Unique TON ducks with a lot different attributes. Only in getgems✨

Russian language group @tonducksnft
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2 years, 1 month ago
Have a great day, everyone! ***❤️***

Have a great day, everyone! ❤️

We are restored our site and we are glad to tell you that you can buy yourself a beautiful duck again ?

Don't forget that we are going to make a draw with cool prizes. Only for our holders? and all of you can get any rarity duck❤️.

Go ahead and buy ?

(After payment, the duck will go straight to your wallet)

2 years, 1 month ago

Guys, Drop has started ?****

Go to our website and buy ?? Our legendary ducks are waiting for you!

2 years, 1 month ago

Guys, we are in a hurry to remind you about the long-awaited drop of our Collection ? Only 4 hours left until the drop ❤️****

? Already today, August 28 at 18:30 Moscow time, on our website you can buy beautiful ducks for your collection ?

We remind you that we have developed many benefits for holders: participation in cool raffles for t-shirts and figurines ? receiving tokens that can be used in the game, the opportunity to profit from the secondary market ? discounts on purchases of more than 5 Nft ? and much more.

Friends, join our friendly Duck Family ? We thank each of you for your support and for being with us ?? Let the news about the drop spread across different publics. Recommend us to friends and family ?

So what do you need to purchase?

– Stock up on Tones ?

– At 18:30 go to our website

– Choose the desired amount ? and payment method (Tonkeeper, TonWallet, Tonhub) or any other wallet.

So easy, you can get a beautiful duck in your collection ?By the way, a little trick ? the earlier you buy a duck, the higher the chances that it will be legendary ? So, we are waiting for everyone at 18:30 on our website!

And tomorrow we choose the first winners in the merch contest among the holders? More to come ?

Enjoy the shopping! And see you soon ?

Your “Ton Ducks NFTs” ?****Russian language post here

2 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone ?

We are glad to announce that the day to which we prepared for a long time, which we have been waiting for a long time - has come!

We want to officially announce the drop date ?****

* August 28 - at 18:30 Moscow time *?**

Each of you will be able to buy a beautiful duck ? for your collection, which is also a symbol of tone ?

We also want to tell you exactly how the drop will be held and about its features!

- The drop will take place on our website. You can participate from any device ?

- There will be a flexible system of discounts when buying several pieces ?!

- The drop will be in Reveal style ?. In this way everyone has the opportunity to buy at a single price both a rare duck and the most legendary one, which will be only in a single copy? Therefore, do not be surprised that first an egg will come to your wallet ? and then a duck will appear from this egg ?

- On the first sale there will be a limited number of ducks: 1600 pieces

What privileges will the holders of our ducks have?

- 20 T-shirts will be drawn among all holders! Each t-shirt will have the duck that its owner has ? but in an individual style and with a twist ?

- 5 coolest figurines in the form of the duck that will fall to the owner (same attributes and clothes) ?️

- Discounts on the purchase of nft from the collection of our friends and partners ?

- Holders who will hold our NFTs will receive our tokens (with a well-thought-out economy), which can then be used for various purposes in the game ?

- Top 3 Holders of our NFTs will profit from the secondary market ?

If you thought it was all privileges - it's not ❗️****

- We continue to work on the creation of the game, with a developers team that has a lot of experience in this? Also duck owners will have privileges automatically!

- We are already thinking about the all owners of ducks could be engaged in staking at the expense of already bought ducks.

We will tell you about others on the day the drop starts ?

We have worked hard to create a good and high quality product. And finally, we are ready to show you these coolest ducks, which each of you can become the owner of ?. And the drop is only the beginning of our journey with you! After all, we have developed a cool strategy for further development, the coolest features, and we will continue to delight you with interesting updates and ideas. After all, we are a single community, we are with you Duck family ?

We are sure that the most inquisitive of you have already heard that Pavel Durov's team has started working with TON. What will change the game even more! And the future fate of TON ? will be sent by TON TO THE MOON ? A lot of new people in the world will learn about TON and enter the game. Which speaks of a good prospect for investments and investments ? and the growth of the coin ? So jump on board and fly?

Each of you can be a part of this story. You will make the right choice if you choose us ? You can trust us, because we are constantly developing, and in addition to working on the further development of the project, we are working on creating the strongest community on TON, which will unite many projects. After all, together we can take the tone to a new level by acting together ? Join us, you are welcome here ?

