RFK Jr. for President 2024 (Official)

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Reklama: @instaszef 💸

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

🇪🇺 Europejskie wiadomości bez cenzury.

🥷🏻Kanał widzów kanału Dziki Zachód

Last updated 2 weeks ago

1 year, 4 months ago

Contrary to MSM Headlines, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Says He Supports Strengthening Communities vs. Cash Reparations

“We can…build opportunity for black neighborhoods to build businesses and I know how to do that. You can do it through empowerment zones, through tax credits, through loans, through direct grants, [and] through education.”



1 year, 4 months ago

RFK Jr: "Democracy doesn't come about as a gift from oppressive elites and authorities when they finally relent. Democracy comes when people choose to exercise their power."

Watch Kennedy's big announcement speech:


Follow @VigilantFox ?

1 year, 5 months ago

RFK Jr. breaks from the two-party system, which operates more like a Uni-Party, at the historic National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, PA, on Oct. 9th!


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announces His Independent Run!

RFK Jr. breaks from the two-party system, which operates more like a Uni-Party, at the historic National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, PA, on Oct. 9th!Learn more about the Kennedy campaign: www.Kennedy24.comWatch our exclusive interview and digital…

RFK Jr. breaks from the two-party system, which operates more like a Uni-Party, at the historic National Constitution Center in …
1 year, 5 months ago

?Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Defunding the World Health Organization

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Defunding the World Health Organization "The WHO has completely lost its way. And now it's making a power grab to try to give itself the power to declare pandemics and then impose health care policy on its members nations. And it's almost laughable. It's so insane. And of course I'm not going to let them do anything like that...The WHO has now become an instrument for China, for the 'Billionaire Boys Club' in Davos, for the pharmaceutical industry and for the big ag industry. And those are the issues that it promotes...I'm going to make sure that the WHO...becomes a health organization again. Otherwise I won't fund them."

Watch the entire historical town hall event only on http://www.Unite.live here: https://unite.live/health-freedom-advocacy-center/stand-for-health-freedom-130/17-sep-17-00-conversations-that-unite-an-interactive-townhall?video_id=1066

?Special thanks to @TheChiefNerd for creating this clip

1 year, 5 months ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Changes He Would Make to the Vaccine Injury Courts

"That court is a kangaroo court that just represents the interests of pharmaceutical companies and does everything it can to avoid actually paying compensation...I'm going to change the judges, which I can do, to make sure that people get quickly compensated and that they get fairly compensated...I think if you actually compensate people, it will go bankrupt overnight."

Watch the full replay of this historical interview conducted by Stand for Health Freedom on Sept. 17th, 2023 in Los Angeles, CA: https://unite.live/health-freedom-advocacy-center/stand-for-health-freedom-130/17-sep-17-00-conversations-that-unite-an-interactive-townhall?video_id=1066

Clip reposted from @ChiefNerd

1 year, 5 months ago

? Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the New Tricks the DNC is Pulling, Says He May Need to ‘Look at Other Alternatives’

“They’ve made rules that if any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied. In other words any delegate that I win in New Hampshire or Iowa would go instead to the President…If you add up all the super-delegates that they control, and all of the automatic delegates that just go to the party, I would have to win almost 80% of all the states”



1 year, 5 months ago

? The Crowd Goes Wild in Brooklyn As Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says He's Going to End Pharma Advertising

"I'm running against the entire infrastructure, including the intelligence agencies, including big agriculture, including the big pharmaceutical companies, and the media who is either aligned with the DNC or largely dependent on pharmaceutical advertising. And they know that on day one, I am signing an executive order banning pharmaceutical advertising. They will never support me. They're always going to be against me because I'm going to cost them money."



1 year, 5 months ago


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Sayer Ji on X

Biden's refusal to provide Bobby Secret Service protection is beyond egregious considering his family's history and the way he has been subject to 14 years of non-stop coordinated defamation. Learn more about the situation and his campaign here: https://t.co/fnWdYABpFk

1 year, 5 months ago



(POLL) 33% of Democrats might vote for RFK Jr. as third-party candidate | Sharyl Attkisson

RFK Jr. for President 2024 (Official)
1 year, 5 months ago
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Reklama: @instaszef 💸

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Cenzura jest każdej że stron.Będę tu wrzucał ważne info .Mam nadzieję że przyczynię się w minimalnym stopniu dla dobra ludzi.Przedewszystkim nie szkodzić

Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

🇪🇺 Europejskie wiadomości bez cenzury.

🥷🏻Kanał widzów kanału Dziki Zachód

Last updated 2 weeks ago