? Motivational Quotes ✨

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1 year, 5 months ago

Here are Some Short Rules for a Better Life.

1 Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.

2 The key is to remember you have a key.

3 Small circle, private life, peaceful mind.

4 Your simplicity makes you beautiful.

5 Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.

6 No expectations, no disappointments.

7 If it’s meant to be, it will be. But you must work for it.

8 Nobody knows your worth better than you.

9 What is coming is better than what is gone.

✤Join @english_thought *❤️ ?***

1 year, 5 months ago


  1. Don't fear alone time.
  2. Dont dwell on the past.
  3. Don't feel the world owes you.
  4. Don't expet immediate result.
  5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone
  6. Don't waste time feling sory for yourself.
  7. Dont waste energy on things you cant control
  8. Don't let others infiluence your emotions.
  9. Don't resent on other people's success.
  10. Don't shy away from responsibilities.
  11. Dont give up after the first failure.
  12. Dont fear taking calculated risks.

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1 year, 5 months ago

*?Here are some ways to boost your confidence:*

  1. List your strengths
  2. Be aware of your limitations
  3. Embrace compliments
  4. Positive self-talk
  5. Accept or allow others to treat you the way you want to be treated
  6. Do something new, even if it scares you
  7. Don't dwell on past mistakes

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1 year, 9 months ago

⭕️ Welcome to the 21st century!

  • Where sex is free and love is costy.

  • Where losing a phone is more than painful than losing a virginity.

  • Where if u don't cheat on ur partner, ur not smart or cool.

  • Where bathroom has become photo studio.

  • Where getting an iPhone is greater than achieving a Bachelors degree.

  • Where guys are scared of getting married but they love to have sex.

  • Where people fear thieves, robbers, terrorist than they fear God.

✤Join @English_thought ❤️ ?

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago

**Heart is not like a basket

for keeping tension and sadness.

its a golden box for keeping roses of happiness.

let your heart be always happy!:

✤Join @english_thought ❤️ ?**

1 year, 9 months ago

Good Morning

the gap can be narrowed.
        by traveling with true friends.
✤Join @English_thought ❤️ ?

1 year, 9 months ago

**Life will never provide

warranties & Guarantees.

It can only Provide

possibilities & Opportunities.

Its up to us to convert them in to success..

Have a Nice Day..

✤Join @english_thought ❤️ ?**

1 year, 9 months ago

What are some sad truths about life?

?After marriage, even siblings becomes strangers and corner you if you don’t have enough money with you.

?There is no market for your feelings and emotions. Just showcase your attitude in a good way.

?As you think, so shall you become. Think wisely.

?Never share your problems with people. Some may feel glad that you have them.

?No one notices our pains, struggles, and tears but notices our mistakes.

?Darkness would be our beloved friend. Its far more better than having a fake friend.

*?✤Join @English_thought *❤️ ? °•**

1 year, 9 months ago

Good Morning....
Talk to yourself at least once
in a Day.. Otherwise you may
     miss a meeting with an
      EXCELLENT person in
                  this World.
✤Join @English_thought ❤️ ?

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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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