#香港 站嘅市區預辦登機櫃位
將由 2 月 24 日(星期一)起同時服務 #新加坡航空 嘅乘客
你可以喺航班起飛前 24 小時至 90 分鐘,辦理登機手續,或者用智能登機櫃檯以自助方式為行李寄艙 📲 🧳
詳情 👉 metroride.hk/ITCI
In-town Check-in counters at Hong Kong will also serve passengers flying with Singapore Airlines from 24/Feb (Mon)
You can check-in your flights between 90 mins and 24 hrs ahead of the scheduled flight departure time here
Self-bag-drop is also available through smart counters
Details 👉 metroride.hk/ITCI
將軍澳綫由 2 月 23 日(星期日)起加強逢星期日的列車服務
方便乘客於假日出行並接駁不同行車綫 🚇 🔄
👉 metroride.hk/TrainsPerHour
More Tseung Kwan O Line trains will run every Sunday from 23/Feb (Sun) for passengers' convenience to travel on holiday or connecting other MTR Lines
Scheduled train service levels
👉 metroride.hk/2CzV4gR
Tsuen Wan Line services are unable to receive proceed signal near Admiralty
Trains are required to be driven manually at a slow speed
Engineers are inspecting relevant signalling components
#筲箕灣 站出口 A3 - 公共運輸交匯處 現已重新啟用
? metroride.hk/3X5fLtI
Shau Kei Wan Station Exit A3 - Public Transport Interchange has now re-opened with new stairs and escalators installed for passengers' convenience to change other transport and reach Shau Kei Wan Road via footbridge connections
Exit locations of Shau Kei Wan Station
? metroride.hk/3X5fLtI