The White Butterfly

Musician, singer, songwriter, teacher, therapist, content creator, podcaster, radio host creative artist, believer and lover
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4 weeks ago

This is very powerful. What a moving video


Laura Towler

Matt Darrington shouts to Sam Melia who is listening from his cell in HMP Hull

1 month ago

I've just got back from a few days in Southport where I was received into the Traditional Roman Catholic Church.

I'll be sharing more in the days, weeks and months to follow, but I wanted to ask if there is anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Church, or wanting to pray the Rosary, you can email me:

[email protected]

I've been saying for years now, that we're in an existential battle, and it's clear for all who care to see

1 month, 1 week ago

It's hard to describe what emotions arise in me when I see these sweet, young, innocent little faces.

The treacherous actions of "our government", and the despicable attitude of all those crying out to "make refugees welcome" are all guilty.

The blood of these children is upon their hands.

I'm heading to Southport on Thursday to be with friends and I'll be paying my respect to these poor victims and their families.

3 months, 1 week ago

Hey folks. If you've checked the Patriotic Alternative website today you will have learned that my husband, political prisoner Sam Melia, has been banned by the state and HMP Hull from having any contact with his children while he is in prison. Not only this, but he is not allowed any photographs of our children, and I'm not even allowed to mention them to him when I speak with him.

After serving three months of his sentence already and having full contact (including visits) with our two-year-old and one-month-old daughters, they have now decided that Sam is a Person Posing Risk to Children (PPRC) because of Sam's "racist posters, insignia and literature" and "racist and offensive attitudes".

We have been dealing with this for the past week or so behind the scenes and Sam gave them until today to fix it, informing them that if it wasn't resolved we would go public with the news. Well, it is not resolved, so we will keep to our word and let the world know how the British state treats good men like Sam. Tonight at 7pm on Patriotic Alternative's monthly update for May, I will tell you everything.

3 months, 1 week ago

Please help to support this campaign



3 months, 3 weeks ago


Hey folks. If you haven’t signed this petition yet please can you do so?

I know some petitions are a bit lame and we feel the government are never going to care so why bother, but there’s a very important reason for signing this one. Sam’s probation team (who are responsible for his release) have told him they’ve seen the public’s response to his sentence. If we can get a few thousand signatures on this (and we’ve already reached 1000 very quickly) it could help strengthen the case that there is public pushback to his sentence.

I know it’s a big ask, but please ask your friends and family members to sign it too, and share it on social media if you feel you can. We all miss Sam like mad and want to get him home as soon as possible.

Thank you 🤍

5 months, 1 week ago
***❤️***Divine Intimacy 139 The Victory of …

❤️Divine Intimacy 139 The Victory of The Cross:
" It is easy to be faithful to God when everything goes smoothly, when His cause triumphs; but to be equally faithful in the hour of darkness, when, for a time, He permits evil to get the upper hand, when everything that is good and holy seems to be swept away and irrevocably lost- this is hard, but it is the most authentic proof of real love.❤️
May this Saturday, a day of transition between the agony of Friday and the glory of the Resurrection, be a day of prayer and recollection near the lifeless body of Jesus; let us open wide our hearts and purify it in His blood, so that renewed in love and purity, it can vie with the " new sepulchre" in offering the beloved Master a place of peace and rest."❤️

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Morning all. I found out yesterday from Sam that prisoners on his wing spend 22 hours a day in their cell. They get one hour outside and one hour in a communal area each day. They even eat their dinner in their cells by themselves.

If you get chance this weekend, please write a letter to one of our political prisoners and let them know they are not forgotten. These people are committed activists for our people and they put their heads above the parapet when a lot of people just sat online and complained. You might not agree with every decision made and every single opinion, but these are good people.

NAME: James Allchurch
DATE OF BIRTH: 28.12.1971
ADDRESS: HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind. Est., Wrexham, LL13 9QE.

NAME: James Costello
DATE OF BIRTH: 08.01.1985
ADDRESS: HMP Liverpool, 68 Hornby Road, Liverpool, L9 3DF

NAME: Samuel Melia
DATE OF BIRTH: 09.06.1989
ADDRESS: HMP Leeds, 2 Gloucester Terrace, Stanningley Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 2TJ

6 months ago

It's been a while since my last release, so I'm very excited to be sharing this.

Thank you, Xurious for the invitation to sing on this.
It's a much-needed message.



New track, "We Won't Fight For You", a collaboration with Jody Kay, now live on Odysee:'t-Fight-For-You:9

7 months, 2 weeks ago

My husband Sam Melia has just been found guilty of inciting racial hatred and encouraging criminal damage for creating stickers that said slogans such as:

-Reject White Guilt
-It’s ok to be White
-We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066
-White Lives Matter
-Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs
-Love Your Nation

He awaits sentencing on 1st March and has been advised not to talk about the case or trial as it could impact the sentence. I will also refrain from talking about the case or the trial until after sentencing as I don’t want to influence the sentence, being so close to Sam. Anybody else is free to talk about it, so please do.

I will say, however, that I am proud of my husband. He put his head above the parapet, defended his people and told the truth.

As detailed above, I won’t say any more about Sam just to be on the safe side, but I and many others unapologetically stand for a safe homeland for the British people. This will never change for us, no matter what they throw at us.

We ask those who join us to march with us in a great and hazardous adventure. We ask them to be prepared to sacrifice all, but to do so for no small and unworthy ends. We ask them to dedicate their lives to building in this country a movement of the modern age, which by its British expression shall transcend, as so often before in our history, every precursor of the Continent in conception and in constructive achievement. We ask them to rewrite the greatest pages of British history by finding for the spirit of their age its highest mission in these islands. Neither to our friends nor to the country do we make any promises; not without struggle and ordeal will the future be won. Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live.”

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