#筲箕灣 站連接
L1 號升降機
現已換成高速升降機,方便有需要乘客使用 ♿️
➡️ metroride.hk/liftoutage
The Lift L1 connecting
Concourse and
all Platforms
at Shau Kei Wan
has been replaced as a high speed lift and provides a step free access for passengers in need ♿️
Other lifts pending for replacement / overhaul
➡️ metroride.hk/liftoutage
#香港 站連接
大堂 和 月台 3 / 4 - 往東涌之
PL02 號升降機
將由 7 月 5 日(星期五)起預計停用至 2025 年 2 月底,以更換成高速升降機 ⛓ ⚙️
ℹ️ 有需要乘客可重新計劃行程,經荃灣綫或其他行車綫接駁,繼續前往目的地
➡️ metroride.hk/liftoutage
The Lift PL02 connecting
Platform 3 / 4 - to Tung Chung
at Hong Kong will be suspended from 5/Jul (Fri) and is estimated to be re-opened in late-Feb/2025 for the high-speed lift installation work ⛓ ⚙️
ℹ️ Passengers who require step-free access may re-plan their journey with Tsuen Wan Line or other MTR lines' connections and then continue to destinations
Other lifts pending for replacement / overhaul
➡️ metroride.hk/liftoutage
✅ 17:48
Following signal failure, residue delays on Tsuen Wan Line are ending gradually
按「法定票價調整機制」實施的新車資,將於 6 月 30 日(星期日)生效
約有 80% 乘客的車費調整是 $0.4 以下,而現有所有常設優惠仍然會繼續 ✨
詳情 ➡️ metroride.hk/CheckFares
New MTR fares bought by the Fare Adjustment Mechanism come into effect from 30/Jun (Sun) ?
About 80% of passengers' fare adjustments being below $0.4, and all existing long-terms offers will continue
Details ➡️ metroride.hk/CheckFares
南港島綫、東鐵綫、東涌綫均會於 6 月 29 日(星期六)加開班車,方便乘客於假日前後外出
預料今日亦會有較多乘客使用邊境車站,出發前請善用科技計劃行程 ? ?
表定列車服務水平 ? metroride.hk/TrainsPerHour
Extra services will operate on South Island, East Rail and Tung Chung Lines on 29/Jun (Sat) for your convenience to travel at holiday times
Stations at the boundary are expected to be busier than usual. Plan your journey in advance and keep an eye on travel updates? ?
Scheduled train service levels
? metroride.hk/2uCgDes
#筲箕灣 站出口 A3 - 公共運輸交匯處 現已重新啟用
? metroride.hk/3X5fLtI
Shau Kei Wan Station Exit A3 - Public Transport Interchange has now re-opened with new stairs and escalators installed for passengers' convenience to change other transport and reach Shau Kei Wan Road via footbridge connections
Exit locations of Shau Kei Wan Station
? metroride.hk/3X5fLtI
#黃竹坑 站出口 C - THE SOUTHSIDE 現已啟用,方便乘客前往接鄰之商場及多座住宅
黃竹坑出站出口位置 ➡️ metroride.hk/4ex1Y5k
Wong Chuk Hang Station Exit C - THE SOUTHSIDE has now opened for passengers' convenience to the mall and residences nearby
Exit locations of Wong Chuk Hang Station
➡️ metroride.hk/4ex1Y5k
機場快綫於 6 月 17 日(星期一)晚加開班車,方便更多乘客由機場前往市區
Extra Airport Express services at 17/Jun(Mon)night to convey passengers from Airport to City
旅途.唔應該俾無電而限制 ?
位於 #九龍塘、 #旺角 、 #九龍灣 、
#深水埗 、 #太古 、 #香港 站大堂嘅 iCentre 除設有供流動裝置的免費充電服務外,現時都加咗電動輪椅專用插座 ♿️ ♿️
插上充電插頭前,請先將電動輪椅停好,並轉為熄機狀態,而每節充電時間為15 分鐘
請使用 ➡️ metroride.hk/callSCR 的全自動功能
聯絡車站職員幫手 ?
Sockets for charging powered wheelchairs has been added to the iCentre in the concourse at Kowloon Tong, Mong Kok, Kowloon Bay, Sham Shui Po, Tai Koo and Hong Kong apart from free charging services for mobile devices
Please turn off your wheelchair before plugging it into the socket while each charging session is 15 mins
Use ➡️ metroride.hk/callSCR when you need staff assistance