TON DUCKS Team ?❤️


2 years, 1 month ago
**Sunny greetings everyone***?***

Sunny greetings everyone?
TON DUCKS in touch

Guys, we’ve had a lot of changes over the summer and difficulties that helped us become stronger, develop new strategies for future. Now we’re happy to share news with you ?

Many of you have noticed that we minted some of our eggs?? YUP-YUP, that's right. Preparation for the mint is completed. And very soon the ducks will go to their owners ? From our side, everything is ready. We finished writing the Smart contract and there will be a drop in reveal style as promised? All these months we have been working hard, we have not left, we have not abandoned the project, we’ve finished what we started and we’ll fulfill everything we promised. We’re always in touch with you ?

We’ll announce the drop date at the end of the week ❗️****

Another great news ?
We have released our sticker pack ? try them out now ?

We thank everyone for support and belief in the project ?? This is very important for us. We’ve prepared many interesting bonuses for our holders and will tell you about them very soon.

? And in order to fill your mood with warmth and forget for a while this unpleasant “cold winter” with our friends we have prepared a contest for you!

We will give away 20 NFT ? and 20 TON ?****

Ton Ducks NFT ? - A collection of 5555 ducks, with 250+ attributes dedicated to TON, global world issues, and everyday life

Ton Vodka - The world's first NFT Vodka Collection ? 10,000 for every taste ?** It’s your talisman against drinking.

Sea Life Ton ? - The first underwater world of Ton?. 3420 NFT and 12 types of marine life. Team is working on creating a fund for helping marine animals and create toys ??**

Escape from Zeya ? - A brand new space battle farm on Ton ?*✨ with cool nft's that allow you to have the gaming experience that you love!*

BBT - 10000 generated bats ? who are looking for interesting earning schemes and paid manuls?**

To join the contest:

? Go to our @CollaborationTonBot bot and complete the conditions.

We post results on August 25, 2022.

We wish you good luck ?

2 years, 2 months ago

Hey everyone ?
We missed you very much!

We hope you are having the best and most productive time! And you feeling great! ?

We want to respond to frequent messages now! No! We didn't leave and we didn't disappear! And we will never be lost! After all, you are family to us ?**** After all, it is with you that we go through ups and downs. We go through difficulties and all the way connected with this project. And it is not just words. Sorry for such a big absence. All this was not just like that! And it had its own reason.

Each of you knows what the ups and downs are, each of you knows what it is to reconsider your decisions, your values ​​and your plans. And everyone knows what it's like when loved ones need help. Therefore, we decided to take a short break to open a new breath for the beginning of a new path! To review everything! And with new forces we return to the game!

This time we devoted to the analysis of our work, our actions, our approach to the project. We have revised our marketing ploy. We heard from you your wishes, and vice versa claims. What helped us form a list of our mistakes and problems! We have reviewed all our actions! And the essence of our project! And we want to thank you! That you help us become better ?? Because thanks to each of you! We are on the right track! We are changing for the better! From now on, we begin to bomb this market further! After all, we are witnesses of the birth of a new blockchain! So we have to see and do a lot of cool things! We are back and will activate the project like this! How we haven’t done before! ? and we hope you are with us?

?Very soon we will show you our comics. This is our first experience in this area! But made and drawn it will be cool!

?Also, very soon we will show you a pack of our stickers. Which you can then use in all chats. We are working on it now. They will have a lot of references and interesting characters?

Also, having reviewed all the projects, we came up with a very interesting advantage for our holders) ?* or rather, even an interesting idea. Which we are now trying to implement! A little later we will definitely tell you what it is! In the meantime, stay tuned, but it will be really cool!
As long as it's a secret

?Regarding the Smart contract. Don't worry, this time the developers are really making it. Now it is in the process of finalizing the functions. After all, we found bugs and shortcomings. Tomorrow, in the holders' chat, we will test the possibility of a personal account on our website and the chips that are in it! After all, the site is tied to the Smart contract.

In general, now we will often hold Activities and have conversations with you! Now we wanted to write the most important information. Namely, the explanation of why we were gone for so long. And then we will be with you very often! And we will tell you step by step what new things we have come up with and what will happen in the TON DUCKS project ?

Thank you for being with us! ?

2 years, 3 months ago
Hey guys ***?***

Hey guys ?

This week has been busy. We worked hard and are happy to share that the Smart contract is at the final stage, which means the drop will be soon ?

We want to hold a creative contest for you ?

