Jerusalem • Temple Mount

NEWS.. Jerusalem • Third Temple • Prophecy • Temple Mount • Israel • Dome of the Rock • Palestine
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2 months ago
***📣*** **The call** for the Jewish …

📣 The call for the Jewish Moshiach to come is growing louder, with many believing that his arrival is imminent.

However, it is clear that the one who will come first, and will be accepted in Jerusalem as the Moshiach, will be the anti-Messiah, the prophesied Antichrist.

Who is described as the “foolish shepherd” in Zechariah 11:15-17: “And the Lord said to me, ‘Next, take for yourself the implements of a foolish shepherd. For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand. ...’”

2 months ago
***🏛️*** The THIRD TEMPLE in Jerusalem …

🏛️ The THIRD TEMPLE in Jerusalem is on the horizon! This is biblical prophecy unfolding before our very eyes. 👀 This video and study offer an excellent view at how preparations in Jerusalem are progressing toward this project!

God’s Word is true, and every prophecy will be fulfilled at the appointed time. While the third temple is not part of God’s own plan, the world will move forward with building it, fulfilling prophecy despite the truth without even knowing it.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

End Times Prophecy: Why a Temple in Jerusalem Is Necessary

When it comes to end-times prophecy in the Bible, a temple in Jerusalem must stand on the Temple Mount (where the first two Jewish temples were located) before Jesus returns.

Both the Old Testament and New Testament confirm this:

📖 Daniel 9:27 says sacrifices will cease, and the “abomination of desolation” will be set up.

📖 In Daniel 11:31 it is described that this abomination will be set up in „the sanctuary“. This is a new temple, since there is no temple right now in Jerusalem.

📖 Matthew 24:15 shows Jesus Himself referencing the “holy place,” pointing to a future temple.

📖 2 Thessalonians 2:4 states that the Antichrist will sit in the “temple of God,” claiming to be God.

📖 Revelation 11:1-2 describes a vision of the temple being measured during the final days.

What This Means

A third temple must be built in Jerusalem for these prophecies to be fulfilled. According to Daniel 9:27, the end time cannot begin until the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its compound on the Temple Mount are removed, making way for the construction of the third temple.

Attention: 🔥
Dome of the Rock Burning
If you see the Dome of the Rock burning, you know that the end is about to unfold. This is the moment that will be the beginning of the following years of the end times that are prophesied in the Bible.

📖 Read and study these Bible verses.
📝 Share this message with others.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Info. Old City Maps of Jerusalem.

The maps of Jerusalem made between the 1400s and 1600s were more like artistic pictures than accurate maps. European mapmakers, travelers, and religious leaders created them using stories from the Bible, accounts from pilgrims, and symbolic designs. These maps were not just for finding directions but also to show the spiritual importance of Jerusalem to Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

The Temple Mount often featured prominently, with Christian maps calling it Mount Moriah or Temple of Solomon. Many also showed the Dome of the Rock, often labeled as The Temple of the Lord, reflecting its religious significance and the confusion about its history in Europe at the time.

3 months, 2 weeks ago
Jerusalem • Temple Mount
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Jerusalem • Temple Mount
10 months, 1 week ago

One important point I always need to highlight when it comes to the “Third Temple” in Jerusalem is this—>
?️ The Third Temple that will be built here on earth soon is seen by Jews as the 'real' Temple, as it was described in Ezekiel. But it’s not the Temple God prophesied.. it’s a FALSE Temple.

? And the person who will build it will NOT be the true Messiah. Instead, he will be the Anti-Messiah, the false one.

? The Third “false” Temple will be the temple that this world wants and they will call it a “House of Prayer for All Nations”!

10 months, 1 week ago

??️ There are several VISIONS for a THIRD TEMPLE in Jerusalem ?️?

What will be Unique Characteristics of the Third Temple?Let’s dive into this..

First of all, Jews believe that the Third Temple will be part of the Messianic Era, and the Messiah will be on earth therefore and acknowledged as the Messiah indeed.

? The Third Temple from the Jewish view point will therefore only be built when the Messiah is here.

  1. The Temple will be BIG ?****
    The Third Temple will be many times larger than the previous two Temples. It will be 9,000,000 square cubits large.

  2. The Temple will Be a Square ▫️**
    In the Third Temple this area will be 312 by 317 cubits, and completely surround, almost like a square, the

  3. The Temple will be build with Iron in it ?️****
    The use of iron in the Third Temple will not just be a symptom of the peace that will reign, but it is symbolic of the messianic era in genera

  4. All Nations will go there regularly ?****
    The pilgrimages to the Temple were during the 1/2 Temple era only three times a year, in the messianic era all nations will go up to the Temple more often.

“Many peoples will come and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob..." (Isaiah 2:3)

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