihat keren!
? #백합. Look so cool, attractivee
? #HeeHee. kamu terlihat tampan dan keren! kamu orangnya juga terlihat ramah dan asik!
? #MarchⅦ. Looking so attractive yet so voguish!~ You're appearance is so appealing and so do your personality!
? #?kira keren banget bang rinne
? #?e cool and humble, a talkactive person?
? #?αe kamu keren batull! ??
? 32 people have voted so far.
? Anonymous Board
"Whassup~! I'm Rinne Amagi. I'm your fellow idol who loves gamblin' more than they love eatin' three meals a day. ♪ Oh, also, the unit I'm in is Crazy:B, so remember it! The world's not interestin' without any thrill, ya feel me? So if ya wanna join our fun, we'll entertain ya! ♪ Well, I'm off to the pachinko machines, let's leave what happens to this idol to luck. It's all up to the god of gamblin' if I'm gonna hit even or a half, gyahaha! ♪"
Расмий уй-жой савдо канали.
Эълон жойлаш ПУЛЛИК !
Админ: @Erkin_Jurayev
Тел: +998977247151
Иш вақти 8:00 дан 20:00 гача
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
Владелец @ES_SOLIEV
Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Чат: @dianabessonchat
Бот: @Thesimshelperbot
TT: www.tiktok.com/@dianabesson
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/DianaBesson
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago