
This is the waiting room for all of our associated channels & groups.
We recommend to visit

Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago

🔞El canal se dirige a un público mayor de edad🔞

Last updated 10 months, 1 week ago

Oficialus varlinas.lt kanalas

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

10 months, 3 weeks ago

Ah, and don't forget how many streaming services don't let you manually select the resolution you want anymore so that you can't tell that the quality being provided to you is just a barely passable 360p that they try to pass off as 480p or 720p. This is most prominent in animated shows as it can sometimes be a bit harder to tell on smaller screens. ???

10 months, 3 weeks ago

I pay for a LOT of streaming services to be able to rip my own content directly from the source and by doing so I end up finding out a lot of insanely annoying, tedious, and scummy shit that these streaming providers do to screw us over for every nickel and dime that they can pry from our wallets. One of my biggest annoyances is specifically with Disney and how they handle their Hulu content.
To be able to get the highest and cleanest possible quality for Hulu content you actually have to view it through Disney+ because Disney gatekeeps the higher bitrate copies of their Hulu content on Disney+ while only providing the lower bitrate version of those contents on Hulu which is supposed to incentivise you to pay $20+ USD for 2 streaming services to be able to view the content you want in the best 720p/1080p/4K resolutions on only one service but you also have to use their proprietary spyware application for their streaming service or you'll be locked to an even shittier 720p copy by default with no access to most of the features you're paying for. It's all so tiresome. ?

Also, for anyone who does pay for Hulu and Disney+; Disney will be implementing the same no password sharing policy as Netflix sometime next month. ?

11 months, 1 week ago

Links have been revoked.
I'm still verifying join requests so please be patient.
Please make sure you leave a few groups and channels if you're in 500 or more or I can't add you.
Please make sure you follow our requirement of having a PFP and @username or your join request will be dismissed.
We do regular sweeps in the channels so if you remove either requirements after joining we'll ban you.
If you get into the channels be sure to look at the pinned messages.
Hope you guys enjoy the content.

Side Note:
Having to see the horrid and degenerate shit in many of your accounts as I manually verify them makes me lose hope in humanity. Please find Christ, you lot of disgusting freaks.

11 months, 2 weeks ago

The links will only be available until April 6th.
Have a
@username and a visible PFP.
Do not DM admins to try and get in faster or we'll ban you instead.

~~Em's Binge Watch~~ (Revoked)~~DrowningMonkeyMovies2.0~~ (Revoked)~~The Movie Channel~~ (Revoked)~~The TV Archive~~ (Revoked)~~Kids TV Corner~~ (Revoked)~~Star Trek Archive~~ (Revoked)

ChEEz M0viEz & Sh0wz (Not associated with our family of channels but has plenty of things we've yet to post. Show them some love)

~~Freedom Underground 2.0~~ ~~(Unhinged chat)~~ (Revoked)



~~DrowningMonkeyRoms~~ (Revoked)~~The Movie Channel Backup~~ (Revoked)

~~Documentary Channel~~ (Revoked)

Happy Easter to all and God bless

1 year ago

Stream ended a bit ago. Over 180 hours of films streamed in one go for a week straight. Thank you to the few people who'd occasionally pop in to watch. Due to the low viewer count in all 3 streams I likely won't be doing something like this again for a long stream. Maybe I'll just stream my 5TB of memes now.

1 year, 1 month ago

Here's a collection of sites that let you stream and torrent anime. Be sure to use a good adblocker or use a browser such as Brave browser that has built-in adblocking. For torrents you need a torrent manager such as qBittorrent, Utorrent, etc.









https://nyaa.si/ (Torrent site)

1 year, 2 months ago

Happy New Year and God bless
Y'all have 24hrs to join before I revoke these. Y'all know the requirements to join.
~~Em's Binge Watch~~ (Revoked)

~~DrowningMonkeyMovies2.0~~ (Revoked)

1 year, 2 months ago

Guys, I understand that some of you might just want to say hello and thank us and such but please stop sending me porn and justifying it as an ice-breaking joke, especially the furries. It's really disgusting. ~ Em

1 year, 2 months ago

Guys, movie and show requests are closed and have been closed for months now and they're not coming back anytime soon to give us time to work on the 5k+ requests we already have backlogged so please don't message me to request or attempt to suggest we post something. ~ Em

We recommend to visit

Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago

🔞El canal se dirige a un público mayor de edad🔞

Last updated 10 months, 1 week ago

Oficialus varlinas.lt kanalas

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago