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✨ Upgrade Your English! ✨
Using "very" too often makes your speech and writing sound basic.
Here are 10 stronger alternatives to help you sound more natural and fluent:
1️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: The test was very important.
✅ Strong: The test was essential.
2️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: He is very smart.
✅ Strong: He is brilliant.
3️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: The view was very beautiful.
✅ Strong: The view was breathtaking.
4️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: She was very surprised.
✅ Strong: She was astonished.
5️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: The speech was very boring.
✅ Strong: The speech was dull.
6️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: The house is very big.
✅ Strong: The house is enormous.
7️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: I was very hungry after work.
✅ Strong: I was starving after work.
8️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: He is very tired after the trip.
✅ Strong: He is exhausted after the trip.
9️⃣ ⚠️ Weak: This book is very interesting.
✅ Strong: This book is captivating.
🔟 ⚠️ Weak: She was very angry.
✅ Strong: She was furious.
💡 Try using these words in your next conversation or writing task
So much of your self-worth is derived from overcoming hard things and pushing yourself through difficult tasks you don’t want to do - so imagine that you DO reach your goal, where do you find satisfaction from now?
📖 About vs. On: What’s the Difference?
Choosing between "about" and "on" can depend on how general or specialized the topic is. Let’s break it down!
About = Ordinary, General Topics 🌍
We use "about" to talk about broader, everyday communication. It’s perfect for casual or general subjects.
✅ A book for children about Africa and its peoples
✅ A conversation about money
✅ This movie is about friendship.
💡 Think of "about" as approachable and simple.
🇺🇿 Uzbek:
About – oddiy, umumiy mavzular haqida gapirganda ishlatiladi. Bu so’z kundalik suhbatlar yoki keng qamrovli mavzular uchun juda mos keladi.
✅ Afrika va uning xalqlari haqida bolalar uchun kitob
✅ Pul haqida suhbat
✅ Bu film do‘stlik haqida.
🇷🇺 Russian:
About используется для разговора о повседневных или общих темах. Это идеально подходит для обычного общения или широких тем.
✅ Книга для детей о Африке и её народах
✅ Разговор о деньгах
✅ Этот фильм о дружбе.
On = Serious, Specialized Topics 🎓
We use "on" when the subject is more specific, formal, or suitable for specialists. It’s often seen in academic or professional contexts.
✅ A textbook on African history
✅ A lecture on economics
✅ The report on climate change was very detailed.
💡 "On" signals depth and expertise.
🇺🇿 Uzbek:
On – biroz rasmiyroq, mutaxassislarga xos mavzular haqida gapirganda ishlatiladi. Bu akademik yoki professional mavzularda qo‘llaniladi.
✅ Afrika tarixi bo‘yicha darslik
✅ Iqtisodiyot haqida ma’ruza
✅ Iqlim o‘zgarishi bo‘yicha hisobot juda batafsil edi.
🇷🇺 Russian:
On используется, когда речь идёт о более серьёзных или специализированных темах. Обычно встречается в академическом или профессиональном контексте.
✅ Учебник по истории Африки
✅ Лекция по экономике
✅ Доклад об изменении климата был очень подробным.
Key Tip to Remember
Use "about" for general communication.
Use "on" for formal or specialized topics.
🇺🇿 Uzbek:
About oddiy va keng qamrovli suhbatlar uchun ishlatiladi.
On esa jiddiy va chuqur mavzular uchun mos keladi.
🇷🇺 Russian:
About используется для обычного общения и широких тем.
On подходит для формальных или специализированных тем.
Examples in IELTS and Daily Life:
📌 The essay is about the advantages of e-learning. (general)
📌 He gave a presentation on the impact of technology in education. (specific/formal)
🇺🇿 Uzbek:
📌 Inshoda masofaviy ta’limning afzalliklari haqida yozilgan. (umumiy)
📌 U texnologiyaning ta’limga ta’siri haqida taqdimot o‘tkazdi. (aniq/rasmiy)
🇷🇺 Russian:
📌 Сочинение о преимуществах онлайн-обучения. (общее)
📌 Он провёл презентацию о влиянии технологий на образование. (конкретно/формально)
Hope it was useful 😊
It is true that money has become one of the most talked-about topics in our contemporary society. I believe there are several reasons why people are eager to discuss money, and I view this trend as a negative change.
There are multiple explanations for the increasing willingness to talk about money. One reason is that society has become more materialistic, meaning that the value of things—and even success—is measured by their financial worth. As a result, it is unsurprising that conversations often revolve around money-related topics. Additionally, the rise of money as a dominant topic can be attributed to social media. Individuals, particularly celebrities, frequently showcase their extravagant lifestyles on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. This trend has encouraged people to discuss the lives of others, which are often linked to their financial situations, making money the focal point of many conversations
In my opinion, money should not dominate social discussions for several reasons. First, an overemphasis on financial topics may overshadow other significant aspects of life, such as healthy relationships, friendship, and faith. When people, especially younger ones, hear discussions focused primarily on money, they may mistakenly conclude that financial success is the ultimate measure of a meaningful life.
Furthermore, frequent conversations about money can alienate some individuals who feel uncomfortable discussing their financial situations. Many people regard their financial conditions as personal or delicate matters, and being pressured to engage in such discussions could discourage them from interacting with others, even close friends and family. As a result, something that once fostered social bonding—conversation—could become the very reason of growing apart.
In conclusion, money has indeed become a prominent topic in today’s conversations. While this shift can be explained by growing materialism and the influence of social media, I firmly believe it is a negative development. Conversations centered around money risk distorting people’s values and the quality of social interactions.
314 words
People increasingly talk about money.
Why is this? Is it a positive or negative development?
Here, I have written 3 body paragraphs because:
- First body paragraph explains the reasons why some people believe older individuals should continue working
- Second body paragraph explains why working beyond a certain age is harmful for the elderly
-Third body paragraph explains how it affects society
I am opening a new online CEFR course for those who want to take the exam in September/October
-Intensive( 6days a week)
- Online ( Zoom or telegram)
- Each lesson lasts 2 hours
If you are interested and want to know more about the course, write to me @Goyibov_G
Community chat:
Last updated 5 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago