Red Pill Pusher Decodes & Habbenings

Just a patriot gobbling up crumbs, connecting the dots and pushing red pills

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

9 months ago

Roaring Kitty just posted his position. Remember he was the one that told us about Gamestop originally. He could have walked away with 55 million dollars he made from it but he didn't, he held on to his shares

Not only did he hold...but he increased his position massively.

BTW, I don't endorse this guy Ian Carroll or his language...but I definitely support Roaring Kitty aka Deep F**king Value aka Keith Gill.


9 months ago
Red Pill Pusher Decodes & Habbenings
9 months ago
Red Pill Pusher Decodes & Habbenings
11 months, 3 weeks ago

Part 3

11 months, 3 weeks ago

Part 2

11 months, 3 weeks ago

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

1 year ago

I wonder how the March 11 expiration of the Fed emergency bank lending program will impact banks who borrowed heavily under the program to make loans to increase their profits???

Will certain banks have sufficient liquidity to use their own money to make loans or will lending tighten or dry up if they can no longer borrow from the Fed under the soon to expire bank lending program???

Will there be more foreclosures by banks to increase their liquidity???

Will interest rates be increased yet higher by banks to increase their liquidity???

Are we on the road to another banking crisis???

Only time will tell.

It always does.

Lin ?❤️??


1 year ago

Alex Jones Speaking of PDJT: “If they kill him it’s best case scenario” Ivan: “ It’s gonna be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing” ?

1 year ago

I have a feeling its just going to be banks connected to the Central Banks...not local credit unions or anything like that.  By us buying and holding certain overshorted stocks, we have forced corrupt hedge funds and the Central Banks that are aligned with hemorrhage money.  They are keeping this market propped up to avoid being margin called.  A MC could decimate them due to the infinite losses that could occur.  Remember, the Cabal's original goal was to destroy the economy and usher in the new banking system based on CBDC.   I truly believe us shareholders of things like Gamestop, BBBQ, DWAC and other highly shorted stocks are actually keeping the market afloat.  They have no choice but to pump it to increase the value of their collateral...or face margin call.  The more they pump it, the more obvious to everyone its being artificially inflated...but to normies they will think its because its an election year and Biden wants to have the appearance of a good market that is hitting all time highs under his administration.  Trump is helping to push this narrative.   So they can either pump to delay margin call which will result in them being further exposed as market manipulators via the pump or they can let it fall and get margin called and the entire central banking system potentially go belly up.

And I think Q team has a plan for when it looks like its going belly up.

TheY are fooked either way you slice it.  The Central Banking Cartel is toast.  Its just a matter of time and that time is just around the corner it seems.  FOMC meeting this afternoon I believe.

Haha, what an incredible time to be alive!

1 year, 2 months ago

In your opinion, what should the punishment be for traffickers of the drug adrenochrome???

Lin ?❤️??


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