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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
? Perth, Australia is rising up! ?
? Saturday 30th of November, 12PM-4PM
? Hyde Park (HP 4 - Stage), Vincent Street
? Together, We Are Free!
? United around the world
? We are standing side by side for Freedom, Peace and Human Rights
Buy them lunch or drop by their work or office with a coffee if you can manage befriending them. But you good folks who want to actually achieve something at the Council Level, and the subsequent state and federal and international level, are going to have to do way more than just turn up at a monthly Council meeting and hope a well intentioned speech is going to make anything whatsoever actually happen. You need to engage with each and every one of your councillors until your community has worked out who the good ones are. And who the frightened ones are. Once you've got the motion being presented at a monthly OCM. Or even better a special meeting of Council if you're lucky enough to live in a city/town with a majority of brave & decent councillors.
But once you've got your motions being tabled by your Council, that's when all the emotive speeches should be happening, and the rowdy, supportive galleries turn up to stand/sit face to face with their Elected Members to see if their Councillors have the bravery to vote against a room-full of energetic and passionate community members. Turning up out of the blue without the ground work being done is not much more than a complete and utter waste of everyone's time and energies.
I'm going to butt in here and give some very humble advice for those folks wishing to listen to it.
For members of the community in here, this advice is for you. If you're a Councillor, please DM or call me and I'll chat separately.
But I've been watching the Council meetings happening all around the country, and seeing and hearing some wonderful speeches by some equally wonderful Aussies. But turning up to a Council Meeting with a beautifully prepared speech, although not without merit, is the very slow way to China. It's a great idea if you are working with a small local army, all of whom are prepared with a collectively-agreed-upon 3-month plan in place; just to get the conversation started in the Council Community and on the Record.
I just finished watching some powerful speeches by some great community members at Sydney's Northern Beaches Council Meeting. Link here:
In this meeting, like the meeting at Kalgoorlie (among many other Councils meetings I've watched) well meaning community members stand up and make powerful speeches; which invariably fall on deaf ears. While a hundred onlookers in the background cheer and clap and make noises of support. But sadly, this method of lobbying councils is akin to pissing on a bushfire. It relieves some pressure but does squat for the problem.
A much better (and quicker) way forward is for all of those clapping and cheering community members, who would otherwise jump at the opportunity to speak, but sadly who do not have the ability to make a submission/speech at an official Council Meeting due to time/standing orders/speaker limit constraints etc, to start working together outside of Council Meeting time. These community minded folks need to band together and start making phone calls to their respective Councillors. Organise little committees or sub committees. Nothing formal. Just have weekly Zoom calls or something so you can all share notes on which councillors you each spoke to, and which councillors were receptive. And also take good notes on which councillors were hostile to your wishes. Once you all collectively find the councillor who is most receptive, you all start honing in on that councillor with messages of support and encouragement for that councillors to put forward a motion similar to Hedland or maybe even a motion similar to what Karratha is about to hopefully achieve on Monday night coming. That's for a different conversation. But give that Cluncillor some support and hopefully, the community will have decided, collectively, who is the 2nd-most receptive Councillor, and then everyone needs to shower that Councillor with calls and emails and letters of support. The 2nd-most receptive Councillor is just as important as the 1st. Since the 2nd-most receptive Councillor is going to be needed to Second the 1st Councillor's motion. Now we've got a motion to the council, and a debate must happen, as soon as the motion has been seconded.
Once you've got a Forwarder, and a seconder, the community needs to bombard the other 3, 4 or 5 fence sitters with all the powerful information that you've all been provided by Katie, Barbara and Co, on the phmotionDOTinfo website.
Please be aware though. Do not just send your Councillors a link or drop a 50-page file on their desk. If a member of the community does that to me, I can all.but guarantee the paperwork/email link will invariably find its way to the trash can without ever being looked at. Councillors are not full time employees. They all have other jobs, businesses, families, Council duties to attend to. Any member of the community who assumes my unpaid time with document, or a link to a website is going to get exactly zero minutes of my focus or my attention. If someone calls me though, I'll chat with them for an hour. Chat with your councillors. They/we are just like the rest of the community with the same concerns as the rest of you/us. But call them. Invite them for coffee.
Located at 154 Benara Rd Morley.
list of senators for letters against the MAD bill [email protected]
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IHR's were referred to JSCT on Monday 4th. We have until Monday Dec 2nd to make submissions.
We are getting together information to help you with your submissions, meanwhile please write to: [email protected] and ask for an extension.
From Harmony WA:
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
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Forwarded from Petra White:
If you know of a child that could use some help - this workshop may be of benefit. My son completed this program 15 years ago - we noticed a huge improvement in his gross & fine movement (& huge improvement with handwriting). $20 for 3 hour info session (ebook available on line also $20).
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No Local Government has ever petition the parliament before. City of Joondalup is first thanks to Cr Daniel Kingston ??
Let's stop the construction of the Warwick towers ?
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Time: 2 pm- 3.30pm
Where: Lakeview Cafe,Waldecks Kingsley
Contact Lisa Galatis
0404 684 150
End of Life Doula
FB link to keep updated ?
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks ago