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☎️ 營銷聯繫人 @lgexpertise
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Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Further to our previous efforts in persuading the US to abolish the special treatments accorded to Hong Kong pursuant to the US-HK Policy Act, our Convenor Andy Chan Ho-tin sent another letter to the US Department of State on 1st September, in which we argued in addition to our previous letter to the US President Donald J. Trump that:
The Policy Act was written with the assumption that Hong Kong would progress towards a democracy after the 1997 transfer of sovereignty, and yet the reality is that it has regressed backwards, to the opposite direction. The assumed basis for the differential treatments accorded to Hong Kong is therefore no longer valid.
The Hong Kong National Party, being an pro-democracy and pro-civilisation organisation, sincerely hopes that the US would sooner than later realise that Hong Kong is being used by China to threaten the whole free world, and take the appropriate actions to stop China’s unchecked aggressions.
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The HKNP received another dossier yesterday - more of the same so-called "evidence" from the Security Bureau and the Assistant Societies Officer. Attached within are the transcript of our Convenor's recent speech at the FCC, and the open letter we sent to the US President Donald Trump.
That the Hong Kong government would scurry for such ridiculous "further evidence" right after meeting with Chinese officials is proof, yet again, that they are mere colonial puppets. Our Party's ban is a decision made entirely out of political servitude.
香港民族黨 Hong Kong National Party
The Hong Kong National Party serves only one interest: the interest of Hong Kong. With the US-China Trade War being waged as is, the only way for Hong Kong is minimise its loses is to clearly demarcate ourselves from China. Only a Hong Kong holding its own sovereignty can clearly make the whole world know: we are not accomplices in China’s economic thievery, but stern protectors of free trade and intellectual property. There is no sight of the US-China Trade War subsiding, and various movements have pointed already towards a new Cold War. Thus comes the time when Hong Kong must decide between the Western camp of freedoms and the Chinese camp of authoritarianism. And the people must as well: whether to be free and independent as Hong Kongers, or become slaves as Chinese. We stand now at the crossroads, and each and every Hong Konger must now make the decision: civilisation or barbarism, freedom or authoritarianism, independent or puppet, justice or evil. We have chosen the former, and we are not for turning.
香港民族黨 Hong Kong National Party
我黨先日致函美國總統杜林普,促請其審視《美國—香港政策法》及驅逐中國與香港出世界貿易組織,引發社會激烈討論。除中國及港共殖民政府的口誅筆伐,更惹來不少自詡「愛國愛港」的殖民鷹犬高聲聲討。 Something caused many a roar over the last few days in Hong Kong, almost in unison and definitely in...
Something caused many a roar over the last few days in Hong Kong, almost in unison and definitely in harmony, up from China’s foreign ministry, down to our Chief Executive and the Commerce Economic Development Bureau, and even the many self-proclaimed “patriots” who swear their allegiance to “Chinese Hong Kong”. All for but a single letter: our Party’s recent invitation to US President Donald J. Trump for suspending differential treatments between Hong Kong and China as per the US-HK Policy Act, and revocating Hong Kong’s and China’s respective WTO memberships.
This Chinese roar grew from a factual report of Hong Kong’s current situation. In our letter one can find the fact that Hong Kong’s freedoms and human rights are being trampled upon, the fact that democratic elections are still a figment of our imagination, and the fact that China is abusing Hong Kong as a puppet proxy for its own benefits. Hong Kong stands as a free port and an international financial centre, and for this we are used by the Middle Kingdom as a colonial middle-man for unjustifiable actions. It is through Hong Kong that China has imported and stolen various restricted technologies; it is through Hong Kong that China has exported aid to authoritarian regimes facing international sanctions; and it is through Hong Kong that China has waged economic invasion on other countries. All of these are illegal under international law. And such reckless and illegal actions can only continue for so long until the United States starts suspending the differential treatments outlined in the US-HK Policy Act, and other countries follow suit with their own forms of sanction. When that day comes, China and Hong Kong’s colonial government have only themselves to blame.
The reaction to our Party’s letter has revealed the harmonious chorus behind the Hong Kong colonial government for what they are: hypocrites to the core. To them we say: if you truly were loyal to the Chinese cause, then the complete and utter Sinicisation of Hong Kong should be your guide. Let anthems be sang to the name of the “Greater Bay Area”, praise the “Basic Law” upon the loud cymbals – the United States’ revocating differential treatments between Hong Kong and China should trouble you not, for you have Xi Jinping as your lord and protector. But if your aims are not as pure as you claim them to be, if what you are after is to make a quick and crooked buck in China, all the while using Hong Kong as your slingshot into the free world, if you refuse to stand up for Hong Kong’s freedoms, all the while also refusing to pay the price for colluding with Communist China – then, then there is no future for you. No one can serve two masters. There exists a special place in history for those who wish to have their cake and eat it too, and an especially gruesome one if you happen to be a traitor as well.
香港民族黨 Hong Kong National Party
In light of the rapid deterioration of freedoms in Hong Kong, our Party is sending another open letter to the US President Donald Trump, petitioning for his suspending the differential treatments between Hong Kong and China pursuant to the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act, and pushing forward revocation of Hong Kong's and China's respective WTO memberships.
Letter (PDF): https://my.mixtape.moe/unuhli.pdf
Letter (plain text): https://pastebin.com/xyBnd1GD
Encl. "CE protests tariff plan": https://my.mixtape.moe/kaefkl.pdf
FCC speech as given by Andy Chan-Ho-Tin (Chinese translation).
FCC website under attack due to "suspected malware".
The Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong
The FCC's website is undergoing maintenance to repair what we suspect is malware affecting the site, and currently cannot be accessed. We hope it will be operating normally soon.
Full text: FCC speech as given by Andy Chan Ho-Tin
🔥 我們發布最好的 和加密貨幣項目
💯 投資前一定要做好自己的研究
☎️ 營銷聯繫人 @lgexpertise
🚀 官方合作伙伴: www.chimpzee.io https://coins.game
Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago