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Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Supporters of the greatest President of our lifetimes, @real_DonaldJTrump!
Last updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Two Jewish bandits captured by the ᛋᛋ during the suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, 1943
ᛋᛋ-Sturmhauptführer Günther Hagmeister on the right
(Lijeva slika) Pripadnici Vojnice njemačke narodne skupine, njem. ,,Einsatzstaffel der Deutschen Mannschaft" koja je bila u sastavu Ustaške vojnice.
Većina vojnika su bili podrijetlom iz Slavonije te se njezin glavni stožer nalazio u Osijeku.
(Desna slika) Mimohod postrojbi Einsatzstaffel-a u osječkoj vojarni. Na čelu kolone je zastavnik koji nosi crnu zastavu sa SS runama.
(Left picture) Members of Military of German national group, in German "Einsatzstaffel der Deutschen Mannschaft" that was part of Ustaša military. Majority of soliders were from Slavonia and its headquarters were located in Osijek.
(Right picture) Parade of units of Einsatzstaffel near the barracks in Osijek. At the head of the column is a military ensign with the black flag with SS runes.
Members of the 13th ᛋᛋ "Handschar" division at prayer during their training at Neuhammer in November 1943
German ᛋᛋ men resting on the south lawn of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany, August 1936
ᛋᛋ men from the Leibstandarte AH, picture was taken at the Obersalzberg
ᛋᛋ-Sturmbannführer Walter Drexler from the 8th ᛋᛋ division "Florian Geyer" and ᛋᛋ-Obersturmbannführer Otto Weidinger of the 2nd ᛋᛋ division "Das Reich" in Ukraine, 1943
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Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago
Supporters of the greatest President of our lifetimes, @real_DonaldJTrump!
Last updated 9 months, 2 weeks ago