The task is this: to make Art dedicated to our ducks ?*?
Creativity and fantasy will be appreciated, because there will be prizes for the best works

? 1 NFT “Ton Ducks”?
? 15 TON
? 10 TON

So turn on your imagination and let's go! Send your Art in the comments below this post. We will sum up the results on 2.07.2022 at 12:00

Team “Ton Ducks NFT” ❤️?

2 years, 4 months ago

Hey everyone! Don’t you lost us??
We are already 10000+

We couldn't not to mention this!We thank each of you for your support, for being with us and believing in us??**❤️**** Especially because of your support, your faith in us - we are! Of course we had our ups and downs! And there will be more! But the main thing is that we have you!

In turn, we promise, we will please you many more times! This project is our energy, soul and love ?? We will never leave it and will only pump the level of the project! Our plans include a game, merch, a duck constructor and much more! You will be the first to know all this? And try it! Step by step we will implement it! We make you a promise!

We’be already prepared many surprises for you ?

And also, despite all the difficulties, new contract is signed, and work on the project and preparation for drop is in full swing. The team is already working hard on the smart contract and it’s features! We just want to tell you some of them ?

If you do not have TON, then you can buy it directly from the card on our website in order to take the duck into your collection in the future!

You can also choose the number of ducks that you want to buy.

After purchase, NFT will be on your wallet and you will be able to see it in the collection.

You can monitor how the egg is cracking and at which stage it is now ???

We want to mention about update of TONKEEPER. Your wallet now has an "NFT" button. There you will be able to see all your tokens, as well as immediately be able to put them up for sale! It's very cool and comfortable ?

We will announce the drop dates a bit later. We’re stay in touch with you!

We also want to have an active week! So posts will now appear almost every day ??

“Ton Ducks NFT” Team ?❤️Thanks for being with us ?

2 years, 4 months ago

Good evening everyone! For someone it is kind, and for someone it has become a good lesson. We hope for your understanding and ask everyone to read it!

Once upon a time I discovered this project. In my eyes burned the fire ? the desire to do something new and unusual. To do something that would then serve people for a long time to come, that would benefit society. We had many goals and plans, ideas and desires and we still have them. We went to this day for a long time!
We prepared together with you and lived this project! We dreamed to do something big. Today's drop was supposed to be the start of everything!

We hired a developer for the Smart contract. And we wanted to do not just a drop like everyone else, but in a reveal style. As you can see, it hadn't been implemented on the tone yet. And of course we wanted to be the first. We spent a lot of money, effort and energy. And on the last day, we were cheated and screwed. Gone with the money and our dreams. That's when we realized. That it was worth working differently. We didn't give up; we just kept working harder.

We found a new, seemingly honest developer. It took us about two weeks to get through the process of writing a smart contract. Every day we monitored the writing, made phone calls, and did everything to make sure everything went right. Four days ago, everything was ready, but as it turned out only in words.

Everyone who at least once wrote to me, know my love for the project, and most importantly, that I do from the heart and do everything possible to make the project was something more than just nft. This will be confirmed by anyone who communicated at least once with me.
Many will think that we scam, but no, haters do not rejoice. We will soon give away all the promised ducks to the owners!

So what's the deal? The developer, with whom we did everything, with whom everything was discussed, created and prepared a successful mint, in the last 20 minutes, just disappeared. Disappeared, ditching us and deleting his account. We tell it like it is. Your choice to believe it or not. If I was lying, I would not have said in all the pubs and groups about the drop. After all, what's the point of me embarrassing myself like this. Not even open the sale. All because I did from the heart and from the soul. And I will!
All of our words remain valid! All that would be said - will be done! We guarantee it! And we'll prove it with action. And now we need time. To restore everything. Thank you all who are with us, we will show you what you are with us for! You will not regret it! And those who don't believe in us. I'm sorry. We didn't mean it. Please understand us.

We promise! We'll prove our integrity! And show that you don't believe in us for nothing ???

TON DUCKS NFT project ?

2 years, 4 months ago

Just a few hours left until the drop of the Collection ?*?***

We would like to thank everyone for your support and patience ?? We would like to say special thanks for sharing our group and collection with your friends! Your support is really important for us ❤️ And we really try to do the best for you!

We would like to remind you that the sale on the website will be through TON WALLET. To buy you just need to log in or create an account ✔️*Todayeveryone also have a chance to get a rare, super rare, epic or legendary duck ? with rarity 0,03% for the price of normal duck – 50 Ton ?**? *‼️Please be aware of scam. We never send any links for reciving an NFT ‼️Only @pactuf or @Animalsredlist can write you. And you can always check it by clicking on their usernames ‼️**

Stay tuned ☀️

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